Questions tagged [testbed]

A testbed is a platform for experimentation of large development projects. Testbeds allow for rigorous, transparent, and replicable testing of new technologies or code in an isolated environment.

145 questions
10 answers

Is there any way to test PHP locally without installing a server?

I'm looking for something like, but completely local. I don't want to commit to installing something as complex as Apache, then PHP on top of that, just to try out code when I'm offline. Is there anything that can run PHP 5.5…
Ben Leggiero
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3 answers

What is the difference between testbed.get and inject in Angular 2/Jasmine testing?

I am new to Angular 2 testing. I am trying to figure out what is the difference in using testsbed.get() and just using inject at the test level. eg: beforeEach(() => { TestBed.configureTestingModule({ providers: [SomeService] }); …
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5 answers

How override Provider in Angular 5 for only one test?

In one of my unit test files, I have to mock several times the same service with different mocks. import { MyService } from '../services/myservice.service'; import { MockMyService1 } from '../mocks/mockmyservice1'; import { MockMyService2 } from…
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3 answers

Angular 4 - Failed: Can't resolve all parameters for ActivatedRoute: (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)

I have referred the following link to get the answers, but I couldn't find any working solution for my scenario. Error: (SystemJS) Can't resolve all parameters for ActivatedRoute: (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) Therefore, I have been trying to remove the…
Lakindu Gunasekara
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8 answers

Angular 4 Unit Tests (TestBed) extremely slow

I have some unit tests using Angular TestBed. Even if the tests are very simple, they run extremely slow (on avarage 1 test assetion per second). Even after re-reading Angular documentation, I could not find the reason of such a bad…
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1 answer

Unit testing angular 5 component with @ViewChild

I am using angular 5.2.0. I have a child component import { Component } from '@angular/core'; @Component({ template: `
<\div>` }) export class ChildComponent { public childMethod() { ... } } and a parent component which…
Jacopo Lanzoni
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4 answers

Angular 2: How to mock ChangeDetectorRef while unit testing

I have just started with Unit-Testing, and I have been able to mock my own services and some of Angular and Ionic as well, but no matter what I do ChangeDetectorRef stays the same. I mean which kind of sorcery is this? beforeEach(async(() => …
Ankit Singh
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2 answers

Why do I need to call detectChanges / whenStable twice?

First example I have got the following test: import { async, ComponentFixture, TestBed } from '@angular/core/testing'; import { Component } from '@angular/core'; @Component({ template: '
1 answer

Angular unit Testing : TypeError: Cannot read property 'root' of undefined

I'm working on unit testing under my Angular app. My version of Angular is 4.0.0. My component look like this: component.ts: import { GdfaClientService } from '../../../service/gdfa-client.service'; import { SharedclientService } from…
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1 answer

Modifying a component defined in TestBed.overrideComponent

We are using TestBed.overrideComponent(CoolComponent, { set: { template: '
i am the fake component
', selector: 'our-cool-component', inputs: [ 'model' ] } }) to override a component. The…
Joe Taylor
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2 answers

Google App Engine set up a user when using testbed

I'm using the GAE testbed service and when I run users.get_current_user() I get None i.e. >>> import sys >>> sys.path.append("/usr/local/google_appengine") # for Mac OS X >>> from google.appengine.api import users >>> from google.appengine.ext…
Brian M. Hunt
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1 answer

Angular 2 - testing a component with @input used in ngOnInit lifecycle hook

Currently I am trying to test a child component which is accepting an input from the host component, and used within the ngOnInit life cycle hook like the code below. @Component({ selector: 'my-child-component', template:…
JeanPaul A.
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3 answers

How to implement unit tests in NativeScript using TestBed and Jasmine?

I'm setting up a NativeScript-Angular project, and would like to implement unit tests using Jasmine-Karma in order to test my components using css selectors. How can I setup a simple unit test (beyond the sample test provided on the official…
George S
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3 answers

Ionic 4: Creating mock storage

I am trying to use Testbed in a new Angular 7 / Ionic 4 app but cannot run any tests because my components depend on an Ionic native plugin, storage. app.component.spec.ts import { CUSTOM_ELEMENTS_SCHEMA } from '@angular/core'; import {TestBed,…
Jeremy Thomas
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2 answers

Angular2 @Viewchild unit test

I have a component like this: export class ParentComponent implements OnInit, OnDestroy { @ViewChild(ChildComponent) childComponent: ChildComponent; } which is using the childComponent to make a call, let's say like…
Ankur Mukherjee
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