Questions tagged [usb-camera]

37 questions
2 answers

How to build list of tasks for asyncio.gather in Python 3.8

Below I have attached a test program to demonstrate a problem I am having with asyncio.gather throwing a TypeError. My objective: To make multiple concurrent asynchronous calls to capture camera images to files from an array of USB cameras attached…
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Access an external USB camera from the webview in Android

I have a webview in my Android app. From the webview, I am able to access default camera on the phone. The following code works fine. webview.setWebChromeClient(new WebChromeClient(){ // Need to accept permissions to use the camera …
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How do I access my USB camera using OpenCV with python?

I am having trouble accessing my USB camera using OpenCV with python. I get the following error message which I understand means no frame was captured? error: OpenCV(3.4.1)…
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How to decrease frame rate of USB webcam 2.0 using openCV python

I am working on ubuntu 16.04 and using a USB 2.0 webcam. I want to decrease the frame rate somehow since the project I'm working on requires face detection which really lags the video hence want to decrease the frame rate. I've tried implementing…
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Change bitrate of USB camera

I use ELP USB camera with h264-codec output. Ffmpeg-command to take the video stream: ffmpeg -i /dev/video1 -c:v copy output.ts As result I have a video with 4Mb bitrate - this value is too high for my task. There is the same situation when I use…
Nick Saw
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How can I sniff ethernet iOS traffic

I have a USB camera that does work with iOS devices on a specific application made by the manufacturer. When connected, it creates an ethernet interface for which I'm always assigned the same IP address and then when launching the app the camera…
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Live streaming USB camera to AWS Kinesis-Video-Stream using 'PutMedia' API

I am using python to live stream USB camera directly to kinesis-video-stream. While trying to implement 'PutMedia' API from aws (link), although I was able to upload a locally stored video referring to the following code here. Here is my slightly…
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Why does v4l2src error message not propragate through pipeline that contains queue element?

I am trying to build a gstreamer pipeline that takes a video stream from h264 USB camera and does something with it (display it on screen, record it to a file, ect.). If an error occures in pipeline, I would like to print it out and terminate the…
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capturing fps drops with lower resolution opencv

I have a USB camera that is able to record 60 fps. I am using openCV with simple python code on Windows to capture some videos however it is not going all smoothly! My main problem is that, if I set the [width, height] properties to the maximum the…
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Using OpenCV to connect to USB camera

For some reason, my script fails to recognize the USB camera connected (MU500), it does, however, recognize and display my other camera which is an analog converted to USB camera. The below script is a portion of the GUI that runs and displays the…
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How to convert ueyesrc buffer to opengl texture?

I'm trying to make a UI-3370CP-C-HQ R2 Camera work on a Coral DevBoard with gstreamer. Since the camera is no standard v4l2 camera, I downloaded and compiled the ueyesrc gst plugin ( on the devboard. In…
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automatic /dev/video* assignment on Linux

I need to connect multiple USB cameras to my linux sytem. At any time given the cameras could be connected or disconnected from the system. They are all compatible with video4linux, so the connected ones are in /dev/video* (* being 0,1,2...). Is…
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i built opencv through python 3 in ubuntu 18.04. I'm trying to capture the video through a camera and display it using VideoCapture() and imshow

As i said I am trying to capture the video through cv2.VideoCapture(0) that use internal webcam and display it using cv2.imshow followed by the cv2.waitKey(1) and it works perfectly fine. However, when i try to use cv2.VideoCapture(1, cv2.CAP_V4L2)…
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Grab timed out. : TimeoutException thrown (file 'InstantCameraImpl.h', line 1064) in pypylon usb camera frame grabing

Code is simple image grabing python code from 6 different camera. Code runs perfectly at start but after sometime randomly in one of the camera grabtimee out exception is thrown. The error is not related to any specific camera. #MV record…
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How to solve the VIDIOC_STREAMON: No space left on device error when running two USB cameras on nano pi M4 (ubuntu 18.04)?

I tried to run two usb cameras on nano pi M4 with a ubuntu 18.04 system, but an error popped up "VIDIOC_STREAMON: No space left on device". I've tried the following methods, but the same error popped up. capture1.set(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_WIDTH,…
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