Questions tagged [sybase]

Sybase, a subsidiary of SAP, produces a variety of data management products. For their flagship RDBMS, Adaptive Server Enterprise, please use [sybase-ase]. For Adaptive Server Anywhere versions 6-9, use [sybase-asa]. For ASA v10 and above, use [sqlanywhere]. For the columnar data warehouse IQ, please use [sap-iq]

Sybase, now a subsidiary of SAP, was the first company to put a client/server relational database on the market.

Early versions of Microsoft SQL Server were based on Adaptive Server Enterprise, Sybase's flagship RDBMS.

Other popular Sybase products include:

  • IQ for data warehouse and big data applications
  • Adaptive Server Anywhere (ASA), an RDBMS for mobile and lightweight deployments
  • Sybase Unwired Platform (SUP) for developing mobile, data driven applications
  • Afaria for enterprise mobile device management
  • Replication Server for database replication

SAP has fully integrated the Sybase products into it's current offerings, and has dropped the Sybase name on all new product releases.

3158 questions
1 answer

How to list all the user tables in SQL Anywhere along with their rowcount?

I'd like to list all available tables in my DB, and be able to sort and filter by row count.
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7 answers

How to list all the user tables in Sybase along with their row count?

I would like to return all the tables and its count next to it. what is the quickest way to go about it? I know in Oracle, you can do something like below, but not sure about Sybase: declare n number; begin for rec in (select object_name from…
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4 answers

PDO To Connect to MSSQL Over MSSQL_* Functions

There is a range of mssql_* Which are not in the depreciation process. They work the same as mysql_* functions; they need to me manually escaped, please find the link to the manual below: MSSQL_*…
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5 answers

Get current time without Date

How do I get the current time only? select getdate() Gives me: Dec 16 2016 5:41PM I want this result: 5:41PM
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3 answers

why spring jdbcTemplate batchUpdate insert row by row

I have 200K rows to be inserted in one single database table. I tried to use jdbcTemplate.batchUpdate in spring in order to do insertion 10,000 per batch. However, this process consumes too much time (7 mins for 200K rows). So on database side, I…
Ensom Hodder
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8 answers

How do you identify the triggers associated with a table in a sybase database?

I am using SQL Advantage and need to know what the SQL is to identify the triggers associated with a table. I don't have the option to use another tool so the good old fashioned SQL solution is the ideal answer.
Bill Rawlinson
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1 answer

Error when connecting to Sybase from VBScript - internal Client Library error

I am writing a VBScript that connects to a Sybase database, reads some data from a table and stores it in variables, then connects to a MS SQL server and inserts data into tables with the variable data that was stored earlier. I'm not sure if this…
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7 answers

How can I "merge", "flatten" or "pivot" results from a query which returns multiple rows into a single result?

I have a simple query over a table, which returns results like the following: id id_type id_ref 2702 5 31 2702 16 14 2702 17 3 2702 40 1 2703 23 4 2703 23 5 2703 34 6 2704 1 14 And I…
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1 answer

Why does this sybase error go away with any change to the query?

A query I've been using for years has suddenly started throwing a weird error. When I made a cosmetic change to the query (1+x instead of x+1), the error no longer occurs. The stored proc it's complaining about doesn't even exist on the server…
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1 answer

Why SQL Server DATETIME type saves time in ticks of 1/300 of a sec?

SQLServer datetime format is stored as 8 bytes where the first four bytes are number of days since Jan 1, 1900 and the other four bytes are number of ticks since midnight. And the tick is 1/300 of the second. I'm wondering why is that? Where is that…
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3 answers

How to connect to Sybase via PHP

I'm trying to connect to a Sybase database with PHP5. I believe I've successfully compiled PHP with PDO_DBLIB, as phpinfo() lists dblib under PDO drivers, and freetds as the pdo_dblib flavour. However, when I try to test a connection, I get an…
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4 answers

No row returned from db - but there are records to be returned

I am executing the select statement with using jdbc sybase driver (jconn3). I checked the statement with executed manually on isql and all rows returned correctly. The statement which is executing on jdbc : select * from mytable where date between ?…
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1 answer

Setting the Encryption key for the DataBase (Sybase Unwired Platform)

At the moment I am able to set the encryption key for my local database by doing the following: if(![MyDemo_MyDemoDB databaseExists]){ SUPConnectionProfile* cp = [MyDemo_MyDemoDB getConnectionProfile]; …
Rui Peres
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3 answers

How do I look at column metadata in Sybase?

I have a list of columns a co-worker has given to me, but these columns reside in different tables in the DB. Is there some kind of tool in Sybase where I can query the table a column belongs to? (I've tried Google-ing for this kind of tool, but no…
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4 answers

Common Table Expression in Sub-Query

I would request for help in understanding which all RDBMS from Oracle, DB2, Sybase support a common table expression (CTE) in a sub-query. I am aware that PostgreSQL does while MS SQL Server does not. SELECT a.*, b.* FROM (WHERE aa as ( …
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