Questions tagged [teamcity]

TeamCity from JetBrains is a continuous integration tool and a distributed Java-based build management system that can be highly beneficial to teams using an agile development approach.

TeamCity is a proprietary continuous integration and continuous delivery server, developed and provided by JetBrains. TeamCity natively supports Java, .NET, and Ruby development, provides integrations with major IDEs, version control systems, and issue tracking systems.

Key features include:

  • Projects hierarchy allows you to group builds in a tree structure, to represent the structure of your organization and to share common settings or enforce common practices.
  • Build configuration templates and configuration parameters for settings reuse
  • Real-time tracking (as builds are still running) shows new commits appearing in a code base, newly failed tests and new problems reported.
  • Test failure analysis allows finding the first build where test started to fail as well as changes which caused this failure, view history of test execution, and determine flaky (unstable) tests.
  • Integration with version control systems allows to check-out specific parts of the code base, check-out from several repositories at once, and view or download diffs right from the web interface.
  • Artifact and snapshot dependencies between builds.
  • Programmatic creation of projects and build configurations with Kotlin-based DSL.
  • Integration with IDEs (IntelliJ IDEA, Eclipse, Visual Studio).
  • Built-in static code analysis, based on IntelliJ IDEA and ReSharper engines.
  • Built-in code coverage engines based on IntelliJ IDEA and JetBrains dotCover.
  • Built-in statistics engine for configuring charts, reporting custom statistic values, or failing builds if statistical values get out of the specified range.
  • Built-in health reporting and settings suggestions to identify problems with server configuration and opt for more efficient project configuration.
  • Extensibility features allow writing custom plugins or report custom statistical values and tests from a custom testing framework with the help of service messages.

TeamCity is a commercial software and licensed under a proprietary license. A freemium license for up to 100 build configurations and 3 free build agents is available.

Useful links:

Issue tracker
Community forum

5857 questions
2 answers

Teamcity MsBuild generates wrong cspkg file

I am trying to build and Deploy our solution to Azure using TeamCity. When I Build the azure solution (Web.Azure.ccproj) using TC, it always generates wrong file like Web.Azure.ccproj.cspkg in Release\app.publish folder. I am not understaing why it…
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4 answers

TeamCity and IBM Rational Team Concert (RTC) Integration

Has anyone used TeamCity with Rational Team Concert (RTC) ? Is there any other continous integration for RTC?
2 answers

Include git branch name and latest commit SHA in TeamCity successfull email template

I have to include branch name and latest git commit SHA in TeamCity successful email template. I've added these lines to the standard build_successful.ftl email template file: <#global body> ... Commit: ${build.buildNumber} Branch:…
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1 answer

How can you prevent build artifact downloads in Teamcity

I am setting up the security for our team city build server. I would like all users to be able to view all builds, some of these builds produce artifacts with sensitive data in (connection strings and the like). Is it possible to prevent a…
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3 answers

Deploying builds from TeamCity

We use Team City as our CI build server and have configured it to build and test successfully. Now I have been tasked to deploy the complied items onto our production VM in Azure. These Items include front end code(HTML & Javascript), our node.js…
Mike Barnes
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0 answers

Why is the compatible build agent not building?

I recently upgraded my deployment build configuration to use Powershell V3.0 (from 2.0). I installed the necessary Microsoft package on my agent and the agent $PSVersionTable shows {1.0, 2.0, 3.0} locally. After manually queuing the build, the…
Jeremy Smith
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2 answers

Attaching a log file in Team City using email notification

Team City- I have tried to attach log file in Team City by email notification.I am facing difficulties in this. I tried placing the e-mail templates in the home directory of Team City($HOME\config_notifications\email). I have also tried placing the…
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1 answer

Accessing TeamCity artifacts in Build Step

I have been playing around with TeamCity to get a CI environment up and running. I started by following Troy Hunt's 'You're deploying wrong', which was very useful, however I wanted to split the packaging and deployment into 2 seperate steps, for…
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0 answers

Teamcity Project is not in alphabetical order

This is a really small gripe, but I was wondering if there was a way for the listed projects to be ordered in alphabetical fashion. I am currently using Teamcity version 7.1.5 and none of the documentations seem to allow this option, but I could've…
zhiwei zheng
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6 answers

.Net 4.5.1 on Team City

I am trying to build a .Net 4.5.1 web project on a team city server. I have installed the windows 8.1 SDK which, which seems to have the assembly Microsoft.Build.Tasks.v4.0.dll in it. However, when I'm trying to build the project I still get the…
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1 answer

Is there a way to tell TeamCity's AssemblyInfo Patcher to only change AssemblyFileVersion (and leave AssemblyVersion alone)

I am using TeamCity to build a large solution with many components, but many of which may be referenced by DLLs built separately (ie not built by TeamCity) This means that if I use the AssemblyInfo Patcher, the 'external' DLLs tend to stop working…
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3 answers

TeamCity Subversion labelling

I'm trying to label a build that is made of multiple checkouts like this: +Root +-trunk +--Folder1 +--Folder2 +-Tags +--ProjectA +---Build-123 +----Folder1 +----Folder2 where 123 in Build-123 is the build number. I'm trying to…
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2 answers

In the TeamCity "NuGet Pack" runner type, how can I avoid that the BasePath option is used?

I'm currently using Teamcity 7.x, and we're not ready to upgrade yet. For our internal NuGet packages, my specifications are relative to the location of the nuspec file (as per default), but when run in the NuGet Pack runner, they must be relative…
Dave Van den Eynde
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0 answers

Can I use StopOnFirstFailure to halt building of an sln file with MSBuild?

We build our solution using msbuild 4.0 from TeamCity. Our continuous build uses up quite a lot of resources, both on the build machine, and on our central signing and obfuscation servers. One thing I've noticed is that even when a project fails to…
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1 answer

Adding MSBuild Community Tasks as an Agent Requirement

My build script depends on the MSBuild Community Task targets. I'd like to make this an agent requirement. How can this be done in TeamCity 8.x?
Jeremy Smith
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