Questions tagged [unwind-segue]

Unwind segues give a way to "unwind" the navigation stack back through push, modal, popover, and other types of segues. use unwind segues to "go back" one or more steps in navigation hierarchy. Unlike a normal segue, which create a new instance of their destination view controller and transitions to it, an unwind segue transitions to an existing view controller in navigation hierarchy. use these callbacks to pass data between the view controllers.

312 questions
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Unwind segue in multiple storyboards environment

My app has more than two storyboards. In storyboard A, it has navigation view controller, root view controller and several view controllers. It also has an unwind segue, like returnToTopScreen. Storyboard B has several view controllers. At…
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Unwinding multiple ModalViewControllers using Unwind Segue

I have a a project that displays multiple view controllers. The ViewController A is the Root. A presents B using a Modal presentation. B presents C using a Modal presentation, and so on. I have an Unwind segue that unwinds back to the root, however…
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How to lookup or aggregate a field of an object in an array of javascript objects (in mongodb)?

I want have the field contractType in my mongoose schema, is an array of objects that each one has the property authorizedBy into the second level. contractType field could have many items and I want to know each authorizedBy finding it in other…
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Unwind segue is not found when unwinding from tableview Swift

I'm having a crash when unwinding from RouteTableViewControllerto AlarmAddEditViewController. in console I see the message : *** Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSInvalidArgumentException', reason: 'Receiver…
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How do you conditionally modify a UINavigationController's back-stack to skip previous entries regardless of where you came from?

We're trying to figure out how to conditionally exclude certain screens in our back-stack when navigating backwards. For instance, take the following screens: Main Dashboard (You can go to 2 or 3 from here) Order Management (you can go to 3 or 6…
Mark A. Donohoe
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View controller doesn't show due to another presented view haven't finish.

This is my first question, hope it won't be too stupid. Here is my app: VC1 VC2 - ChatTableViewController VC3 - PopupPhotoSourceVC VC1 - a button to present VC2 modally VC2 - a "Bar" button to present VC3 modally (VC3 presentation set to "Over…
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Swift - Delegate through Nav Controller

I'm going to include my full code in this but I will try to give pointers to where the relevant bits are. Basically I am returning to a view controller from an Unwind Segue with some new data. I am using that data successfully in the 'NBARotoHome'…
Louie Sankey
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Is it possible to use an unwind segue from a single modal view controller back to one of multiple instances of the same source view controller?

My Storyboard layout is such that I have MainVC connected to ModalVC via a segue that presents it modally. However, programmatically, at runtime, I instantiate five instances of MainVC in total. As a result, all five instances of MainVC, with the…
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How do I use an unwind Segue to pass data back from the second view controller to the first view controller?

I have created two view controllers. The first view controller sends a name to the second view controller where the name is used to greet the user and prompt the user for their height in inches. The problem I am having is in sending the height…
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3 answers

Unwind Segue Navigation Bar Button Xcode 8.0 Swift 3.0

I want to create an app in Xcode 8.0 that lets the user press a bar button item in the navigation bar. Once this button has been clicked an unwind segue will take place whilst also printing, "helloWorld" to the output section at the bottom of Xcode.…
2 answers

Error when using unwind segue with UISearchController

I have a Navigation Controller with a UITableViewController. When a user selects a cell on the TableViewController, it pushes to a new View Controller with a Table View inside. The user then selects a cell and the data gets passed back via an unwind…
2 answers

unwind segue in UIAlert not working

I am trying to present an alert to the user if they need to be logged in to access a feature but when I press the login button in the alert self.self.performSegueWithIdentifier("tryonToLogin", sender:self) does not appear to do anything.…
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Come back to the tabBarController, swift

Currently on my viewController : Upload, my button send the data to my database only if all the information are filled out, and I come back to the preview view (table View) with : self.navigationController?.popViewControllerAnimated(true) I would…
1 answer

Unwind Segue - Where to Drag Exit?

I am trying to understand how the unwind segue works. First I created 3 ViewControllers. GlobalVC -LoginVC -RegisterVC I set the initial page the GlobalVC (only authenticated user can see). I set a segue from: GlobalVC to LoginVC called…
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Unwind segue stopped working in iOS9 > Freeze with no crash

I have an iOS application with a main view controller that presents 2 modals in a row. So this kind of sequence: VC1 > M1 > M2 I have an unwind segue in modal 2 which I want to use jump back to VC1. In VC1 I added an…
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