Questions tagged [thrift-protocol]

The protocol family used by the cross-platform, crosss-language Apache Thrift RPC and serialization framework

Thrift combines a software stack with a code generation engine to build services that work efficiently and seamlessly between C++, C, Java, Python, PHP, Ruby, Erlang, Perl, Haskell, C#, Cocoa, Smalltalk, Delphi, Graphviz, Go and OCaml.

Thrift's primary goal is to enable efficient and reliable communication across platforms and programming languages by abstracting the portions of each language that tend to require the most customization into a common library that is implemented in each language.

Originally developed at Facebook, Thrift was open sourced in April 2007 and entered the Apache Incubator in May, 2008. Thrift graduated from the Incubator in October, 2010.

153 questions
4 answers

How to I get started with Apache Thrift?

I wanted to create a simple Thrift server for C++ and provide a client with Python language. I went to the official site but it lacks any good tutorials or documentation. I am having difficulty trying it out. Is there any good Apache Thrift…
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Thrift Ruby gem

I cannot, for the life of me, successfully run "gem install thrift", the thing fails when building the gem's native extensions; this is the output: (acib708) ~ -> gem install thrift Building native extensions. This could take a while... ERROR: …
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6 answers

Cassandra-cli cant connect to remote cassandra server

I have a cassandra server running on a server(serv1). cassandra-cli can connect to it when run on serv1. However, when i try to connect to it through some other server(serv2), i get the following…
Chander Shivdasani
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4 answers

Erlang Universal Binary Format? Anyone using it?

I recently stumbled upon this 2002 conference paper (Getting Erlang to talk to the outside world by Joe Armstrong) and I was wondering whether this is a standard that was ignored or if there was any adoption? Should I focus on Apache Thrift for…
Andrew Matthews
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1 answer

Apache Thrift maximum message size

We are using Apache Thrift to exchange messages between two systems. In one of the message we are exchanging a list (c++) which can become huge in size. Can you please let me know what is the maximum message size we can exchange using Apache…
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2 answers

Convert an object to a JSON string with thrift json serialization

I'm new to the thrift. I need to convert my data object to a JSON string with Thrift JSON serialization. I tried in this way. TSerializer serializer = new TSerializer(new TSimpleJSONProtocol.Factory()); String json =…
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1 answer

Thrift - converting from simple JSON

I created the following Thrift Object: struct Student{ 1: string id; 2: string firstName; 3: string lastName } Now I would like to read this object from JSON. According to this post this is possible So I wrote the following…
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1 answer

How do I install and use Scrooge

I want to write a Thrift service using Scrooge. Thrift has almost no documentation and Scrooge has even less. How do I install Scrooge on an Ubuntu or OSX machine? Once installed, and I have created a .thrift, how do I use Scrooge to generate server…
Eric Hartford
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0 answers

cybin.ProtocolError: No protocol version header

I installed python 2.7 and tried to use happybase to communicate with hbase thrift server. python2.7 Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 5, in for key, data in table.rows([b'row01']): File…
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3 answers

cassandra:: can i create a table without a primarykey?

Now i'm learning Cassandra, so i got a table without primary key. But it has some indexes. So this is my doubt, can i create a table without primary key.? CREATE TABLE subscription (subscriberid varchar,productid varchar,panaccessproductid…
Renjith V R
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1 answer

phpcassa connection pools

I've got a data access class that sets up three phpcassa connection pools on instantiation like this: try { $this->cache = new ConnectionPool( BSCACHE_KEYSPACE, explode(',', BSCACHE_SERVERS), null, null, null, null, null, array( …
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1 answer

Non-blocking Thrift Server in Python

In below code snippet, I am trying to make a non-blocking thrift server in python. # set handler to our implementation handler = ServiceHandler() processor = MyService.Processor(handler) transport =…
F. Aydemir
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1 answer

Not able to compile source generated by the scrooge thrift plugin

My plugins.sbt is addSbtPlugin("com.twitter" % "scrooge-sbt-plugin" % "4.8.0") My build.sbt is val finagleVersion = "6.45.0" lazy val myProject = Project("FinagleTest", file(".")) .settings( name := "FinagleTest", version := "1.0", …
Knows Not Much
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Clarify purpose of fields in Thrift TSSLSocket

I'm trying to understand the semantics of the SSL Sockets in Thrift. In particular what the fields: ca_certs, keyfile,and certfile accomplish. Is the usage that on a client the keyfile is a path to a private key and then this is verified using a…
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0 answers

Creating binary (custom length) string in C++

I am using Apache Thrift RPC (Compiled to C++) mechanism to communicate with Apache Flume. I have to use specific API that this platform supplies. I want to send binary data, But the RPC function accepts only std::string as a parameter. And because…
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