Questions tagged [teradata]

Teradata is a Relational Database Management System (RDBMS), capable of supporting many concurrent users from various client platforms. Teradata is compatible with the ANSI standard and built completely on parallel architecture.

The Teradata RDBMS is linearly and predictably scalable in all dimensions of a database system workload (data volume, breadth, number of users, complexity of queries). The scalability explains its popularity for enterprise data warehousing applications.


  • Acts as a "database server" to client applications throughout the enterprise
  • Uses parallelism to manage "terabytes" of data
  • Capable of supporting many concurrent users from various client platforms (over TCP/IP or IBM channel connections).


  • Batch Teradata Query (BTEQ) - query tool to load data and export data off at a time
  • FastExport - to exports data from Teradata to a Flat file
  • FastLoad - loads huge amount of data from flat file into EMPTY tables
  • MultiLoad - to load multiple tables at one time from either a LAN or Channel environment
  • Teradata Parallel Data Pump (TPump) - loads data using multiple SQL sessions, using row hash locks
  • Teradata Parallel Transporter (TPT) - combination of BTEQ, FastLoad, MultiLoad, Tpump, and FastExport utilities

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###Related tags :

4768 questions
1 answer

how do i surround a string with double quotes using bteq

I'm creating a CSV File that is then mailed to a user group. In this file there is a long varchar() column that has legimate commas in it. Needless to say, this is throwing off the XLS import. Is there a way in BTEQ to force double quotes around the…
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4 answers

Removing the first entry from a group

I have a table which goes like this c_id b_id 13 151 27 203 38 347 38 349 38 357 72 132 72 475 104 14 151 22 207 …
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iterating through an sql table efficiently

i have a table with 3 columns rcvr_id(user id),mth_id and tpv. mth_id is calculated as (2012-1900)*12+1,2,3(depending on if it is jan,feb,march). For example mth_id for Dec 2011 is 1344,Jan 2012 is 1345. the third column is tpv which is a decimal…
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2 answers

Snapshot too old error

I am getting 'snapshot too old error' frequently while i am running my workflow when it runs for more than 5 hrs.My source is oracle and target is Teradata. Please help to solve this issue.Thanks in advance
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5 answers

Getting distinct values from Resultset

I have the following table Employee and records as follows: Eid Ename Phone ------------------------ 1 A 043 1 A 067 2 B 073 2 B 072 3 C 753 3 C …
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2 answers

Moving columns in Teradata

I´ve created one new column in Teradata, and then I have moved the data from another colum into this new colmn. After that, I've deleted the old column. What I would like to do now is to move the new column n the same place in the table where the…
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1 answer

Reversing a string using Teradata SPL

How can I reverse a string using Teradata Stored Procedure Language (SPL) ? The requirement was to replicate the SQL-Server replace() function. This could be achieved by writing a corresponding UDF in Teradata but I want to achieve the same using a…
Raniendu Singh
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3 answers

Changing column datatype from DECIMAL(9,0) to DECIMAL(15,0)

Can you please help me concerning this matter (I didn´t found it in the Teradata documentation, which is honestly little overwhelming): My table had this column -BAN DECIMAL(9,0)-, and now I want to change it to - BAN DECIMAL(15,0) COMPRESS 0.- How…
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1 answer

Modifying table in Teradata

Hi Teradata colleagues! I have to do some modifications in production: 1) Modify existing collumns 2) Add some new collumns 3) Drop and re-create primary index Can anyone help me in 1) case - modifying column segment with addition of compress…
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1 answer

Teradata SQLA: Row size or Sort Key size overflow

When doing a select of all columns from a table consisting of 86 columns in SQLA, I always get the error Row size or Sort Key size overflow. The only way to avoid this error is to trim down the number of columns in the select, but this is an…
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2 answers

Teradata: How do you debug "Transaction ABORTed due to Deadlock" errors?

Lately, we've been getting hit with the error Transaction ABORTed due to Deadlock when we go to update a record in one of our tables. Something is placing a lock on this table and it's not being released, but I have spent literal work days trying…
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1 answer

Teradata: What field do I order by when querying dbc.DBQLogTbl to return SQL in chronological order?

There are several date/time fields in this view and I can never wrap my head around which column to order by (and which secondary column) in order to retrieve a list of SQL statements in the order in which they were executed on the server.
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1 answer

Fetch_status in Teradata

@@ I am using cursors in Teradata and I need some help related to fetch_status below are the SQL Server FETCH_STATUS values Return value Description 0 FETCH statement was successful. -1 FETCH statement failed or the row was beyond the result set. -2…
Raniendu Singh
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3 answers

SQL Query Design for data validation issue

I have a fact table that contains some finance data. There is a column (VERS_NM) that defines wherther the value is "Actual" or "Current Outlook". The value for these two should always be the same but we noticed in some reports it seems incorrect.…
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1 answer

Can I use delete clause in Case Clause in teradata

I am newbie to teradata. I need to delete a row once the case condition is satisfied. Eg: case condition true delete the selected row.
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