Questions tagged [tdb]

TDB is an open source RDF database developed and maintained by the Apache Jena project

TDB is an open source RDF database developed and maintained by the Apache Jena project. It is a Java based embedded database that may be exposed over HTTP using the Fuseki Server also from the Apache Jena project.


It's features includes the following:

  • Persisting RDF Triples or Quads
  • Full SPARQL execution
  • Write ahead logging to provide serializable transactions and fault tolerance

Scalability and Performance

TDB typically scales up to datasets of a few hundred million triples or quads.

Compared to commercial alternatives TDB is often less scalable compared primarily because while it is persisted to disk it is fundamentally designed as an in-memory database. It relays heavily on RAM caches and memory mapped files so scalability tends to be limited by machine RAM.

Also TDB does not have any option of a clustered mode so cannot be scaled horizontally without additional technologies (e.g. manually created replicas and load balancers)

TDB is typically included in the Berlin SPARQL Benchmark Results for those interested in comparative performance data.

127 questions
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Illegal utf-8 exception while querying apache jena with tdbquery

I use Apache Jena to query RDF Data from the Billion Triple Challange 2014 Dataset. I loaded the dataset into Jena with tdbloader. I especially use queries which contain property paths with tdbquery. When I start such a query I often get the…
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Querying named RDF graphs in TDB using tdbquery

I am trying to query my newly created TDB database use the tdbquery program. However, I am having a hard time writing a query that targets the correct named graph. I am doing the following: First a create a new dataset and add a name graph called…
1 answer

Query multiple models within same Dataset in TDB Jena

I have an ontology (say dgo.owl) and another file containing individuals for same ontology stored in rdf format. I have stored both (ontology and instances/individual file) files in TDB under different named models (say dgo_ont and homedata). Now, I…
Haroon Rashid
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TDBLoader API generic input file

I'm trying to save a bulk file into my TDB through TDBLoader into Jena API but when code is saving into my TDB it gives my this error org.apache.jena.riot.RiotException: [line: 1, col: 1 ] Expected BNode or IRI: Got: [DIRECTIVE:prefix] at…
Claudio Pomo
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java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: GC overhead limit exceeded when I load model RDF in TDB TripleStore

I have a question: I have written this post where I said that I had the problems when I loaded large RDF file in my RDF Triple Store. How I can load a model in TDB TripleStore This solutions worked, but today it causes another problems. My part of…
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How I can load a model in TDB TripleStore

I have a question for you: I would like to load a file on my Jena TDB TripleStore. My file is very big, about 80Mb and about 700000 triples RDF. When I try to load it, the execution stops working or takes a very long time. I'm using this code that I…
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Jena TDB/Fuseki Performance

I have a simple SPARQL query which executes reasonably fast on my Jena TDB store using a local Fuseki SPARQL endpoint: SELECT DISTINCT ?p WHERE { ?s rdf:type dbpedia-owl:Organisation . ?s ?p dbpedia:California . } LIMIT 10 It takes maybe 10…
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Jena TDB after reason then update

I am using Jena and I want to update the new ontology into my tdb. For example. I have 100 rows in my ontology , after I add some rules and run the reasoner, there are 105 rows now. And I need to update these 5 additional rows in my tdb. How can I…
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Query Jena TDB store

I'm trying to query jena TDB in java. My code follows. It seems that my TDB dataset is empty because model.size() (where model is the dataset default model) return 0. I'm sure it isn't empty, though, because I can query it with Fuseki with my…
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D2R 0.8.1 integration with Jena TDB

I am using D2R server for RDB to RDF conversion. Now I want to save this rdf into Jena TDB backed dataset while I am using D2R server. In short I want to integrate Jena TDB with D2R. Code for RDB to RDF conversion is: public static void main…
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Configuring Jena Fuseki + inference and TDB?

I am new to Jenna TDB and Fuseki. I would like to load Lehigh University Benchmark (LUBM) data generated with their data generator (ver.1.7) in to Fuseki. This is about 400 .owl files. used the following Configuration file, that comes with Fuseki…
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Loading N-quad (.nq) file using TDBloader (fuseki)?

I have a .nq file and I want to load it into a Fuseki triple store, but I get the following error: Exception in thread "main" org.apache.jena.atlas.AtlasException: java.nio.charset.MalformedInputException: Input length = 1 at…
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error in transaction in Sparql and jena tdb?

This is my jena code: package neww; import static com.hp.hpl.jena.query.ReadWrite.READ ; import static com.hp.hpl.jena.query.ReadWrite.WRITE ; import com.hp.hpl.jena.query.ReadWrite ; import com.hp.hpl.jena.query.Dataset ; import…
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rrdf and local triple stores in R

I am using the rrdf package to use RDF data in R. The library seems really nice, but there is no information about the possibility of local triple stores, such as TDB. Is it possible to use them, as they are part of Jena? Are there…
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2 answers

Is there a Sesame SAIL for Jena TDB?

Does anybody know of a Sesame SAIL implementation for the Jena TDB triple store? Even a beta version would be helpful to get started with. [EDIT] To satisfy whoever voted this question down for lack of research: I've queried the Jena archives,…
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