Questions tagged [tvos10]

Use this tag for version specific questions about tvOS 10 - the operating system developed by Apple for the Apple TV. When using this tag also include the more generic [tvos] tag where possible.

39 questions
1 answer

Error occurs on tvos 10.0

I am working on tvos application , it is working fine on 10.1 (newer version) but it gives the error when i am running on previous version (10.0) after refresh(1 min). error message is my code is NewsViewController import UIKit import…
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Is it possible to show small alerts in the upper right corner on Apple TV? (like the "remote connected")

I want to show a small notification while my tvOS App is running. The normal UIAlertController alerts are fullscreen and would be disturbing the experience. Is there a way to use the notifications, which tvOS shows when the remote is connected and…
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How to move focus at button in collectionview cell in tvos application?

I am working on apple TV application. In my app, I have made a screen which has a collection view. In that case, I am able to move focus at collection view cell but not able to move focus to the button which is in collection view cell so can anyone…
vikas prajapati
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Tab Bar Controller focus/gesture change between tvOS 9 and 10?

I implemented a simple Tab Bar Application in tvOS 9.x. Navigation worked as described in Apple's doc here (, such that the tab bar became hidden when selecting a content…
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how to use method changeToMediaAtIndex tvmlkit js

how to use the method changeToMediaAtIndex in the tvmlkit js to change video in the playlist? When i use this method with the player class (player.changeToMediaAtIndex(2)) nothing happened...
0 answers

tvOS 10 memory allocation bugs?

I am writing a tvOS app that is having apparent leaks/memory allocation problems. Since the update of Swift 3 and tvOS 10, I have noticed substantial memory issues. The app is supposed to run constantly for days/weeks, and with Swift 2 and tvOS 9,…
2 answers

Getting error log in console to add UISearchViewController in tabbar item tvOS 10.0

I'veve updated my Apple tv 9.2.2 to 10.0 and update code. I've used UISearchViewController in tabbar item. Every things is working fine but now I'm getting error log in console only tvOS 10.0 not in tvOS 9.2.2 [MC] System group container for…
Sankalap Yaduraj Singh
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tvOS shouldWaitForLoadingOfRequestedResource requesting the same resources

I'm implementing shouldWaitForLoadingOfRequestedResource handler for AVPlayer/AVURLAsset HLS videos and found a weird behavior in tvOS. As I see it could request the same resources multiple times, including "root" manifest, second-level manifests…
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tvOS 11 update UICollectionView Crash

Any ideas on what could be causing app to crash on back After automatic update to tvOS 11? same version of app on tvos 10 doesnt crash. *** Assertion failure in -[UICollectionView…
1 answer

tvOS - playPause Gesture not working

PlayPause button is not responding. Here is my Code that I placed in viewDidLoad method: playPauseTapGestureRegocnizer = UITapGestureRecognizer(target: self, action: #selector(playPauseTapped)) playPauseTapGestureRegocnizer.allowedPressTypes =…
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How to play url video using AVPlayerViewController

While hitting my video url, the response which i am getting is : Error Domain = AVFoundationErrorDomain Code = -11853 "Playlist not received, See -[AVPlayerItem errorLog] for 2 events" UserInfo = { NSUnderlyingError = 0x600000251670 …
1 answer

setSemanticContentAttribute: not working in tvOS 10

In my application i'm setting layout direction to Right to Left, my application works fine on tvOS 9, but when i run my application on tvOS 10 it runs in Left to Right layout direction.It looks like OS is ignoring setSemanticContentAttribute. I am…
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build TVOS Example App with React Native using build errors

I am new to development, I have followed instructions, downloaded a zip of the dev's project,unzip,cd to folder, ran npm install and npm start In the example app folders when trying to build in Xcode I get numberous React/RCT{file} file not found…
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3 answers

Since tvOS 10.2 the Apple TV displays a Airplay connection requires iOS 7.1 or later error

I have an Android app that can use AirPlay to play videos. Since my Apple TV 4 updated to tvOS 10.2 it has stopped working. I tried several other apps on Android and they all get the same error. Does anyone know how to get around this…
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Video Download in Apple tvOS

I am a newbie to swift and tvOS.I want to download a video from the url and display it in the ViewController. while i try with the ios Devices the video is downloaded and works fine.But with the tvOS the Video is not downloaded. why is it so..? How…
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