Questions tagged [sesame]

Sesame was the old name of the Eclipse RDF4J Java framework for storing, querying and inferencing for RDF. It can be deployed as a web server or used as a Java library. Features include several query languages (SeRQL and SPARQL), inferencing support, and scalable persistence in an RDF database.


OpenRDF Sesame was the old name of Eclipse RDF4J, a Java framework for storing, querying and manipulating RDF data.

It can be deployed as a web server or used as a Java library. Features include several query languages (SeRQL and SPARQL 1.1), inferencing support, and fast RAM or scalable persistent storage. Additionally, the central APIs of Sesame are storage-independent and are supported by many third-party RDF database vendors.

Documentation Links

Documentation can be found on the Sesame project website, including Javadocs, tutorials, and other user/system documentation.

When to use this tag

Use only on questions about the legacy Sesame API (where the package names still start with org.openrdf). All questions about the Eclipse RDF4J API (org.eclipse.rdf4j) should be tagged with instead. Note that more general questions should often include or , since their answers might not depend essentially on the Sesame API.

298 questions
4 answers

How do turn a java Iterator-like object into a clojure sequence

I'm using the Sesame library to run SPARQL queries over an in-memory triple store. I am using Clojure to achieve this. A query result is a custom Iterator-like [1] object, so the clojure seq does not work on it out of the box. What is the most…
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SPARQL 1.1: how to use the replace function?

How can one use the replace function in SPARQL 1.1, especially in update commands? For example, if I have a number of triples ?s ?p ?o where ?o is a string and for all triples where ?o contains the string "gotit" I want to insert an additional…
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3 answers

Performance comparison of RDF storage vs traditional database

Has someone experiment RDF storage solution like Sesame? I'm looking for performance review of this kind of solution compared to the traditional database solution.
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Update RDF in Triplestore

I'm experimenting with Sesame and Virtuoso Triplestores. At the Moment I use the Sesame Java API to add RDF Data to both Triplestores. My RDF Data represents different things like Videodata, Userdata etc. At the moment I can add a RDF of a Video…
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2 answers

dependencies of dependency are not included

I have a java application that has some dependencies, among them another project with its own dependencies. Whenever I run it from Netbeans or with mvn exec is fine but when I try to package it, even though it's successfully built, at run time I get…
1 answer

SPARQL query to retrieve all objects and properties

Using the Wine ontology, I want to create SPARQL query so I can retrieve all wines and their properties like the table below - consider that I don't know the properties' names a priori. vin | rdf:type | vin:hasMaker | …
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1 answer

Loading Notation3 into a Database

How do you parse and load the triples represented by a Notation3 file into a database? I'm somewhat familiar with Jena and Sesame, but these seemed geared to process RDF or Turtle, not full Notation3. I've found relatively few robust tools for…
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Ontologies, OWL, Sparql: Modelling that "something is not there" and performance considerations

we want to model that "something is not there" as opposed to missing information, e.g. an explicit statement that "a patient did not get chemotherapy" or that "a patient does not have dyspnea" is different from missing information about whether a…
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1 answer

Query RDF using SPARQL / Sesame

I´m trying to query a repository using SPARQL and Sesame 2.7 but when I run my code I get the following error org.openrdf.http.client.SesameHTTPClient - Server reports problem: org.openrdf.query.parser.sparql.ast.VisitorException: QName…
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1 answer

How to get a concise bounded description of a resource with Sesame?

I've been testing Sesame 2.7.2 and I got a big surprise when faced to the fact that DESCRIBE queries do not include blank nodes closure [EDIT: the right term for this is CBD for concise bounded description] If I correctly understand, the SPARQL spec…
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1 answer

OpenRDF Sesame - 404 error

I have OpenRDF Sesame in my webapps folder under my Apache Tomcat installation. I can access the /openrdf-workbench webapp, but /openrdf-sesame gives me a 404 error. Literally all it says is: HTTP Status 404 - type Status…
1 answer

Python: Using RDFLIB to graph a Sesame database

Is it possible to draw a graph of a Sesame RDF database using RDFLIB? This is what I tried: endpoint = "" from rdflib import Graph g…
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How to access the Wikidata SPARQL interface from Java?

I am trying to query all instances of an entity from Wikidata. I found out that currently the only way to do this is to use the SPARQL endpoint. I found an example query which does about what I want to do and successfully executed it from the Web…
Andreas Hartmann
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1 answer

How to set up a password for openrdf workbench?

I have successfully installed Openrdf Repository (sesame 2.3.2) and Openrdf workbench however I do not know how to set up a user and a password to protect Openrdf workbench. I suppose that there is --somewhere -- a configuration file. Can somebody…
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1 answer

Single quad + most basic SPARQL query = 1 result in Jena, 2 results in Sesame - who is right?

Add just this one quad to an empty store: 2 . Then execute this SPARQL query (taken from per Bob DuCharme's book 'Learning SPARQL', so this must be standard SPARQL for retrieving all quads across…
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