Questions tagged [unwind-segue]

Unwind segues give a way to "unwind" the navigation stack back through push, modal, popover, and other types of segues. use unwind segues to "go back" one or more steps in navigation hierarchy. Unlike a normal segue, which create a new instance of their destination view controller and transitions to it, an unwind segue transitions to an existing view controller in navigation hierarchy. use these callbacks to pass data between the view controllers.

312 questions
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Perform code when unwind segue with back button

I want to perform some code when the segue goes back one step. For example, when the back button gets selected, I want to perform some code. I can't create a new unwind action from the back button because there is no back button in the storyboard.…
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Navigation bar not dismissed on unwinding segue when UISearchDisplay is shown

I have a secondary screen in an app reached by a custom segue. I programmatically unwind the segue by calling: [self.navigationController popViewControllerAnimated:YES]; that for some reason worked fine, notwithstanding the segue was a custom…
Fabrizio Bartolomucci
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Crash after unwind segue due to location manager

I have several viewcontrollers which unwind to the root viewcontroller. With most of the viewcontrollers the unwind segue works well without crashing the app. Only the viewcontrollers using a CLlocationmanager cannot perform the unwind segue to the…
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Turn a Push unwind segue into a modal unwind segue

I have a view that gets pushed onto the navigation stack, when the view gets dismissed (using a storyboard unwind segue) I want it to be dismissed with a modal segue. I've tried subclassing the navigation controller and implementing…
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Close own uiviewcontroller after segue to child uiviewcontroller ios?

I have three UIViewControllers (let's call them A, B and C) in a navigation controller. A can segue into either B or C. B can segue into C. When C closes, I want it to always return to A, i.e. it automatically closes B upon closing C, if opened from…
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Unwind segue to child view controllers not behaving as expected

Unwind segues seem not to behave as expected in iOS 8.1 when combined with a modal view and container view. Here's the view controller hierarchy for the test project which can be found on github: Tapping on the "tap me" button pushes the modal view…
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Undesirable animation with unwind segue with nested modal view controllers

I have the view controllers architecture as shown here To unwind from srcVC to dstVC, control-drag a button to an unwind action exitToImageEditVC:. The srcVC gets dismissed and dstVC appears when I press appropriate button. But the issue is the…
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Trying To Unwind a Custom Segue Using UIViewAnimationOptionTransitionFlipFromLeft

I have a custom segue: -(void)perform { __block UIViewController *sourceViewController = (UIViewController*)[self sourceViewController]; __block UIViewController *destinationController = (UIViewController*)[self…
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Unwind Segue doesn't throw error but dosen't perform the segue

I am working with 2 viewcontrollers and I am simply trying to do an unwind segue between the second and first viewcontrollers. My code for performing the segue does not throw any errors, but also dosen't do anything. -(void) tableView:(UITableView…
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Unwind to a viewController that is not in the current navigation view controller chain

I have the following scenes in the storyboard VC1 => NavC => VC2 => VC3 => VC4 I programmatically segue from VC1 to either VC2 or VC3 based on a condition (I am doing that by instantiating NavC and change the viewControllers array). Now I would…
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Change rootViewController from unwindSegue

I have a MenuViewController which is normally the rootviewcontroller. I use - (IBAction)backToMenu:(UIStoryboardSegue*)unwindSegue { } to go back to this view controller from other view controllers. However, if the user launches the app by…
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Unwind Push Segue from UITableViewCell tap

I'm trying to unwind a push segue when the user taps a UITableViewCell, but the main issue is how can I make an unwind segue to perform if I cant physically make it in interface builder. I have tried dragging from the Orange Viewcontroller square to…
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UIWebView: Sending data back to previous controller using unwind segues without button

Say, for instance I have a UIWebview. If I get the status code of 404, then I want to return some data to the previous view controller so that it knows to refresh the list of webpages. I heard about unwind segues. However, everything that I have…
Sandy D.
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Storyboard - Popping to a View Controller then Pushing Causes multiple pushes

In Objective C / iOS; We have a process similar to this (set up in xcode storyboard); Menu View Controller -> Enter in a code -> Process/Validate -> Present a Failed Code page The (->) arrows signify a push segue setup in storyboard When in failed…
1 answer

iOS: How to Stay at Current View When Criteria Invalid, even Done Button is Pressed

I have one view controller embedded in with navigation controller, implemented some simple feature with Picker View. I also have one bar button which uses unwind segue connected to Exit. When user presses that "Done" button, it will go back to the…
Rui Huang
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