Questions tagged [turkish]

This tag refers to the Turkish language. Use it on questions dealing with text or data written in this language.

The Turkish language, spoken by 80 million people in and around the Republic of Turkey, is the most commonly spoken of the Turkic languages, which span from southeast Europe to northeast Asia.

To read further, here is a Wikipedia article on the Turkish language.

171 questions
2 answers

In what JS engines, specifically, are toLowerCase & toUpperCase locale-sensitive?

In the code of some libraries (e.g. AngularJS, the link leads to the specific lines in the code), I can see that custom case-conversion functions are used instead of the standard ones. It's justified by an assumption that in browsers with Turkish…
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Displaying the hex value of a string from a oracle varchar2?

We are having problems with text that is encoded in some different ways but kept in a single column in a table. Long story. On MySQL, I can do "select hex(str) from table where" and I see the bytes of the string exactly as I set them. On Oracle, I…
Ray Kiddy
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Handle Turkish uppercase and lowercase correctly, need to modify/override built-in functions?

I am working with multilingual text data, among others with Russian using the Cyrillic alphabet and Turkish. I basically have to compare the words in two files my_file and check_file and if the words in my_file can be found in check_file, write them…
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Qt Turkish characters in regular expressions

I want to validate QLineEdit's text with a regular expression. It should allow characters from a to z plus A to Z plus Turkish characters(ğüşöçİĞÜŞÖÇ) plus numbers from 0 to 9. I googled about my problem and found two solutions but neither one…
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How do I override Currency symbols in Java?

I'm trying to print prices in Turkish Liras (ISO 4217 currency code TRY) with Java. When I do Currency curr = Currency.getInstance("TRY"); Locale trLocale = new Locale("tr", "TR"); System.out.println(curr.getSymbol(trLocale)); the output is:…
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How to set locale in JavaScript, for example for toLocaleUpperCase()?

I'd like to use the JavaScript toLocaleUpperCase() method to make sure that the capitalization works correctly for the Turkish language. I cannot be sure, however, that Turkish will be set as the user's locale. Is there a way in modern browsers to…
Amir E. Aharoni
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4 answers

Postgres upper function on turkish character does not return expected result

It looks like postgres upper/lower function does not handle select characters in Turkish character set. select upper('Aaı'), lower('Aaİ') from mytable; returns : AAı, aaİ instead of : AAI, aai Note that normal english characters are converted…
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1 answer

toUpperCase on Android is incorrect for two-argument and default Greek and Turkish Locales

I am having trouble with Greek and Turkish when using toUpperCase() with the default locale or more interestingly the two argument Locale constructor. Issue happens on Galaxy Tab S2 Android 5.0.2 (also reproduced on 5.1.1) The Issue is reproducible…
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4 answers

String search with Turkish dotless i

When searching the text Çınaraltı Café for the text Ci using the code NSStringCompareOptions options = NSCaseInsensitiveSearch | NSDiacriticInsensitiveSearch | NSWidthInsensitiveSearch; NSLocale *locale = [NSLocale…
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OrientDB having trouble with Unicode, Turkish, and enums

I am using a lib which has an enum type with consts like these; Type.SHORT Type.LONG Type.FLOAT Type.STRING While I am debugging in Eclipse, I got an error: No enum const class Type.STRİNG As I am using a Turkish system, there is a problem on…
Yasin Okumuş
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1 answer

lower case of turkish character dotted i

In Java 6, System.out.println(String.valueOf('\u0130').toLowerCase()); prints i (u0069), but in Java 7 it prints i with double dots (u0069 u0307). I understand it is a Turkish character, but how do I make Java 7 print the same output as v6 using…
3 answers

Jsoup connect doesn't work correctly when link has Turkish letters

I'm using Jsoup to get html from web sites. I'm using String url=""; Document doc=Jsoup.connect(url).get(); this code to get html. But when I use some Turkish letters in the link like this; String…
Erdinç Özdemir
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Python and Turkish capitalization

I have not found a good description on how to handle this problem on windows so I am doing it here. There are two letters in Turkish ı(I) and i (İ) which are incorrectly handled by python. >>> [char for char in 'Mayıs'] ['M', 'a', 'y', 'i',…
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Browser support and workarounds for Turkish lira sign

So Turkey recently decided to create a new sign for their lira: Unicode 6.2 (released September 2012) added this to its repertoire as U+20BA ₺ TURKISH LIRA SIGN, and I've been asked to start using it in a web app I'm building. The problem is that…
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7 answers

Problems with Turkish SQL Collation (Turkish "I")

I'm having problems with our MSSQL database set to any of the Turkish Collations. Becuase of the "Turkish I" problem, none of our queries containing an 'i' in them are working correctly. For example, if we have a table called "Unit" with a column…
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