Questions tagged [sybase]

Sybase, a subsidiary of SAP, produces a variety of data management products. For their flagship RDBMS, Adaptive Server Enterprise, please use [sybase-ase]. For Adaptive Server Anywhere versions 6-9, use [sybase-asa]. For ASA v10 and above, use [sqlanywhere]. For the columnar data warehouse IQ, please use [sap-iq]

Sybase, now a subsidiary of SAP, was the first company to put a client/server relational database on the market.

Early versions of Microsoft SQL Server were based on Adaptive Server Enterprise, Sybase's flagship RDBMS.

Other popular Sybase products include:

  • IQ for data warehouse and big data applications
  • Adaptive Server Anywhere (ASA), an RDBMS for mobile and lightweight deployments
  • Sybase Unwired Platform (SUP) for developing mobile, data driven applications
  • Afaria for enterprise mobile device management
  • Replication Server for database replication

SAP has fully integrated the Sybase products into it's current offerings, and has dropped the Sybase name on all new product releases.

3158 questions
1 answer

need to form SQL join/subQuery on multiple tables

There are 3 tables - tables --- columns ABC - abc_id, abc_name, active_flag XYZ - xyz_id, xyz_name, active_flag ABC_XYZ - abc_xyz_id, abc_id, xyz_id, active_flag id column in each table is PK I need to form a query which will return output like -…
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In sybase: how to conditionally drop table and deallocate cursor

In postgres I can do: drop table if exists ... But in sybase I have to do: if exists( select 1 from sysobjects where name=... and type='U' ) drop table ... Is this the way to go in sybase? But how do I do this for: deallocate cursor ... ? In…
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Can I use a variable in the FROM clause in Sybase IQ 16?

I hope you can advise. I am trying to select from tables obtained from a table list stored in another table. So for each table listed in the table "table_list_table" an action should occur for example. (We have a standard that we can't use transact…
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Sybase ASE 15.7 SQL recursive query

just wanted to know is recursive search removed from Sybase since version 12? If so, how to handle recursive search incase needed? For example: Table 'sequence' as below item | next_item ------------------ 5 | null 2 | 3 3 | 4 1 | …
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How to set encrypt_password property when connecting to Sybase using Hibernate and JTDS

I am trying to connect Sybase which has set encrypt_password property to true. The JTDS version I am using is newest version I can find in Maven: 1.3.1 released in 2013 Jun. I am getting error:ERROR o.h.e.jdbc.spi.SqlExceptionHelper - Adaptive…
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1 answer

`go`'s in stored procedures in Sybase 16

I have the following stored procedure in Sybase 16, create or replace procedure ... as ... drop table tempdb..koppelingen go declare vre_cursor cursor for ... Then I see: declare cursor must be the only statement in a query batch. If I skip…
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Sybase function Illegal INSERT statement within a scalar SQL function

I know in syabse function return scalar value , is there an alternative way that I can insert in sybase function ? drop function udf_getdate go create function udf_getdate returns datetime as begin insert into ex_employee (id) values(1) return…
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Difference between Sybase and SQL Server distinct convert(char(32), field)

I'm seeing an odd behavior in Sybase when I run a query that has select DISTINCT CONVERT(CHAR(32), field) from mytable in a select query. In Sybase and SQL Server a select query with CONVERT(CHAR(32), field) adds the appropriate trailing padding for…
Sanjiv Jivan
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1 answer

Get Last week date of a date in yyyymmdd in Sybase SQL server

I have a table where a date is stored in the format of : yyyymmdd in Sybase Adapative SQL server. I would like to get the last week date based on the date stored in above table. For example, if date stored is 20200430 -- Output has to be…
0 answers

Use variable as filename for UNLOAD SQL

I try to use a variable in a query to export with UNLOAD to a given filename using sybase. BEGIN declare DBNAME varchar(255); set DBNAME = (select db_name()); UNLOAD SELECT identifiant, identifiant AS id_pat, null AS id_sec, null as…
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0 answers

how to fetch hierarchical in Sybase DB

I am new to Sybase DB and have a basic requirement to fetch some hierarchical data from one of our table as explained below. So in the product table i have two columns objectid and parentid. An objectid can be a parent of one or many objectid again…
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1 answer

Python sybpydb.connect function cannot pass hostname

I have a written a python script which connects to our internal system to pull the data and that data it inserts in to sybase database..first step is to connect to database by passing database name, user and password. i wanted to pass hostname and…
0 answers

OdbcConnection Open working for one user but not the other one SqlAnywhere

My C# progrm works for most users but not for all of them anymore. For some users the ODBC connection won't open. It use to work with those user but it has stopped for some reason. The code is: const string…
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1 answer

How to sort output from SQL statements combined with union

I have statements SELECT a FROM X UNION SELECT b FROM Y UNION SELECT c FROM Z; I want the outbut to be orderd so that first come rows from a, then b and finaly c. I have tried to use GROUP BY and ORDER BY but I keep getting errors and fail to see…
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1 answer

Mysql trigger syntax (IF NOT EXISTS)

We have two tables ( Club, Village ) Club(id, Name, Location, Village) Village(id, name) Professor gave us example like this... CREATE TRIGGER tg_add_club AFTER INSERT ON Club REFERENCING NEW AS uus FOR EACH ROW BEGIN IF (NOT EXISTS ( …
Vlad Paskevits
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