Questions tagged [teamcity-8.0]

TeamCity v8.0 is a Java based build management and continuous integration system from JetBrains.

TeamCity is a Java-based build management and continuous integration server from JetBrains.

New Features in version 8.0:

  • A much faster (up to 5 times) build history cleanup, allowing to drastically reduce server maintenance time;
  • Meta-Runner allowing to reuse build steps by representing them as a native TeamCity runner;
  • Improved build problems reporting: detection of new problems, ability to assign an investigation or mute a build problem;
  • The native IntelliJ IDEA compiler is now bundled with TeamCity 8, which means that for IntelliJ IDEA projects you get much faster incremental compilation and support for Scala, Groovy, Clojure, Kotlin, Android, GWT and many other technologies supported by IntelliJ IDEA;
  • Branches building based on Mercurial bookmarks and Git tags;
  • Detect and show changes made in Mercurial sub-repositories;

The product home page:

233 questions
1 answer

TeamCity create new bug in youtrack

I am using TeamCity and YouTrack. I would like when build fails in TeamCity to be automatically created bug in my youtrack system, same way as TFS does. After registering YouTrack with TeamCity but this does not work for failed builds just gives…
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How do I debug MSBuild Error MSB6006 from TeamCity?

So the scenario is that I'm trying to setup TeamCity to check out our ASP.NET solution from an SVN repository and compile it using a Release profile. The checkout from SVN works fine, however compiling the solution is where things start to…
Adam Jones
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1 answer

Why can't the local teamcity build agent access the server

I'm having trouble with the local build agent on teamcity - it can't register with the server. Remote agents are registering successfully. Here's the agent log, the server logs say nothing about it. [2013-09-23 12:20:43,739] INFO -…
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Is it possible to reset the value in teamcity? I'm able to reset the build.counter value easily in the build configuration, but I haven't found anything to reset
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TeamCity 8.1.2 REST API: Get the running build of the specified build configuration

I'm using TeamCity 8.1.2 REST API and I want to check if there is a running build in my build configuration. To get builds in a queue I can use the following request: >…
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TF400324: Team Foundation services are not available from server - TeamCity 2018

I have a repository on my company's svn server. Now, I want to setup TeamCity with it. When I enter Repository Url, It gives error. Failed to connect to TFS root: TF400324: Team Foundation services are not available from server…
Gopaal Sharrma
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2 answers

Teamcity - git stopped working

Yesterday we were running out of space on our dev server. I cleaned the of teamcity from /home/teamcity/buildAgent/logs. But I don't think it's related... Today we have found out that none of our git connections in teamcity is working. But git…
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1 answer

Is TeamCity 8.0 compatible with Windows Server 2012 R2

The TeamCity website reports that the software is compatible and tested with Windows Server 2008 and not on Windows Server 2008 R2 or 2012/R2. Has anyone deployed TeamCity on Windows Server 2012 R2 ? Is there any known issue that we need to be aware…
Imaya Kumar
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