Questions tagged [teamcity-8.0]

TeamCity v8.0 is a Java based build management and continuous integration system from JetBrains.

TeamCity is a Java-based build management and continuous integration server from JetBrains.

New Features in version 8.0:

  • A much faster (up to 5 times) build history cleanup, allowing to drastically reduce server maintenance time;
  • Meta-Runner allowing to reuse build steps by representing them as a native TeamCity runner;
  • Improved build problems reporting: detection of new problems, ability to assign an investigation or mute a build problem;
  • The native IntelliJ IDEA compiler is now bundled with TeamCity 8, which means that for IntelliJ IDEA projects you get much faster incremental compilation and support for Scala, Groovy, Clojure, Kotlin, Android, GWT and many other technologies supported by IntelliJ IDEA;
  • Branches building based on Mercurial bookmarks and Git tags;
  • Detect and show changes made in Mercurial sub-repositories;

The product home page:

233 questions
1 answer

Teamcity build fails because of EF code migrations

My TeamCity build fails because I have a project that has 2 EF Code Migration configurations in it. From the build log: [12:39:58]Checking for changes [12:39:58]Collecting changes in 1 VCS root (1s) [12:40:00]Clearing temporary directory:…
1 answer

TypeError: null is not an object (evaluating 'document.body.querySelector('.alert > .bar.passed').innerText')

For some reason I'm getting intermittent failure to run (or at least report the running of) my jasmine tests. the error lies in run-jasmine.js and the error manifests itself as `TypeError: null is not an object (evaluating…
2 answers

How do you extract a version number from nuspec into TeamCity?

How do you extract a version number from nuspec into TeamCity? We have a csproj file with this corresponding nuspec node: 1.3.2 In TeamCity I'd like to do a build of this project and create a NuGet package with version 1.3.2.%build.counter%. For…
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1 answer

TeamCity Octopus Deploy Create Release cannot read API key

I am using TeamCity for automated testing and now I want to automate my deployments with the Octopus plugin. As of now I can create releases from the octopus server using my TeamCity packages manually but I want to automate it with my builds and…
1 answer

How to upgrade build agent to support Java 8

I want to use Java 8 in an application, but this version of Java is not installed on the TeamCity build agent I'm using. What is the proper procedure of upgrading Java to the latest version on the agent without breaking the builds of other projects…
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4 answers

Connect TeamCity to Visual Studio Online

I'm trying to migrate from on-premises TFS to Visual Studio Online. We have quite elaborate TeamCity build process that we don't want to migrate away from, so having TeamCity working with VSO would be ideal. I've created alternative user…
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How to use parameters in a TeamCity meta-runner generated from a subproject?

I've set up top-level project A in TeamCity. Project A has one build configuration called A1. Project B is a subproject of A. Project B has one build configuration called B1. In this build configuration, I defined two parameters: env.param1 =…
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3 answers

Teamcity SSH private key login failed: invalid privatekey

I set SSH login which connect from Windows Agent to Linux but TeamCity gives following error. [New build problem] com.jcraft.jsch.JSchException: invalid privatekey: [B@5543cd The keypair which generated by SSH Secure Shell has no problem to…
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1 answer

Can you use the team city rest api to fetch plan branch names?

I'm trying to build a command line app to fetch artifacts from teamcity. This is fine if I know the branch I want to get but I want to show a list of all the available branches first. This is what I have to fetch the latest build when I know the…
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1 answer

TeamCity: search over configuration parameters

Is it possible to perform a search over all the configuration parameters in a server? The reason I'm asking is because I have a path that points to a specific C# solution, and I need to update it, but I don't want to have to look in every build…
Maria Ines Parnisari
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2 answers

TeamCity VCS Trigger when multiple VCS Roots attached to Build Configuration

I have a Build Configuration within TeamCity (TeamCity Professional 8.1.5 (build 30240)) with two VCS Roots attached. The VCS roots point to seperate repositories. This Build Configuration has a VCS Trigger configured to trigger the project on each…
Rich Clark
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1 answer

How can I download artifacts from teamcity 8.1.2 using C# code

Using C# code I would like to download artifacts (zip file) from teamcity. Based on the TC documentation ( and ) I wrote this code string artifactSource =…
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1 answer

TeamCity: email notifications to non registered users

Is it possible setup TeamCity e-mail notifications to VCS users which doesn't registered in TeamCity? VCS user name is a first part of e-mail: vasily.pupkin -> Jenkins has settings for this case: 'Default user e-mail…
Sergey Azarkevich
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3 answers

TeamCity installed successfully, but unable to restart after shutdown

I have managed to install TeamCity successfully, with a BuildAgent running. However, after running runall stop, followed by runall start, I get the following error: error in script file line: 41 file input/output errorerror…
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0 answers

TeamCity Module 'C' should be referenced

I am trying to set up TeamCity with a single project to start with. Everything seems to work well except for when I add an “Inspections (.NET)” build step. I am getting a Module 'C' should be referenced error every time there is an @ in a .cshtml…
Antony Jones
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