Questions tagged [tumblr-themes]

122 questions
2 answers

How do I add JavaScript to every non-index page on my Tumblr blog?

I want to add JavaScript code to every individual post page on my Tumblr blog. I have the following, but it seems to never show up on any page let alone just the permalink or individual post pages. I've tried many variations here with removing the…
Eric Lubow
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1 answer

Is there an alternate spelling of \n in javascript?

Due to a bug in the Tumblr theme editor, any time the sequence \n appears in the source code, it is converted to an actual line break in the source code itself. Therefore, putting the \n sequence into a Javascript string causes the program to crash,…
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1 answer

How to force an external link to open on the same tab in a Tumblr theme?

Due to problems with autoscrolling, I had to replace my blog theme on Tumblr. On this new theme all external links open on a new tab, even after deleting all the target="_blank"> on the code. When I try the code on the blog itself it puts the…
1 answer

Customizing Tumblr's Mobile Theme

I was hoping to make my Tumblr blog more mobile friendly and I would like to use a mobile theme alongside my desktop theme. I see that I can use the default mobile theme for mobile devices, but is there a way for me to customize the mobile theme,…
1 answer

How remove "open app tumblr" message?

I'm interested in use tumblr for blogging, and I found an amazing responsive theme but I want to know if it's possible remove "Open in the Tumblr app" message, and how can I do it. openapptumblr I'm new in stackoverflow, excuse me if I'm wrong…
1 answer

Tumblr Static Uploader Error

I am currently trying to externalize some scripts to keep the clutter off my code. I put it in Notepad++ with no problems but every time I try to upload them on the static Tumblr uploader or the theme assets page I always come up with this message…
1 answer

Masonry percentage items are overflowing width of page

I am trying to create a tumblr theme using a masonry grid layout. I want all the posts (.entry) to be 25% of the width of the page. However, the sidebar is not being taken into account when loading the images. The images always end up spilling over…
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1 answer

Hide posts with a specific tag from the Tumblr theme's index page

I want to hide any post with a specific tag from a blog's index page. The theme in question is Pation by Zen Themes.