Questions tagged [tumblr]

Tumblr is a microblogging platform that allows users to post text, images, videos, links, quotes and audio to their tumblelog, a short-form blog.


Tumblr is a microblogging platform that allows users to post text, images, videos, links, quotes and audio to their tumblelog, a short-form blog. Additional functionality includes the ability to view the tumblelogs of others, mark which tumblelogs you wish to follow for updates, the ability to "like" and "reblog" the blog posts of others, and the ability to create multiple blogs or group blogs from one account.

Questions regarding to Tumblr can be split into two areas, custom themes and API.

Custom Themes

Tumblr's Custom Themes allow developers to customize or create their own themes which act as a template to control a tumblelogs's appearance.

More information can be found in the Tumblr Custom Theme documentation.


The API allows developers to read and write data to Tumblr. Developers can utilize data from the Tumblr API in a variety of different ways, and is accessible from various clients. The API is also useful to attain data that isn't included in the Custom Themes template tags.

More information can be found in the Tumblr API documentation.

2033 questions
2 answers

What is the URL schema of Tumblr images?

What is the schema of a image-file at Tumblr? (I don't mean HTTP) I've only figured out that the domain of the servers where images are stored is, where n is a number between 1 and 31 and the name of the image file is prefixed…
Jimmy T.
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5 answers

Tumblr API 2: Where is the "OAUTH_TOKEN" and "OAUTH_TOKEN_SECRET"

I want to use Tumblr API 2, I have already registered an Application here: But I only get the "OAuth Consumer Key" and "Secret Key". Where is the "OAUTH_TOKEN" and…
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3 answers

Can I have a
 Tag inside a 

tag in Tumblr?

today I played around a little bit with Tumblr. I tried to add a preformatted text into a description paragraph block like so: {block:Description}


{/block:Description} However, the
 element gets…
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3 answers

Position Relative to the window

I have a Tumblr account and I'm working on editing the html of it. My question is this: how do I make my side bar be in a certain position but then I scroll down on the page, it stays where it is relative to my browser? For an example of what I'm…
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5 answers

Uploading Images to tumblr API from Android

One assumed using the Tumblr API to upload images would be easy. It isn't. (EDIT It is now, see Edit 2 at the end of this entry) My app is supposed to upload an image to tumblr. I would prefer doing that from a service but for now I use an activity…
Lukas Ruge
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3 answers

What is the "Default callback URL:" for Tumblr API v2?

Hi I am trying to use Tumblr API v2 and OAuth First I have to register an application here: But what is the "Default callback URL"? Some random URL? I just want to write to a…
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2 answers

How do I add JavaScript to every non-index page on my Tumblr blog?

I want to add JavaScript code to every individual post page on my Tumblr blog. I have the following, but it seems to never show up on any page let alone just the permalink or individual post pages. I've tried many variations here with removing the…
Eric Lubow
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2 answers

How can I load the content of tumblr nextPage on indexPage

I'm developing a tumblr theme for my personal portfolio, but I'm encountering a serious problem in my work section, I want to create an horizontal slider effect, when I click next to see older posts, like…
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3 answers

edit css style of an element with a space in its class name

I'm creating a tumblr them and I have to write an external CSS file but I am having trouble editing the css style of the post elements. This its structure:
  • {other code}
  • The problem is that the class name has a…
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    4 answers

    Anyone know what tumblr is written in

    Does anyone know what tumblr is written in? I have been trying to figure it out.
    Hunter Dolan
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    Tumblr API call or request limits

    Anybody know if there is any API call limits per second, hour or day for Tumblr API? It seems to me the limits do exist when I make a lot of api calls in a short period via OAuth. However, I couldn't find any document on Tumblr API website or on…
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    Easier way to edit the html of a Tumblr theme without using their interface?

    In building a Tumblr theme I've got an external .css on my server which is very convenient because I can work directly in my editor, save to my server and refresh to see my results. However, if I need to make changes to the HTML of my theme I've…
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    1 answer

    Ruby: Phantom.js blocked on specific site?

    I am using capybara poltergeist to automate a small script on My script works fine with my chrome driver.. And my poltergeist driver loads all other websites just fine, but for some reason throws a Capybara::Poltergeist::StatusFailError…
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    Posting to Tumblr with php & Tumblr API

    I am trying to post messages automatically to my Tumblr Blog (which will run daily via Cron) I am using the Official Tumblr PHP library here: And using the Authentication method detailed here…
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    5 answers

    Ascii art in HTML comments - fad or function?

    Lately I've seen several websites with large ASCII art headers in their HTML. I don't get the point and it seems like this must just be a fad. For instance, has it: