Questions tagged [tableviewer]

Eclipse JFace TableViewer component, concrete viewer based on a SWT Table control.

216 questions
1 answer

Adding a popup Menu to a tree in e4 Rcp

I am creating a tree structure in RCP application. I want to able to create a pop up menu. I have been able to create a dummy menu item. final Menu treeMenu = new Menu(check.getShell(), SWT.POP_UP); MenuItem item = new MenuItem(treeMenu,…
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SWT Java TableViewer

I have a tableviewer implemented in my code and I'd like to hide or skip any duplicating cells. For example my data looks like: Part Number, Value 123, "Test" 123, "Test1" 123, "Test2" 124, "Test" 124, …
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Java JFace TableViewer fix/freeze row

I've build an application in Java with the help of JFace/SWT. I am using mainly the TableViewer of JFace and sometime the SWT table behind with myTableViewer.getTable(). My table has a header (filled with the column names) and the first row is…
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Eclipse RCP: TableViewer setInput from another view

I have several views in my RCP project. In one view I have a TableViewer. In another view I have a JFrame with a Button. I want to update the data in the TableViewer using the setInput() method when I press the button in another view. How do I do…
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TableViewer with EMF databinding and cell editing - close but not quite

I am going through Tom Shindl's instructions on how to add EMF databinding on to tables, here is my code for the data binding: protected DataBindingContext initDataBindings() { //going to use this person instead Person p =…
1 answer

How to save the contents of a tableviewer into a text file in swt

I have created a table viewer and displaying the contents in the table.Now i have created a button called save which has to save all the contents of the table into a file .I have created a dialog window to give the file name but i am not getting…
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Jface TableViewer set ContentProvider LabelProvider without update

I am looking for a way to set the ContentProvider and LabelProvider of a JFace TableViewer without triggering a refresh. The background of my Problem is: I am dynamically changing the Columns of the TableViewer I am locally defining new input data…
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2 answers

Refresh the TableViewer table every time add a new item to list

I created a TableViewer table to display data from an ArrayList. I want to refresh the table every time I add a new item to my list. But now the table waits until all my data has been added to the list then the table will display all the data at…
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How do I access a TableEditor or an EditingSupport that has been attached to a TableViewer?

I am currently working on an application that uses a TableViewer in several places to display formatted tabular data. Each table must have an export feature where all its content is exported in an Excel file. In order to avoid unnecessery code…
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JFace TableViewer with ViewerSorter and StyledCellLabelProvider

In my TableViewer there are some TableViewerColumns. I have a text widget and a button 'search'. Whenever i hit search i want to color the table cells text that contain(match) the word inside the text widget. I can do that with setting a…
1 answer

Lost focus after using MessageDialog in TableViewer in JFace

I have a strange problem with MessageDialog. I have a dialog which holds a TableViewer. My plan is that when a user select something in the TableViewer, it will pop up a warning dialog. the code is like below: contextTableViewer = new…
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How to invoke getContainer() method of IWizard class

Brief note about my work progress : I'm currently working on JFace Wizards. There is a tableViewer in one of my wizards and a row in that table has a button which opens a dialog cell editor. Wizard also has a IRunnableWithProgress indicator which…
1 answer

JFace Table Viewer Selection issue after sorting

In an eclipse RCP application , I have a tableviewer with a VIRTUAL style for diplaying a large amount of data. I am using a custom content provider implementing IStructuredContentProvider & a custom table viewer implementing ITableLabelProvider as…
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0 answers

Color JFace TableViewer alternatively

I want to make SWT TableViewer row with alternate grey and white color, some links showed a way to do by using setLinesvisible but that option didn't work. Other way I can find is like using IColorProvider, wanted to know any better approach to do…
Abhishek Choudhary
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2 answers

JFace : Adding images to a table viewer is creating an issue

I have a table viewer with 5 columns. In the 1st column I check some conditions and add an image and the rest of the columns will have text, But when I try to add the image and then add the rest of the columns with text then the 2nd column's text…