Questions tagged [thrift-protocol]

The protocol family used by the cross-platform, crosss-language Apache Thrift RPC and serialization framework

Thrift combines a software stack with a code generation engine to build services that work efficiently and seamlessly between C++, C, Java, Python, PHP, Ruby, Erlang, Perl, Haskell, C#, Cocoa, Smalltalk, Delphi, Graphviz, Go and OCaml.

Thrift's primary goal is to enable efficient and reliable communication across platforms and programming languages by abstracting the portions of each language that tend to require the most customization into a common library that is implemented in each language.

Originally developed at Facebook, Thrift was open sourced in April 2007 and entered the Apache Incubator in May, 2008. Thrift graduated from the Incubator in October, 2010.

153 questions
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Cannot find row in .META. for Table

I am using Hbase 0.94.1 with Hadoop 1.2.1 and using Thrift API to access tables stored in Hbase from my C# application. I am able to connect to Server but while going to perform any operation from client it gives following error in CLI-log: 14/03/11…
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Can Thrift maintain Memcached persistent connection in php

I am writing one c++ client which using my PHP Thrift server. I want Thrift persistent communicate with client to server. And Thrift can communicate client & server persistent connection but inside my PHP Thrift server I am using Memcached server…
PHP Connect
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Is it possible to use NIO with Thrift file (not socket) (de)serialisation?

I see a non-blocking Thrift transport implementation for socket-based IO, but nothing obvious for file IO. I'm fairly new to NIO and would like to improve the performance of my file stream-based Thrift (de)serialiser by switching to NIO…
Chris Beach
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0 answers

Thrift: Too many open files

Following error I am getting when I run thrift services Thrift: Wed Dec 11 18:03:14 2013 thriftServerEventHandler: accept() Too many open files Thrift: Wed Dec 11 18:03:14 2013 thriftServerEventHandler: accept() Too many open files Thrift: Wed Dec…
PHP Connect
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1 answer

Receiving asynchronous messages by thrift client

I use Apache Thrift to define a protocol. I would like the client to receive asynchronous messages from the server. service ServerService { oneway void async_server_hello(1: string message_from_client); string sync_server_hello(1: string…
Jakub M.
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Apache Thrift Client Run time issues in c#

I am working on a client - server application written in C# that is built using the Apache THRIFT RPC framework. We have created several IDL files (.thrift files) with service definitions. These services have been implemented in the server and are…
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Apache Thrift: Open and close transport automatically in C++

Background: I have many small c++ programs that all use the same static library. I'm now implementing thrift as a middle layer so that I can run the small c++ programs on a different computer from the static library. I can't change the c++ programs,…
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1 answer

Failure to build Apache Thrift with my application on Mac OSX for i386 target

I'm trying to build my C++ application with Thrift and it fails. I don't understand the error. Ld ./build/Debug/ normal i386 cd /Users/orsa/home/projects/neptune/xcode setenv MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET 10.7 …
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1 answer

How to communicate with HiveServer2 running NONE authentication

I'm trying to communicate with HiveServer2 via ruby TCPSocket. As per Thrift SASL spec, I send START message and then plain auth information. Server returns COMPLETE status with an empty payload. It should return challenge as a payload but an empty…
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1 answer

Node Thrift Deserialization

I'm trying to do a simple thrift serialize/deserialize however my deserialization if failing with the following message: /home/przemek/workspace/leviathan/node_modules/thrift/lib/thrift/protocol.js:350 throw Error("Invalid type: " + type); …
Przemek Lach
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2 answers

How to use java built-in exception in Thrift IDL

I'd like to throws some java built-in exception such IOException in the Thrift IDL. like this: service B{      void removeLease() throws (1:ioexception e), } however, the Thrift compiler warns that ioexception doesn't be defined.
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using thrift in js without relying on thrift RPC

I am currently working on a project that requires many platforms using many programming languages (including js) to communicate with a java server. Currently the protocol is using thrift to serialize the data on all platforms, but each platform is…
1 answer

All subcolumns for multiple supercolumns against a key in cassandra

Can we read list of all available subcolumns for multiple supercolumns against a key in one request. for example we have a key "y1" with supercolumns x1,x2,x3 x1 has subcolumns with names like c1,c2,c3 x2 has subcolumns c9 and c8 x3 has c1,c3,c10 I…
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Apache Thrift: How to check on server side if the client is alive?

I have a thrift client written in Java and a Thrift server written in C++. Let's say the client invokes a time consuming function on the C++ server over thrift interface. IN this scenario, assume that the client dies before the server completes the…
F. Aydemir
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1 answer

Can Apache Thrift Library modify the headers in a TCP or UDP packet?

Can Apache Thrift Library modify the headers in a TCP or UDP packet? Please provide your feedback and replies.
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