Questions tagged [unwind-segue]

Unwind segues give a way to "unwind" the navigation stack back through push, modal, popover, and other types of segues. use unwind segues to "go back" one or more steps in navigation hierarchy. Unlike a normal segue, which create a new instance of their destination view controller and transitions to it, an unwind segue transitions to an existing view controller in navigation hierarchy. use these callbacks to pass data between the view controllers.

312 questions
2 answers

unwind segue not triggering

I have been learning swift and have made the foundation of most of my app. I have the following storyboard app storyboard Everything works fine. For example, I have an unwind segue on the add course view controller that triggers when you press save…
Baz M
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1 answer

How to create Unwind segue programmatically

I make an application using no storyboard and in this part of my app I need to create a unwind segue from ThirdViewController to FirstViewController programmatically only. I know how to do it using sotorybard but can't find any solution how to do it…
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Segue prepared but performance fails without exception

I have two views, A and B with a modal segue between them. The controller of A has @IBAction func unwindSegue(segue: UIStoryboardSegue) defined. I am trying to perform the unwind segue (back from view B to A) programatically which fails without…
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How to perform unwind segue without animation?

How do i perform unwind segue without any animation. I tried setting up a unwind segue and in the storyboard on the right side unchecking "Animates" but its still animated(it slides down), how can i fix that?
1 answer

What is equivelant of Unwind segue in Android Development

I am used to IOS development and there are unwind segues in Swift to exit to a certain view controller from the present view controller. (If there is any) What is equivelant of Unwind segue in Android Development? What should I do to go back to a…
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how to close all view controllers that presented modally inFront of each other with unwind segue in swift?

so I have a main view controller that the view controllers will present inFront of each other and I want when user click the button in the last view controller close all of the presented modally view controllers so I used this code But I didn't get…
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how do you use unwind segue when you have multiple ViewController that calls it

I started learning iOS/Swift recently and wondering how to use unwind segue. Assume the following view controller A, B, C, E, F, X, BB, BBB C -> A -> E C -> B -> BB -> E C -> B -> BBB -> E C -> D -> E F -> X -> E How do I use unwind segue to go…
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The app crashes after view is dismissed through navigation controller?

After the view is dismissed in a navigation controller the app crashes is it possible to reload the cell during a navigation controller unwind. After the a segue if the flip button is tapped the camera changes but when the camera button is tapped…
1 answer

How to find when UIViewController is popped off the stack Swift 3

On a UINavigationController I have two view controllers 1 and 2. There is a Show segue from 1 to 2 and one programmatic unwind segue (control+drag from the scene's view controller icon to its exit icon) from 2 to 1. How can I know when the 2 is…
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Is there a way to create an unwind segue programatically?

I want to extend the view controller to have an unwind segue. I know how to create an unwind segue via the storyboard but I do not want to create an unwind segue for every view controller. I already know how to do this, what I am asking for is how…
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How to pop back to a view in a different navigation controller?

I want to create the following user flow in my Swift application: User clicks a button A modal view pops over with a choice. The user selects a choice. A second view appears with another choice (using a "show" transition, so the user can press…
Duncan Jones
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2 answers

Unwind segue WITHOUT Storyboards using Swift

I can't seem to find a solution for this problem. All topics on unwind segues that I've found implement the segue via storyboards. I am trying to learn how to make my layouts purely in code. So in my new Xcode projects, I am deleting the storyboard…
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Using a UISearchController in a UITableView with an unwind segue on cell selection

I have a UITableViewController that has a cell which drills down to another UITableViewController displaying a large dataset. To improve usability I have added a UISearchController to the view. When the search is completed the user should click the…
1 answer

How do I use SWRevealViewController with unwind segues?

I have a sequence of views that are pushed on top of each other on a Navigation Controller. I would like to do two things with these views: To open the Rear menu view from all of them; To be able to navigate back the stack using Unwind segues. I…
Felipe Ferri
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1 answer

Why does my unwind segue go back too far?

I'm trying to create the controller architecture for the signup process of my app. Below is an image of the current state: The app starts at a login page the first time and if the user clicks "SignUp", a navigation controller is presented modally…
Ever Uribe
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