Questions tagged [tivoli-identity-manager]

Tivoli Identity Manager, now called Security Identity Manager, is an identity management solution that provides password management, user provisioning, and auditing capabilities across the enterprise.

ITIM provides administrators with the ability to manage user identities across the enterprise using a single administration console. Each user is provisioned multiple accounts across multiple systems. By tying the accounts together with a single identity, account management becomes simplified and the use of a single username+password combination across many dissimilar systems becomes possible.

ITIM provides the administrator with automated routines to retrieve accounts from multiple systems and enforce various policies across the enterprise. By using roles, workflows, and lifecycle rules, administrators can enforce security policies across all enterprise systems. When tied into an account feed such as an HR system, ITIM can provision and revoke accounts automatically as employees are hired, move within the company, and leave the company.

46 questions
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MVC 3 Url Helper Giving Incorrect URL

I am developing a MVC 3 application for a corporate intranet site and I am having some issues with the URL helper sometimes not producing correct URLs. The application is being accessed through an access manager application that is controlled by our…
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groups accociated with user in ITIM

I am working in JAVA application and authenticating user through ITIM api. How to get groups accociated with user through ITIM api?
Muhammad Imran Tariq
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Authorize users w.r.t assigned groups in ITIM

I am new to ITIM. I am working on an application in JAVA. I want to authorize users based on groups they are assigned to. How can I do that? Is there any api that can fetch user roles/groups by which I can authorize them?
Muhammad Imran Tariq
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How to add roles in IBM Tivoli Identity Manager

I want to assign ITIM users, roles/groups so that I can block them from operations they are not authorized for. This concept is same as j2ee security roles. How to create roles/groups in ITIM? How to assign it to users in ITIM?
Muhammad Imran Tariq
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Create Custom HTTP Authenticator for Tomcat 9

I need to integrate IBM Security Access Manger with Tomcat 9 to authenticate users. I have a properly configured Webseal (junction) for the IBM SAM part. It takes the user's credentials, authenticates again the SAM server, and then if successful…
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com.tivoli.mts.PDPrincipal.implies(com.tivoli.mts.PDPermission) deprecated

I am using the below code to do the authorizatin checks. PDPrincipal whoIsit = new PDPrincipal(userId,configURL); PDPermission whatTheyWant = new PDPermission(objectSpaceName,"TbvA"); boolean haveAccess = whoIsit.implies(whatTheyWant); However the…
0 answers

How to use Tivoli Identity Manager in Java?

I want to create one method which take some parameter like url, token and then validate by the Tivoli Identity Manager, and then return true and false depending of response of the Tivol Identity Manager. I am new for this so don't know any thing…
Uday A. Navapara
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what is the use of tivoli directory Integrator?

I want to know for what purpose is tivoli directory Integrator is used in ITIM environment ? and how does it function ?
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My SP is working fine with SSO Circle IDP, do I need to test it with other IDPs to make sure it works fine?

I implemented an SP using Spring SAML. I tested it with the SSO Cicle IDP. I have now Web SSO working fine. My customer is using Tivoli Federated Identity Manager as his IDP. My question is, is having my SP working with one IDP(SSO Circle)…
0 answers

How to enable OAuth in TAM ESSO

How to configure OAuth2.0 endpoint url in Tivoli Access Manager for Enterprise Single Sign-On. Any help on this will be really helpful.
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ssl connection from an openLDAP client to an IBM LDAP

I've got problems connecting secure (SSL) to an IBM LDAP server using an openLDAP client. A connection like the following, which is not using SSL works fine: ldapsearch -h -D -w ? -b But when I…
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IBM Tivoli FBTSML215E The name identifier policy in the authentication request could not be met by this identity provider

I am using Tivoli Federated Identity Manager 6.2.2 version and getting the below error while passing the SAML request for SSO from configured AD. I am not sure what configuration needs to change? IBM documentation does not specify how to change the…
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What does er stand for in ISIM classes?

We have these classes in ISIM like erRole, erPersonItem. What does er stand for? Just used as prefix or does it mean entity relation or something?
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Active Directory Password Synchronization agent's Identity Manager User Password Expiry

Active Directory Password Synchronization agent is a tool supplied by IBM tivoli for Synchronizing the password with the enterprise applications that are integrated with Tivoli Identity Manager Application.This agent will be installed on all domain…
2 answers

Crashing on reconciliation of large group name

I don't have very much knowledge of C++ and Lotus notes. I have piece of code which prints the group name in log. Util::AgentDebug("In Command::InitGroupMap(): Group Name = %s",lnGrpName.GetBuf()); lnGrpName is LNstring. it is working fine but…
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