Questions tagged [urlrequest]

226 questions
6 answers

What is the most robust way to force a UIView to redraw?

I have a UITableView with a list of items. Selecting an item pushes a viewController that then proceeds to do the following. from method viewDidLoad I fire off a URLRequest for data that is required by on of my subviews - a UIView subclass with…
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9 answers

Flex 3 - how to support HTTP Authentication URLRequest?

I have a Flex file upload script that uses URLRequest to upload files to a server. I want to add support for http authentication (password protected directories on the server), but I don't know how to implement this - I assume I need to extend the…
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3 answers

Swift URL Session and URL Request not working

I am getting very similar problems to this post, but I don't fully understand the answer. I've created a completion handler, but it doesn't seem to be working as expected. func updateTeam(teamID: Int) { startConnection {NSArray, Int in …
D. Cohen
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iOS Yelp OAuth Token Retrieval with URLRequest returning "client_id or client_secret parameters not found

I am attempting to retrieve an OAuth token to use Yelp's Fusion API from an iOS client using the native URL and URLRequest classes, but it is giving me this error in the "tokenInfo" variable: client_id or client_secret parameters not found. Make…
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2 answers

URLRequest equality doesn't include httpBody

Overview There are 2 URLRequests, one with httpBody and one with no httpBody. However when compared, it shows both are equal. Question Is this expected behaviour or am I missing something ? Code let url = URL(string: "")! var r1…
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URLSession on Linux giving different result than on iOS

I've got a simple class making a HTTP POST request (to a Neo4j server, but that shouldn't matter) using URLSession, and an integration test that tests that it succeeds. Through Xcode, via the iOS simulator, I can run this test a million times - it…
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1 answer

URLSession dataTask timeout error

I am currently experiencing some issues regarding the URLSession, while trying to post data to my web server. This however, works perfectly. What seems to not work, is the timeout I have set. This is rather crucial for my whole app, as I don't want…
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How do I fix this cross-domain ActionScript 3 error?

I'm going to be as specific and verbose as possible and include some of the code I'm using. I already did a search and found this question, which seems similar; however the author there was using ActionScript 2 instead of 3, and I couldn't seem to…
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3 answers

Unexpected Flash Security Exception When Using URLLoader

What I am trying to accomplish is to upload some binary data, specifically a ByteArray representing a PNG image, to a server using the URLLoader class in conjunction with URLRequest. When I set the contentType property of the URLRequest to…
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1 answer

Set Cookies for URL Request

Currently I have an iOS app that pulls prices and data from websites. So far its been working well, but I want to make it more accurate. To do so, I need to set the cookies for the URL request that I'm currently using String(contentsOf: _)…
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3 answers

How do I prevent Flash's URLRequest from escaping the url?

I load some XML from a servlet from my Flex application like this: _loader = new URLLoader(); _loader.load(new URLRequest(_servletURL+"?do=load&id="+_id)); As you can imagine _servletURL is something like In some…
Peldi Guilizzoni
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When POSTing a form with URLRequest, how to include cookies from browser session?

(With reference to this answer:) When I POST with a URLRequest, does it automatically include cookies from the browser session in which Flash is hosted? If not, how can I make it include them, or if necessary retrieve them and include them myself?
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0 answers

RxAlamofire cannot use with URLRequest

I'm using RxAlamofire to create my observable. I have build the URLRequest. normally with Alamofire we can use like Alamofire.request(urlRequest) but seem with RxAlamofire I can not use RxAlamofire.requet(urlRequest) Here is my function func…
Lê Khánh Vinh
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1 answer

Swift 3 - How to handle URLRequest / URLSession errors?

I want to know how you guys handle errors when using a URLRequest in your app. How do you go about notifying your users that an error has occurred? Do you even notify your users at all? Do you try and reload the URLRequest again? Do you tell your…
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4 answers

How to bypass "Adobe Flash Player has stopped a potentially unsafe operation."?

I have created an advent calendar for the blog of a friend, and to fetch/get/download the gifts of each day, the flash animation requests a file located at "". While creating the file in Flash CS4 and trying…
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