Questions tagged [tink]

Tink is a multi-language, cross-platform library that provides a simple and misuse-proof API for common cryptographic tasks.

48 questions
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Decrypt apple pay token using tink?

I use the following code to decrypt apple pay token in java. Wondering if there is an equivalent method to do this using Google Tink. (the following code snippet works perfectly, but it is too verbose and unreadable, in my opinion. public…
1 answer

Can I decrypt data which is encrypted by Keyczar using Google Tink?

I have been using Google Keyczar for encrypting data in my JAVA app. And I want to change the crypto solution to Google Tink. But the problem is the already encrypted data by Keyczar. Can I decrypt them by Tink? If yes, I want to change the crypto…
0 answers

Implementing envelope encryption on Android using Tink and Google Cloud KMS

The app I am implementing will contains highly sensitive user data and as such we want to encrypt the data before saving it, both locally and online (on Gcloud Firestore). I'd like to do this using Envelope Encryption. Currently I have a Python…
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Admob rewarded ads server side verification

I wanted to do server-side validation for Admob rewarded video ads on my android app. For this, I followed the instructions in the admob documentation but failed. First I imported the google tink library from gradle as follows. implementation…
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Are Google Tink ciphertexts portable across programming languages?

I am wondering if I encrypt a plaintext, let's say using the Go SDK whether I will be able to decrypt it using the Java SDK? Is that a design goal of the library to guarantee this portability across programming languages?
Daniel Gartmann
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2 answers

Decryption result not consistent

I have two instances of my service that does the encryption and decryption running in cloud. The decryption fails sometimes with 'decryption failed' error. I guess this is because each instance has its own Aead instance. How can i solve this…
3 answers

Tag Mismatch error when decrypting the key using google tink library

I am new to cryptography. I am working on a poc to encrypt and decrypt a string. When I decrypt the encrypted string it works sometimes but other times throws Tag mismatch error. Am I missing anything? Here is my…
1 answer

Decryption failed after registering AeadConfig more than once?

I'm encrypting some text and trying to decrypt it, however it's failing to decrypt when I am using a different AeadConfig.register() to decrypt than to encrypt. I'm wondering how to resolve this problem because I'll be encrypting on one activity and…
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2 answers

google-cloud-kms PKCS7 Cryptographic Message Syntax

Has anyone implemented Cryptographic Message Syntax using Google's HSM and KMS service? It is difficult to tell if this functionality is built into the Tinklibrary or not. There is no Google Engine for OpenSSL or BoringSSL (would love to be…
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0 answers

Use static variable from JAR file

I've created a runnable JAR file which has a class with this code: static KeysetHandle keysetHandle = null; public String encrypt(String plainText){ Config.register(AeadConfig.TINK_1_1_0); // GENERATE key // key generated using…
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1 answer

Google/Tink: Use AWS KMS Key encrypt key material but get NullPointerException

When I used follow demo to encrypt key material, I got NullPointerException in AwsKmsClient().getAead() mothod. String masterKeyUri = "aws-kms://arn:aws:kms:us-east-1:007084425826:key/84a65985-f868-4bfc-83c2-366618acf147"; KeysetHandle keysetHandle…
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1 answer

Google Tink Crypto library - KeyGenerator AES implementation not found

I'm running into this issue on a tablet device running Android KitKat as well as on a Samsung Tab-A on Lollipop. It has worked fine on an Acer tablet running Android M. Here's the failure point: private KeysetHandle getOrGenerateNewKeysetHandle()…
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1 answer

Flutter Client Side Cryptography

How can I hash and return an input in the easiest possible way on a Flutter mobile app? I want the digital signature to be returned client side. Please I seem to be dead ended here.
Ryan James
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2 answers

tink library$ cannot be resolved

I recently tried to add the google tink library to eclipse and it always has a "$ cannot be resolved" error, I normally never have any problems with adding libraries to my project, and from what I can tell it…
Adam P
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1 answer

Google Tink library building C++

Trying to build Tink library ( with Bazel. Bazel installed, gcc version 7.2.0, Windows 10 x64. Visual C++ 2017. At first, there were errors like "C++ compilation of rule '@boringssl//:crypto' failed" - I commented…
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