Questions tagged [tableviewer]

Eclipse JFace TableViewer component, concrete viewer based on a SWT Table control.

216 questions
2 answers

SWT : Fetching the contents of a dialog box and storing the data in a table viewer

I have a Wizard page which contains a Jface TableViewer with 5 columns. Wizard page also contains "Add" and "Remove" buttons. When the Add button is clicked a new Dialog opens up with 3 Text boxes and 2 Combo boxes and the user enters details into…
1 answer

JFace TableViewer: filling the table with contents

I am trying to work out how JFace's structural elements work. I made the following simple interface: protected Control createContents(Composite parent) { Composite container = new Composite(parent, SWT.NONE); container.setLayout(new…
Danny Lo
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Casting Object to List without SuppressWarnings

I am trying to use the return type of TableViewers getInput() method to be cast to List. The unchecked type NIGHTMARE takes over and adds warnings. I cannot use SuppressWarnings to hide the warning because Checkstyle settings on this source…
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Discrete scrolling in SWT Table

How to do a discrete (row-by-row) scrolling in SWT Table (JFace TableViewer)? I need a Table to be scrolled "one unbroken row at a time", putting a full cell on top. I use JFace TableViewer, but I didn't find a way to add a mouse-listener to it, so…
While True
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how to select entire tableviewer row when checkbox clicked (first column of the table has checkboxes in each row)

am beginner to SWT, anyone please help, my problem is: i have a table, which has 10 Columns, the first column has Check box and the rest of the column are filled from Database, when i check the checkbox i want that perticular row to be selected, i…
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1 answer

How to remove redundant column in tableviewer?

I created tableviewer . The columns are created dynamically. The problem that I always have another column in the table. I checked the names of the columns and I didn't get any empty column. Maybe it could be a configuration of the tableviewer . Do…
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How to get the right value in tableviewer?

I created tableviewer ( jface ). All the columns are editable ( using EditingSupport ) I want to save the changes in the table. I Added a button of save. The issue that I tried change the value in the cell ( the focus is still on the cell ) I press…
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TableViewer with Virtual style in Ubuntu is Slow

In Eclipse RCP application, on Ubuntu 12.04 LTS, I am using a TableViewer with two column and VIRTUAL Style for displaying large amount data (Records appox. 500000). On Windows, this data load very fast and on Ubuntu its takes more time. Below is…
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How to make TableViewer exapandable in SWT?

I made class ViewContentProvider implements IStructuredContentProvider which provides hierarchical data, also I made appropriate class ViewLabelProvider extends LabelProvider implements ITableLabelProvider Then I wrote public void…
Suzan Cioc
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1 answer

How to build pop up of TableViewer in SWT?

I am new in Java and in SWT. I created TableViewer to show data of tables. class myTable : TableViewer I want when I press on button to open dialog of myTable ( like pop up ) and to choose any item from the TableViewer. The dialog should have two…
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1 answer

how to do paging for TableViewer jface?

I created application with TableViewer in eclipse. The TableViewer is import from org.eclipse.jface.viewers.TableViewer The table has a lot of data. When I scroll on the table I want to see the next result of the table (Paging) Do you know if there…
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1 answer

JFace: how to add multiple selection to a cell in a TableViewer

This question is about how I could add a multi-selection ComboBoxCellEditor, or a multiple BooleanCellEditor to a cell in a TableViewer. The main aim is to have a multi selection in a cell. I am using the snippets at…
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tableViewer.setInput with monitor

I have a Table viewer with 3 columns and several rows (>4000). When call tableviewer.setInput(myList) it takes forever and i'm ok with that but i wanted to implement a monitor so that the user can know what's going on but i have no idea how to start…
1 answer

Eclipse RCP Adapters

I have a view with a TableViewer of cities. I also have another view with a TreeViewer of persons. Can someone explain or give me a tip on how can I update the TreeViewer with persons from the city selected in TableViewer using adapter factory?
1 answer

Inserting rich text into a JFace TableViewer in Eclipse v3.3

The StyledCellLabelProvider is available in 3.5 onwards, but alas I am anchored to a platform that must use v3.3. Can anyone say how I might display rich text in a field of a JFace TableViewer? Is it even possible at all?
Martin Cowie
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