Questions tagged [task-runner-explorer]

Task Runner Explorer lets you run commands inside Visual Studio ...

Task Runner Explorer lets you run Grunt, Gulp, even DOS cmd scripts from within Visual Studio. These commands can be bound to triggers such as Before Build, After Build, Clean and Solution Open

First introduced as an extension for 2013,, now a part of Visual Studio 2015,

73 questions
5 answers

Task Runner Explorer can't load tasks

I'm using VS2015 and Gulp. I open the Task Runner Explorer and hit refresh, and this shows up in the log: Failed to run "C:\Projects\Test\Gulpfile.js"... cmd.exe /c gulp --tasks-simple Error: `libsass` bindings not found in…
Josh M.
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Cancel Build if Task Runner Explorer Task Fails

I am using visual studio task runner (2015) to run a Gulp task bound to before build. I have set it up so that when the gulp tasks fails it sends exit code 1 and at the end it says "Process terminated with code 1." however the build continues. This…
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Gulp task failing when run from VS 2015 Task Runner explorer, but not from command prompt

I have some Gulp tasks to do the typical clean, build, release actions for a website. Nothing particularly unusual in my mind. (In fact it's very similar to Aurelia TypeScript skeleton.) Most of the team does front-end development using Gulp from a…
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How can I disable Task Runner Explorer in Visual Studio?

The Task Runner Explorer just throws errors for me in Visual Studio 2015 RC and I just want to disable it and run my gulp file from the command line like I always have. Is there a way to turn off the Task Runner Explorer?
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Fresh npm install of webpack.js is throwing Block-scope error

I'm new to Webpack, Visual Studio, and Task Runner, but these are what I have been told to install/use at work so I'm struggling through figuring out how to make it all work. I just used NPM to globally install a fresh copy of webpack and…
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Running gulp watch in task runner explorer by setting bindings to 'After Build' in Visual Studio 2015

I am trying to run gulp watch by setting bindings property of watch to 'After Build' in Task runner explorer. I tried to run application, during build it triggered my watch task from gulp and it's still running. But my application is not running in…
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Is it possible to run a gulp task from visual studio with arguments

I have a gulp task which accepts arguments using yargs. From the command line I do something like gulp scaffold:thing --name=someName --path=some/path-to/{thing}. I would like to be able to call this and prompt the user to input the needed…
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Order of Events - MSBuild and Task Runner Bindings (Gulp)

I am using a TFS build project to build a Visual Studio 2015 project that contains a gulpfile for compiling SASS among other things. I am trying to understand the sequence of events using MSBuild Tasks and Task Runner bindings. It appears that…
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Task Runner Explorer not working

I have applied Gulp on my project made in VS2015 Community. But when I use the Task Runner Explorer, a dialog box appears saying "Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation." I tried doing the (PATH) thing in the "Configure External…
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How to configure "npm install" in Task Runner Explorer VS2015

I have a problem with the node_modules folder created by npm. The specified path, file name, or both are too long. The fully qualified file name must be less than 260 characters, and the directory name must be less than 248 characters. A solution…
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Visual Studio node.js build settings

I am trying to setup a development environment using Visual Studio for an Angular 2 typescript project, using a visual studio node.js project. If I use the command line, everything works fine, my typescript is compiled, and my app runs like it…
1 answer

How can I utilize in Visual Studio 2015?

I want to apply a Gulp watcher to my LESS files so Gulp will create css files whenever a LESS file gets saved. How can I do this? It doesn't seem to be correct/sufficient to write something like this: var gulp = require("gulp"); var moreLess =…
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Gulp - list all files as a separated tasks

I want to list all the .ts files from a partucar folder, and present them as an individual tasks using gulp. So, i have a folder which have those files: /src - app.ts - items.ts Right now I'm using this command to build all those files and send…
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1 answer

Have npm watch files in background to enable integration with Visual Studio Task Runner

I am trying to have npm watch for file changes in my client side code. I can have it work from the command line ok but I'd really like it to work from Visual Studio task runner. my package.json looks something like this: ... "watch": { "compile":…
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2 answers

visual studio (2015) Task Runner "Project Open" bound task is launched twice when open solution

I have a "watch" task that bound it to "project open" binding . but when open the solution , it is run twice ... my solution includes these projects: Controllers EFRepository Infrastructure Model ReportLibrary WebUI Design and my watch task…
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