Questions tagged [tipfy]

tipfy is a small but powerful framework made specifically for Google App Engine.

tipfy is a small but powerful framework made specifically for Google App Engine. It is a lot like webapp but offers a bunch of features and goodies that webapp misses: i18n, sessions, own authentication, flash messages and more. Everything in a modular, lightweight way, tuned for App Engine. You use only what you need, when you need.

48 questions
3 answers

How do I secure REST calls I am making in-app?

I have an application that has a "private" REST API; I use RESTful URLs when making Ajax calls from my own webpages. However, this is unsecure, and anyone could make those same calls if they knew the URL patterns. What's the best (or standard) way…
Matt Norris
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2 answers

How to write Big files into Blobstore using experimental API?

I have dilemma.. I'm uploading files both in scribd store and blobstore using tipfy as framework. I have webform with action is not created by blobstore.create_upload_url (i'm just using url_for('myhandler')). I did it because if i'm using blobstore…
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6 answers

webapp, tipfy or django on google app engine

which one are you using on google app engine? what were the reasons behind your decision?
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Authentication using any OpenID with Tipfy

I am developing the authentication part of my app and I've run into issues with coding authentication using OpenID. I've looked at the Tipfy example code, but it seems written under the assumption that the OpenID provider is hard-coded to google. I…
Noah McIlraith
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1 answer

facebook auth problem with tipfy 1.0b

I'm trying to mimic the login page from the example (source without success. I seem to run in to problem when the user is redirected back to the page. The…
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Using custom packages on my python project

I'm doing a few projects in python right now, and I'm trying to figure out how to work with my own versions of existing open source packages. For instance, I'm using tipfy with zc.buildout, and I've added in the 'paypal' package. Unfortunately it…
Sudhir Jonathan
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6 answers

tipfy nosetest ImportError: No module named fancy_urllib

I am trying to run nosetest using tipfy and google app engine but I keep getting an import error: From the google_appengine directory I execute the following command (directory contains nosetests…
kristian nissen
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2 answers

tipfy on Google App Engine (GAE) installing extensions

I'm trying to get tipfy working on Google App Engine (GAE). I'm using Windows XP. The "hello world" example is working fine. What I'm don't understand is how to correctly install extensions. I'm trying to use the "multi-auth" example without much…
Andrew Gee
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2 answers

Tipfy & Jinja: Creating a logout URL for every page

I have a jinja template with the usual boilerplate links, one of them being the "sign out" link. The URL of this link has to be generated using Users.create_logout_url() before rendering a page. I would like to avoid having to generate this URL and…
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1 answer

Twill alternative for integration testing

I am using to twill to do integration testing for an AppEngine (using tipfy micro framework) application but unfortunately twill is not maintained and I cannot test PUT and DELETE requests. Is there any similar solution? I am thinking of using…
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python appengine authorisation or authorization

Having settled on OpenID for authentication, I've been looking at authorisation frameworks for app-engine with the following requirements: be able to create and edit groups of users has built in permissions such as add, edit, delete has sensible…
probably at the beach
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2 answers

Tipfy: How to display blob in template?

Given is on gae using tipfy (python) the following model: greeting.avatar = db.Blob(avatar) What is the template-tag to display a blob (here image)?
Daniel Ozean
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1 answer

Using PayPal with AppEngine (Python)

I'm looking to use Google AppEngine (Python). The Tipfy framework looks very good. How do I add PayPal and/or Google Web Payments into my app. Is there a simple extension or similar that I can drop in?
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1 answer

Tipfy session Management

def manage_bread_crumb(self, testvar): stzr = '' if self.session.get('temp_sesison') != None: stzr = pickle.loads(str(self.session.get('temp_sesison'))) string = stzr + testvar self.session['temp_sesison'] = pickle.dumps(string) …
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1 answer

How do I use ACL with webapp2?

I'm a huge fan of Tipfy, but it's no longer being maintained. Webapp2 seems to have take its place, so I was wondering: how do I use access control lists if I'm using webapp2 instead of Tipfy?
Matt Norris
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