Questions tagged [tdb]

TDB is an open source RDF database developed and maintained by the Apache Jena project

TDB is an open source RDF database developed and maintained by the Apache Jena project. It is a Java based embedded database that may be exposed over HTTP using the Fuseki Server also from the Apache Jena project.


It's features includes the following:

  • Persisting RDF Triples or Quads
  • Full SPARQL execution
  • Write ahead logging to provide serializable transactions and fault tolerance

Scalability and Performance

TDB typically scales up to datasets of a few hundred million triples or quads.

Compared to commercial alternatives TDB is often less scalable compared primarily because while it is persisted to disk it is fundamentally designed as an in-memory database. It relays heavily on RAM caches and memory mapped files so scalability tends to be limited by machine RAM.

Also TDB does not have any option of a clustered mode so cannot be scaled horizontally without additional technologies (e.g. manually created replicas and load balancers)

TDB is typically included in the Berlin SPARQL Benchmark Results for those interested in comparative performance data.

127 questions
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How to write SPARQL query that efficiently matches string literals while ignoring case

I am using Jena ARQ to write a SPARQL query against a large ontology being read from Jena TDB in order to find the types associated with concepts based on rdfs label: SELECT DISTINCT ?type WHERE { ?x
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Sparql query running forever

I'm struggling with the execution of a SPARQL query in Jena, with a resulting behaviour that I don't understand... I'm trying to query the Esco ontology (, and I'm using TDB to load the ontology and create the…
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Jena TDB java.lang.ExceptionInInitializerError

I'm using Jena TDB for loading an RDF dataset and making SPARQL queries against it. I'm using the following maven dependency: org.apache.jena apache-jena-libs pom
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Reasoning with Fuseki, TDB and named graphs?

I'm serving a dataset containing 10-20 named graphs from a TDB dataset in Fuseki 2. I'd like to use a reasoner to do inference on my data. The behaviour I'd like to see is that triples inferred within each graph should appear within those graphs…
Johan Nystrom
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tbloader vs SPARQL INSERT - Why different behaviour with named graphs?

There is a strange behaviour in the connection of the commandline tools of ARQ, TDB and Named Graphs. If importing data via tdbloader in a named graph it can not be queried via GRAPH clause in a SPARQL SELECT query. However, this query is possible…
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Why do we need Fuseki Server?

I am developing an application, which is using triple store (Jena TDB). It is clealy mentioned that TDB Supports SPARQL update and Query. Also, I understood that Fuseki is SPARQL server, that supports Update and Query as well. I do not find answer…
Haroon Rashid
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Query multiple TDB Datasets

Using: jena-fuseki-1.1.0, apache-jena-2.12.0 What I want to achieve and my current state: I am trying to set up a local jena-fuseki server with the dbpedia Persondata (English and German), Inter-Language Links, Images and Links to Wikipedia Article…
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How I can use Fuseki with Jena TDB

I have a question for you. I have a triplestore "Jena TDB" and I have read that I can set up a SPARQL endpoint for locally stored RDF data. In particular, I saw that in the literature together with Jena TDB is used Fuseki. I loaded my files rdf in…
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Jena Dataset Listener

Thanks to ModelChangedListener, I can monitor changes in a Model as explained in Jena documentation (Event handling in Jena). Model m = ModelFactory.createDefaultModel(); ModelChangedListener L = new MyListener(); m.register(L); However, in my…
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Sanitize YAGO files before loading into apache-jena TDB triplestore

I want to use the YAGO 3 rdf triples (yago3_entire_ttl.7z from ) into the apache-jena triplestore (3.1.0) using tdbloader. The riot tool…
1 answer

Strange Apache Jena OPTIONAL behavior

I'm using Jena (TDB 0.10.1, CORE/ARQ 2.10.1) from the maven repository. I imported this file: tdbloader --graph= --loc=$bsdStore $lgdData"supermarkets.ttl" I'm now trying to query this model like so: PREFIX lgd:…
Daniel Gerber
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Can Fuseki both use OWL resoner and rule reasoner

I am using Jena Fuseki to load a Jena TDB file to construct a SPARQL service. The fuseki reasoner config has the following: <#inf_model> a ja:InfModel ; ja:baseModel <#union_model>; ja:reasoner [ja:reasonerURL…
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Jena Full-text search using ElasticSearch problem

i've a Graph DB in Jena-Fuseki and i'm trying to index this DB using ElasticSearch cluster , i'm following that link and when i run this command : java -cp ./fuseki-server.jar…
0 answers

Low Performance for SPARQL Queries to Fuseki on TDB

I have bulk loaded the wikidata dump using tdbloader2. And now I am trying to make SPARQL queries. A query like this runs very slowly(can not be finished in more than 24 hours), though it works on : PREFIX rdfs:…
1 answer

Can we create multiple datasets in single TDB directory

String directory = "directoryPath"; Dataset dataset = TDBFactory.createDataset(directory); Dataset datasetnew = TDBFactory.createDataset(directory); Is the dataset a reference to the TDB directory or it's like a folder inside the TDB directory?…
Shreshtha Garg
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