Questions tagged [sysdba]

40 questions
4 answers

DataGrip: how to connect to Oracle as SYSDBA

I tried to setup in DataGrip an Oracle connection under SYS user. But got error: ORA-28009: connection as SYS should be as SYSDBA or SYSOPER But there is no option in GUI to choose as SYSDBA option.
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2 answers

How to recover or change Oracle sysdba password

We are working with an oracle database in which the person that set it up is "long gone" and thus do not know the sysdba password, but need it. We have root access to the box (its on linux). Is there any way to recover or change the sys passwords?
Adam Lerman
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1 answer

grant permission for dbms_crypto

I am using dbms_crypto.encrypt function in my oracle procedure for encryption of passwords. I have connected to oracle as : connect sqlplus as sysdba and then granted permission as : grant execute on sys.dbms_crypto to myuser; And then i can use…
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Getting "java.sql.SQLException: ORA-28009: connection as SYS should be as SYSDBA or SYSOPER" in groovy

Code is as follows - import groovy.sql.Sql def driver = "oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver" def jdbcUrl = "jdbc:oracle:thin@myhost:1521:MYSID" def sql = Sql.newInstance(jdbcUrl , "sys", "password", driver) But I am getting following error Caught:…
Aniket Thakur
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Why can my new user login as sysdba in oracle?

I just installed Oracle 11g R2 on windows 7 machine. I am able to login using my sys as sysdba account. Using the sys account I created a user as follows create user testuser identified by testuser; When I try to connect to database with testuser…
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Can't login as sysdba in oracle sqlplus

'hello I am trying to login locally installed oracle 11g database from my windows machine using system / as sysdba Its asking for username and password , but In my knowledge its using default windows account and will login without any prompt .…
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Why many tables ORACLE default 12c?

Creating a new database (basic and advanced), It's my first time dealing with Oracle, in which I do not know why so many tables, triggers, views and other objects when only wanted to create a relational data base empty. Is there another way to do…
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4 answers

How can I connect to an Oracle database as SYS using an ADO connection string?

I am trying this: Provider=MSDASQL.1;Persist Security Info=False;User ID=sys;Password=pwd;Initial Catalog=DATABASE;Data Source=OdbcDataSource;DBA Privilege=SYSDBA But I get the error: [Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] Driver's SQLSetConnectAttr…
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Running Oracle IMP as SYSDBA

I need to import an ORACLE 9 DMP file into a newly installed Oracle 11g. I'm using the imp utility and using SYSMAN as the login. I get to the point to restore and am told 'only a DBA can import a file exported by another DBA'. When I try and use…
Bob Perkins
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1 answer

java.lang.SecurityException: policy table update SYS:JAVA.LANG.RUNTIMEPERMISSION, GETCLASSLOADER

While trying to grant java execute permissions to my schema ABC from sys, i get the below error.I tried various versions but every time i get the error, any suggestions. I'm using Oracle 12c Database SQL> BEGIN DBMS_JAVA.GRANT_PERMISSION…
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1 answer

Django Oracle connection as SYS should be as SYSDBA or SYSOPER

I'm trying to use Oracle Database for Django. Oracle DB is active and I can connect with SQLDeveloper. But cannot connect from Django to Oracle DB. I got this error: django.db.utils.DatabaseError: ORA-28009: connection as SYS should be as SYSDBA or…
Zulfugar Ismayilzadeh
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3 answers

Keeping SYSDBA connection open in C++

Problem: I am trying to connect as "SYSDBA" and then create a user in my C++ application. The connection to SYSDBA seems to close before running the create command. I am trying to run the following two commands: CONNECT…
Kyle Williamson
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1 answer

Can a non sysdba compile dbms_session?

I am trying to use sys.dbms_session.set_context in one of my stored procedures, but I am getting the following error: ORA-01031: insufficient privileges My issue is that I cannot use it in my stored procedure, however...I am getting the same error…
2 answers

Execute sql statement as sys as sysdba

I have a sql statement executed in a script which connects to sqlplus and execute some GRANTS statements. In the bash script the instruction is something like: sqlplus sys as sysdba @script.sql but I need to add the password. How can I do in a…
Ernest Poldrige
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1 answer

Firebird/Interbase - create new user/view without SYSDBA

I'm developing app that need data from Firebird DB. Guy that create this DB forgot SYSDBA password and I need create new user or just view. Other apps that communicate with DB have also unknown users. But I can connect to the DB server so I see DB…
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