Questions tagged [teradata]

Teradata is a Relational Database Management System (RDBMS), capable of supporting many concurrent users from various client platforms. Teradata is compatible with the ANSI standard and built completely on parallel architecture.

The Teradata RDBMS is linearly and predictably scalable in all dimensions of a database system workload (data volume, breadth, number of users, complexity of queries). The scalability explains its popularity for enterprise data warehousing applications.


  • Acts as a "database server" to client applications throughout the enterprise
  • Uses parallelism to manage "terabytes" of data
  • Capable of supporting many concurrent users from various client platforms (over TCP/IP or IBM channel connections).


  • Batch Teradata Query (BTEQ) - query tool to load data and export data off at a time
  • FastExport - to exports data from Teradata to a Flat file
  • FastLoad - loads huge amount of data from flat file into EMPTY tables
  • MultiLoad - to load multiple tables at one time from either a LAN or Channel environment
  • Teradata Parallel Data Pump (TPump) - loads data using multiple SQL sessions, using row hash locks
  • Teradata Parallel Transporter (TPT) - combination of BTEQ, FastLoad, MultiLoad, Tpump, and FastExport utilities

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###Related tags :

4768 questions
1 answer

How can I lock a table for read and write so I can execute SQL and then remove the locks afterward?

I am just now starting to dig into Teradata's locking features and Google is fairly convoluted with explanations on this. Hopefully, I can get a very simple and streamlined answer from SE. After encountering numerous issues with identity columns in…
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2 answers

Teradata - Max value of a dataset with corresponding date

This is probably obvious, I just can't seem to get it to work right. Let's say I have a table of various servers and their CPU percentages for every day for the past year. I want to basically say: "for every server name, show me the max CPU value…
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1 answer

Simple teradata stored procedure

The web seems a bit short on working examples for something that should be quite common. A plain Jane example of "Get me some records". This is my first ever Stored proc and all I want is to see some records. Why is that so flipping hard? ;-) I…
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4 answers

Difference between tables with the same structure

I have two tables with the same structure and with slightly different rows - Table A, and Table B. I would like to extract all the rows that are contained in table A but not in Table B. CAn you help me do that? By the way - Table A is in definition…
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1 answer

Teradata - Removing Banker's Rounding with changing settings

I need to mimic a calculation in excel. We have to get the excact answer. The calculation is rounded at several points. Excel round X.5 up. It looks like Teradata is using banker's rounding (round X.5 to the even #). I cannot change the setting…
2 answers

Teradata .NET Paramaters: Can I use Output parameters with SQL (ie, not using a stored procedure)?

I'd like to do something like this: Dim pId As TdParameter = New TdParameter With {.ParameterName = "p_id", .SourceColumn = "id", .TdType = TdType.Integer, .Direction = ParameterDirection.Output} And then go…
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1 answer

SQL - Creating tree from parent and child columns

I'm having some trouble figuring out how to create a table showing all the relations of a child column with its subsequent parent columns. I am using SQL in Teradata SQL Assistant. For example, here is the data I have: Parent | Child …
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3 answers

Loading data from SAS to Teradata - When is it ready?

When loading tables from SAS to Teradata, SAS loads the data (usually using the FASTLOAD facility) and then continues down the script. However, I often get critical errors because SAS says the data is loaded, but Teradata is still assembling the…
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1 answer

SQL to add '-' between numbers-alphates-numbers

I have an interesting scenario to add - (minus sign) between numbers, alphabets and numbers. Example: Input: 123AB56; Output: 123-AB-56; Input: 56XYZ777; Output: 56-XYZ-777; There is no regular pattern for the source data. Any inputs on this is…
1 answer

How do I grant select permissions in Teradata via a SAS Script?

I'm trying to load a table, create an index, collect statistics, grant select permissions on a table in teradata using SAS to complete the work. SAS is the only piece of software I have to choose from. The following script successfully deletes the…
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1 answer

How to migrate Oracle View to Teradata

I am working on migration project of Oracle to Teradata. The tables have been migrated using datastage jobs. How do I migrate Oracle Views to Teradata? Direct script copying is not working due to SQL statements difference of both databases Please…
3 answers

Safe casting VARCHAR to DECIMAL in Teradata

In Teradata DB I have source table create set table SRC_TABLE ( Some_Id varchar(2O) not null ); This table is loaded with data from external system. I have target table create set table DST_TABLE ( Some_Id decimal(4,0) not null ); I need…
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1 answer

How do you configure FastExport to NOT export Floats in scientific notation?

We are trying to load a file created by fast export into an oracle database. However the Float column is being exported like this: 1.47654345670000000000 E010. How do you configure fastexport to export like this: 14765434567. We are loading the…
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2 answers

Good Resources for Teradata & Business Objects?

Can any one suggest good resources and practice exercises for Teradata and Business Objects and their combination. I have no idea on where to start..I am aware of SQL, database concepts and programming languages like c, php, c++, C#. I need to learn…
Enjoy coding
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1 answer

sample of data within groups in Teradata

Suppose I have a table of week_nbr and cust_id. Suppose I want a sample of 500 customers from each week. The dumb way is to do this for each week: select cust_id from week_cust sample randomized allocation 500 where week_nbr=1 What's the smart way?…
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