Questions tagged [sup]

SUP stands for Sybase/SAP Unwired Platform. Use sap-smp tag if using version 3.0 or newer.

SUP - the Sybase Unwired Platform - is a development environment and a runtime platform to assist developers in building applications for mobile devices.

SAP's primary strength is that it provides both online and offline support for mobile applications, using an underlying DB replication system to keep synchronized copies of data on the mobile device.

The software has a developer component (written inside of Eclipse) and a runtime component for either Windows or UNIX systems.

Sybase was acquired by SAP, Inc. in August of 2011, as of version 3.0, the name has changed to SAP Mobile Platform. SAP is now using this software as the base for it's mobile development efforts, and has incorporated support for accessing SAP databases.

There is more information on the Sybase/SAP web site, and additional developer resources can be found on the SAP Community Network.

112 questions
4 answers

Undefined symbols for architecture i386: "_deflate", referenced from PlatCompress(enumCompressOperation, CompressCookie*, void*, long) in libMo.a

I'm doing native iOS application using SUP.As per documentation; i have included the library and given the link path in Xcode. While building getting following error: Undefined symbols for architecture i386: "_deflate", referenced from: …
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relative font-size of or and their descendants in IE

Trying the "Eric Meyer Reset" I stumbled across an issue concerning the font-size:100% declaration to reset the font size of all suitable elements. font-size:100% means the elements should inherit font-size property of their parent, but this is not…
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1 answer

xcode ios project taking long time to compile and run?

My application is taking very long time around 10 minutes to compile and run on simulator. The application was running fine initially however after adding SUP static library it is taking very long time to build. xcode version:4.6 I have tried…
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1 answer

Setting the Encryption key for the DataBase (Sybase Unwired Platform)

At the moment I am able to set the encryption key for my local database by doing the following: if(![MyDemo_MyDemoDB databaseExists]){ SUPConnectionProfile* cp = [MyDemo_MyDemoDB getConnectionProfile]; …
Rui Peres
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3 answers

The type android.content.Context cannot be resolved. It is indirectly referenced from required .class files

I got solution(it worked for someone) for my problem: Error with Autogenerated file - Android Actually I do not have idea how to do this in Sybase unwired platform/eclipse: "Fix project properties". Right click project-->android…
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1 answer

Ruby install of fastthread-1.0.7 and Sup

When trying to install Sup via MacPorts I get :- >---> Computing dependencies for sup >---> Dependencies to be installed: rb-fastthread rb-ferret rb-gettext rb-locale rb-highline rb-lockfile >rb-mime-types rb-ncurses-ruby rb-net-ssh rb-rake…
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1 answer

Display 'rd' in superscript in html option tag

I want to show 3rd in my options tag, but the problem is 'rd' is not shown in super script. eg, doesn't render 'rd' in super script and further more there is no Unicode available to represent 'r'…
1 answer

Sybase control center iphone simulator registration failure

I have created an application in sybase envioronment for iOS application and I deployed the same in Mac OS. I registered a new device in Sybase Control Center device users, and the same configuration I have given to my iPhone simulator in Mac Sybase…
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2 answers

mobilize SAP using SUP

I am a iOS developer. i am planning to do some sap back ended applications for iOS. when i start Google on this i came to know that sybase has released sybase unwired platform(SUP) to mobilize the SAP. I have few questions to explore regarding…
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2 answers

Check if unique object exists in NSArray

I have an NSMutableArray where objects can be added to. The objects added are SUPDataValue objects containing a bunch of SUP data. In an other view, I take this object array and divide it into an NSMutableArray containing an NSMutableArray for every…
Paul Peelen
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0 answers

Unable to use intersect in SUP iOS Object API application

We are having problems using the SUPQuery function intersect in our SUP Object API project. The two queries are executing fine by them self. They are even working using the union/unionAll functions. But when trying to intersect the both, an…
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1 answer

Lib import issue: Where is located SUPApplication.h and SUPConnectionProperties.h?

I'm developing an application to use with SAP's SUP platform. While importing the generated code, I'm facing a problem. The code says that can't find the SUPApplication.h and SUPConnectionProperties.h' import. I've followed all the official Sybase's…
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0 answers

Generate HeaderCode From GeneratedCode in Xcode

We have gone through the sybase online tutuorial for SUP2.0. In that Sybase Unwired Platform 2.0 > Developer Guide for iOS > Development Task Flows > Developing Applications in the Xcode IDE>Generating HeaderDoc from GeneratedCode. Generating…
1 answer

Ordering a query using SUPQuery on iOS

I know there is a way to define the order we want things in a query, but although I know it, I am not able to use it. In my example I have the following: SUPQuery *query=[SUPQuery getInstance]; [query select:@"s.fname, s.lname"]; [query…
Rui Peres
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2 answers

Is it possible to ignore the response from a webserver after a POST command?

I am writing a program in JAVA to POST a large number of XML Documents to a specific web address, in addition to a great deal of other data handling that is slightly unrelated to this question. The only trouble is, I'm expect to handle approximately…
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