Questions tagged [user-feedback]

94 questions
7 answers

Customer Feedback Alternative to UserVoice?

We are currently hosting an ASP.NET MVC application and we wish to incorporate a turn-key customer feedback system. UserVoice will absolutely meet our needs, but we'd like to consider alternatives before moving forward. GetSatification appears to…
Ben Griswold
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4 answers

Application-Integrated "Send Feedback"

I'm looking for an .jar or library project that will allow users of my application to easily send feedback from inside the application about their experience. As asked in this question, I am looking for something similar to the crash reporting tool…
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7 answers

What's the most irrational user behaviour you have witnessed?

While novice software designers expect their users to behave rationally, it's far from being the case ; I've seen many times the user perception being totally disconnected from reality, or it's feedback obviously irrational. I think we are the one…
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8 answers

How to get user feedback?

I am developing a web application, which is still in initial stages.I have put it on web for public to use.Should I use uservoice for feedback(free account)? What are the alternatives?
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3 answers

Launch FeedbackActivity in my application like in Android Hangouts

I would like to launch for my application. Like it happens in Hangouts application. Does anyone knows which extras I need to pass to do so?
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3 answers

Google Developer Console: How to see all ratings in review list?

In Google Play Developer Console I currently can see only the user feedbacks which have reviews submitted along with the rating. But I cannot see the ones with only rating (no review). I can see some of those through the Play Store itself (by…
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4 answers

How to Get End-User (Client) Feedback on Custom Development Projects

My company is a custom development shop for a number of projects, some larger and some smaller. Currently we handle all of our client communication through email. So we email a design doc, they mark it up and send it back. Then we roll out a beta…
Noah Goodrich
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3 answers

Create Feedback Form in android

I am creating a feedback form in my app. This is what I want : When the user fills the feedback form and then clicks on Submit button, the user information is then sent to my email address without asking the user to log into his/her account i.e.…
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0 answers

Framework or service like Votebox

I love the Votebox section on the support site for Dropbox. It lets users suggest features and prioritize development. I always assumed it was powered by a third-party service (kind of like, but from what I can tell it's…
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3 answers

Rails feedback form: How to get the url for the current page?

I am working with David Francisco's rails feedback plugin. The plugin works fine, except for one thing - I would need the feedback form to submit to the database the url for the page where the feedback form was used. Does anyone know how to do…
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1 answer

How to show the "Send feedback to X" dialog?

Background Some of Google's apps allow you to send feedback from within the app, instead of going to the play store. For example this one (of this app) : compare this to the original one: The question Is it possible to open this dialog? If so,…
android developer
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3 answers

How can I Export user reviews from Android Play

I'd like to export the full text and details of user reviews on Google Play. The export button on the statistics page allows to export device and rating but it does not export the text. I'd like to be able to search the text for things like "doesn't…
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2 answers

What tools do you use to see where your users are struggling/seeing errors w/ your site?

I'm working on a site and am getting feedback from a lot of well-meaning users along the lines of: "It's not working for me". I'd like to be able to get detailed feedback from them on what they were doing, where, with what browser, etc. These…
Jeff D
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6 answers

Could you please provide me with comments on a Java game of mine?

I have marked this question as community wiki, so no rep points are thrown around. I made this game, Forest Defender, a proof-of-feasibility little project, which I would like to share with you and collect your constructive comments, first…
Peter Perháč
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2 answers

Store users' comments to data points in d3js graphs

We need to find or build from scratch a tool, that will collect users' feedback on graphs they look at. Scientists commenting some obtained distributions is a typical example. Generally speaking, this should be some kind of collective discussion…
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