Questions tagged [tabpanel]

A GUI pattern, a panel that contains one or more tabs within his borders. Tab panel allows user to display multiple pages within one window(panel), easily switching between pages with a single click. Tab panel is a "parent" of a tab.

444 questions
2 answers

R Shiny - add tabPanel to tabsetPanel dynamically (with the use of renderUI)

I am developing a shiny application in which I use tabsetPanel, which is generated when user enters some particular input. Thus, I want to use renderUI function to make a tabsetPanel appear / disappear. My struggle now is that number of tabPanel…
Marta Karas
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1 answer

JavaFX TabPane - One controller for each tab

I'm new to Fx. I have a TabPanel with 10 Tabs. Each Tab has many controls (charts, buttons, etc.), and what I want is to assign a controller for each Tab. The SceneBuilder only let me assign a controller for the whole view, I mean, only the top…
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4 answers

Dock Panel component for .NET that allows docking inside tab-pages?

I want to build a user-interface that, for historical reasons, has a lot of "columns" of information. Many of these aren't relevant for all users in all cases, so I thought I'd look at dock panels to allow the users to hide or rearrange the columns…
Lasse V. Karlsen
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3 answers

GWT Datagrid does not show data , but contains it

I'm trying to convert a cellTable into adatagrid, because I want to add a search handler later and therefor I need fixed column headers. At the moment I extend the celltable/datagrid class and put the widget into a simplelayoutpanel and add this to…
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2 answers

JavaFX - closing a Tab in TabPane dynamically

I have a TabPane with closable tabs. I want to fire a "close tab event" when the user clicks a button in the content of the tab. Here is the method called when the user clicks the button: public class CustomTab extends Tab { ... protected…
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1 answer

shiny dashboard mainpanel height issue

This is an extension of my previous question. Now I am not able to extend the height of my main panel. This is my code below library(shiny) library(shinydashboard) library(shinyBS) library(DT) ui <- dashboardPage( dashboardHeader(), …
2 answers

WPF Styles for TabControl / TabPanel / TabItem

Here's a newbie question on the WPF TabControl, TabItem and TabPanel. There is a related question on StackOVF with an answer I happily used in my app. Here's a link to the answer, and the code snippet as well: WPF: Center TabItems in a…
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7 answers

JavaFX 2.0 TabPane : Tabs at left and keep tab header horizontal

I'm trying to develop a GUI for a web application and I wanted to set a TabPane with tabs placed at left keeping the tab headers horizontal. I already found how to place the tabs at left, but after many searches I didn't succeed to set the headers…
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1 answer

Sencha Touch TabBar add button on the left side of tabs

I was working through some sencha touch tutorials and i can't figure out how to add a button to the left of tabs in TabPanel view. By default a button is added to the right of tabs. I have tried changing align and layout settings but nothing seems…
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2 answers

How can I update the content of a tab in an ExtJS TabPanel?

I have a tab panel like this: var tab1 = { id: 'section1', title: 'First Section', padding: 10, html: '(this content will be replaced with an ajax load)' } var tab2 = { id: 'section2', title: 'Second Section', padding:…
Edward Tanguay
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2 answers

In the tabpanel of ExtJS 4, how to catch the tabchange event anytime I click a tab?

For each tab in the tabpanel, I have one floating panel located in a fixed spot. When I switch the tabs, I need to bring the corresponding floating panel to the front. However, the tabchange event is fired only the first time. How can I catch this…
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4 answers

ExtJS 3.2.0, hide tabpanel's header

PLs tell me how i can hide header of tabpanel "..." if my tabpanel have only one tab? I can't use Ext.Panel becose I use fairly sophisticated methods for generating extjs code on the server, and there is a large number of design errors that do not…
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1 answer

R Shiny: How to hide tabPanel by a condition in server

I modified an answer given in here to write a very simple login/logout system using the Shiny package in R. I would like to hide panel "B" if USER$Logged is FALSE (i.e. user is logged out) and show it whenever USER$Logged is TRUE (i.e. user is…
0 answers

Racket GUI tab-panel dynamic content

I am looking into GUI development with Racket. I would like to create a tab-panel%, with multiple tabs. The documentation says, that a switch of tab does only call a procedure and does not make a content change happen automatically. I think this is…
Zelphir Kaltstahl
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1 answer

shiny- Why changing the order of tabpanels, tabPanel not displaying plot?

I am a newbie of shiny. I would like to upload data set from file and display it in a tabPanel. And the next step is to plot the data set and display the plot in another tabPanel. But I found that when the order of tabPanels was changed, the plot…
Just Rookie
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