Questions tagged [twilio-api]

Twilio provides a bunch of APIs for services like Chat, Voice, SMS, Fax. Any issues or problem faced related to those APIs, this tag will be used.

The Twilio REST API allows you to develop Chat applications, Applications with SMS, Fax and Voice capabilities. There are separate micro-services (REST API group) and SDKs hosted on twilio site and any issues related to the API and SDK can be tagged using this Tag.

1806 questions
2 answers

Handling 3 call queues in twilio in an elegant way

I'd love some advice on my twilio setup for a problem I'm trying to solve. Overview A client can call our twilio number and have one of three cases to handle: - is our client and has a question - should be transfered to CC queue (2ppl), - wants to…
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1 answer

Twili Studio: gather_input

I'm trying to design an IVR flow with Twilio Studio. When I use the gather_input widget, is there any way to not say anything? If I leave the "Text to say" field blank, the widget times out and the call gets terminated.
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Twilio Functions - Understanding customer voice through a outbound call using ASR

I need to automatically make calls for customers and start a interaction with them through voice. Basically, when the customer pickup the phone, my "robot" will ask: "Hey, it seems you didn't finish your order. Would you like to finish by phone?"…
1 answer

Gather digit from twilio call and send to webhook

I need to implement a way for call recipients to unsubscribe from calls made from my system. To do this, I added a line in my script that says "press 9 if you no longer wish to receive these calls.". When the recipient presses 9, I would like for…
1 answer

Multiple sequential outgoing calls in a single session

I have this scenario, where a user will select multiple contacts from CRM. He will click start calling, crm will generate a pin, user will call an incoming twilio number, enter the pin, if the pin is correct, the session will start and the call will…
1 answer

Twilio voice calls - error 422

I am developing an application where I'd like to implement masked numbers between users. The idea is... Assume that you want to call me. Instead of seeing my number via the dashboard and/or order show page, you get a "Call" button. When you click…
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1 answer

Twilio - Masked Numbers

I am developing an application where I'd like to implement masked numbers between users. The idea is... Assume that you want to call me. Instead of seeing my number via the dashboard and/or order show page, you get a "Call" button. When you click…
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1 answer

Cheapest Product to Add Programmatic Audio To A Conference

I am using for telephony, in the U.S. I have an existing CONFERENCE, and I want to add arbitrary pre-recorded audio to it, at certain times. I am aware of the "call out to yourself from yourself, then use PLAY or SAY" technique. Is…
1 answer

Twilio - create conference if first cal is answered

I'm trying to find the best way how to achieve these: Call a number, if answered call a second number and join both in a conference My initial idea is to call number like in below script $call = $client->calls->create( $from, $participant, …
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2 answers

Twilio - Bypass ".json not found" in php

I am trying to check for toll-free numbers, and it is working as expected. However, my problem is that some countries don't have the TollFree numbers. Using the same code on these countries throws a 404 error and stops the code there. The only way…
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2 answers

Best way to check if Twilio authentication is successful with JS SDK

What is the best way to check if Twilio auht_token, account_sid are correct and sms can be sent, number checked? Some call which doesn't cost extra credits? E.g. I see on RESTfull documentation but…
Lukas Liesis
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1 answer

how can i get Twilio callStatus using STATUS CALLBACK URL

I am making a voip call through Twilio based on TwiML that is being generated dynamically from server. Sometimes when i call a user and user is not available i do not get any status back from Twilio. According to Twilio's documentation i set 'STATUS…
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2 answers

Special Characters in TWIML verb

I have a verb I need to read in spanish. However, the Twilio .Net parser is failing with Invalid character in the given encoding. The line that's failing (edited for brevity) is: > cita para la instalación de…
1 answer

Twilio with different alphanumeric sender id

I'm currently testing programmable sms from its website with an upgraded account. I've sent two SMS the alphanumeric sender id for the first one INFO and the other one is MxSMS using the same number. The question is, why is twilio using two…
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1 answer

Twilio : Not able to set channel attribute

I am using twilio chat sdk in my iPhone application, on twilio website I have settled role permission editChannelAttributes is true for creator. and trying to set attribute like …
Shubham bairagi
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