Questions tagged [task-runner-explorer]

Task Runner Explorer lets you run commands inside Visual Studio ...

Task Runner Explorer lets you run Grunt, Gulp, even DOS cmd scripts from within Visual Studio. These commands can be bound to triggers such as Before Build, After Build, Clean and Solution Open

First introduced as an extension for 2013,, now a part of Visual Studio 2015,

73 questions
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Visual Studio 2015 task runner explorer missing bower task

In my ASP.NET 5 Web Application project using ASP.NET 5 Web Application template when I run Task Runner Explorer, I don't see the Bower task as shown in first figure of this tutorial. Here is screenshot of my Task Runner Explorer:
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UNKOWN error thrown when compiling typescript using Gulp in VS2015

I have installed Visual Studio 2015 (with no other previous versions) on a new laptop and have pulled down the source for our MVC web app. We have a gulp file with tasks to compile our less and typescript. When running this task ... cmd.exe /c gulp…
1 answer

grunt: how to detect if file is saved to uglify all of my js files

I am trying to detect if some js is saved to uglify my js files or my css files. I am having this code in GruntFile.js: /// module.exports = function (grunt) { grunt.initConfig({ uglify: { …
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Gulp task not running when package.json file is present

I have the following Gulp task: var gulp = require('gulp'); var browserify = require('browserify'); var reactify = require('reactify'); var source = require('vinyl-source-stream'); var uglify = require('gulp-uglify'); var buffer =…
Elad Lachmi
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Trying to auto-run gulpfile.js (Visual Studio 2019)

My Visual Studio project contains a file named gulpfile.js in a project root folder. This file was added to the project by a teammate who uses VS Code. She uses this gulp file to perform the "bundling and minimizing" operations that VS 2019 does…
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Change Task Runner Explorer command

In Visual Studio 2019 I have installed the extension call NPM Task Runner. When I run a the build command the output is: cmd.exe /c npm run build --color=always How do I change that to: npm run build --color=always Because when I run the first one…
Rabel Obispo
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How to run multiple webpack task before build in visual studio?

I have multiple webpack file with different 'purpose' and before and I need to run different webpack tasks, for example: package.json: "scripts": { "webpack-dll": "set NODE_ENV=dll && webpack", "webpack-admin": "set NODE_ENV=admin && webpack", …
0 answers

Webpack is throwing lots of errors from node modules when running watch-development

When running watch-development I am plagued with so many errors from my node modules and I'm not sure where to begin to even resolve some of them. Maybe something is wrong with my webpack configuration but I have tried looking for a solution for…
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Compile sass to css in Visual Studio 2019 using gulp

Ok, so I followed procedure on how how to compile sass files to css file in Visual Studio 2019 ( core 2.2), but somehow I am getting the following error Failed to run "C:\Users\user1\Source\Repos\Admin2Mvc\Admin2Mvc\Gulpfile.js"... cmd.exe /c…
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How to fetch current filename that is being processed using gulp.src()

I have to run certain gulp task over multiple json files in a folder but the task would fetch files different location based on the filename. I am able to run the task by passing the filename as an argument in cmd but I want to automate the script…
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Why does Webpack Task Runner for Visual Studio not allow multiple output files?

I am using Visual Studio 2017 with the Webpack Runner extension installed. I have the following TS files: /Scripts/TypeA/A.ts /Scripts/TypeB/B.ts And would like to transpile them to the…
2 answers

How do I restart the Task Runner within visual studio?

I have a gulp task to convert my .less file to css. This works fine until there is a syntax error in the less file. This causes gulp to crash and the Task Runner Explorer stops and I can't restart it. I have to unload/reload the project to change a…
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Is it possible to execute two commands sequentially using commands.json?

I am using Mads Kristensen's Command Task Runner extension in Visual Studio 2017, to help when working with a colleague's JS work. I have set up a commands.json file, which we use to Lint and Build his work: { "commands": { "chat-lint":…
Jon Pawley
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Why does Task Runner in VS2017 give such verbose output for "ng build"

I create a new angular-cli project with "ng new xxx". I move to xxx and run "ng build". I normally get about 8 lines of output: Date: 2017-11-12T03:14:13.719Z Hash: 4a82f3de6e254818919f Time: 6413ms chunk {inline} inline.bundle.js,…
1 answer

Write output from Gulp task into .Masterpage/.aspx page

I'm using critical to generate Critical path CSS for my site. I have a gulp task set up as follows: gulp.task('critical-css', function () { critical.generate({ base: 'CriticalCss/', inline: false, src: 'index.html', …
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