Questions tagged [swrl]

SWRL (Semantic Web Rule Language) is a proposed semantic rule language based on combination of OWL-DL with Rule-ML.

SWRL is the Semantic Web Rule Language, formulated as a combination of OWL and RuleML. SWRL extends the definition of OWL axioms with Horn-like rules, thereby allowing additional inference capabilities, basic mathematical functionality and provide a formal meaning in an ontology. It was submitted to the W3C on 21 May 2004.

Rules take the form of logical implication with a rule antecedent(body) and rule consequent(head), each of which is composed of zero or more "atoms". These rules are read as "If the antecedent holds true then perform the actions in the consequent".

Rules can be expressed in a high level abstract syntax to express the Horn-like rules in OWL-Lite or OWL-DL or in the form of XML based syntax. The XML syntax based on RuleML and the OWL XML Presentation Syntax as well as an RDF concrete syntax based on the OWL RDF/XML exchange syntax.

The Official SWRL reference :
SWRL: A Semantic Web Rule Language Combining OWL and RuleML

Tools to write SWRL rules:
2) Any text editor

Additional References:

146 questions
2 answers

What is the purpose of SWRL rules?

Can anybody explain the purpose of SWRL rules. As far as I have understood, SWRL rules are same as stored procedures in SQL. I have made a few rules, but don't know how to utilize them in my application through query. I don't know whether I am…
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OWL 2 rolification

In description logic, there is a concept called "rolification" (OWL and Rules, Sec 3.2). It converts a concept (class) into a role (property). For example, when we rolify R(x), we get r(x,x). This technique is useful for expressing some rules in…
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How to define very simple own rule in fuseki step by step?

I'm asking your help to understand how to create my own property rules in fuseki. I've read the documentation of Jena and Fuseki about reasoners and rules but I don't understand how to create (step by step) simple rules. And the examples that I've…
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2 answers

Using SWRL with Jena and Pellet

I was unable to find some decent simple code examples of using SWRL and Jena with Pellet, or at least using SWRL? I have studied some examples in Pellet documentation, but there is no example about using SWRL. Most examples on the web are…
Ali Ahmad
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Is it possible to fire Java methods from Jena SWRL Rules

I am working on a Performance analysis on Ontology based Context Management and Process based Context Management. However, in order to create a similar scenario with the PCM case study, I am required to fire Java methods directly from Jena SWRL…
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Pellet doesn't include my SWRL rules

I build an ontology which uses SWRL rules to inference. When I do a SQWRL querying in Protege it works fine. The problem is, when i want to use Pellet with Jena, it seems like Pellet doesn't include the SWRL rules in the querying. I include Pellet…
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1 answer

Collaborative ontology construction and Prolog

What technologies would be appropriate for creating a web page which lets users add facts, edit facts and query this information? I have been building a knowledge base and inference rules in Prolog but would like to make the facts section and the…
2 answers

Dependency issue creating SWRL Rule with SWRL API using gradle

I am trying to add a SWRL rule to my Ontology using SWRLAPI and OWLAPI. I am trying to use OWLAPI's version which is compatible with SWRLAPI. However, I still get errors when creating a rule. It seems to be a problem with the dependency management.…
Bruno Pessanha
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Ontology property definition in Protégé-OWL / SWRL

I need to implement an OWL-ontology in Protégé, which contains a two classes: s1 and s2, both are the instances of System class. These two classes are connected by the connection class s1_s2, which contains property omega. This property has to take…
Mike B.
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1 answer

SWRL rules in protege 3.4.8

I created an ontology that contains the class Blood_Sugar this class contains 4 subclasses: Normal_BS, High_BS, Low_BS and Dangerous_BS. I would like to execute a SWRL rule on Protege 3.4.8 which permit to classify individuals of the supere class…
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3 answers

SWRL tab in Protege 4

The protege SWRL tab is not available in Protege 4 versions, I have tried both protege 4.1 and protege 4.2. The axiome plugin mentioned to edit the SWRL rules in protege has been said to work only in protege 3 versions. Can anyone tell me plugins…
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1 answer

Reasoning with Pellet on SWRL rules in Jena Framework

I am trying to use Jena framework to edit an existing ontology built with Protoge 4.2. i.e. to change property values or add individuals or classes and then do reasoning. Assume in the ontology we have a rule such that:…
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1 answer

SWRL rule using OR statements

I'm trying to figure out a way of implementing a SWRL rule that would need to make use of an OR type statement. Here is the scenario: The ontology has a class "MachineTool" which has an object property of "hasProcess" and a number of classes of…
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The SWRL rule doesn't apply on my ontology

I'm writing a diploma thesis about how does weather affect on people's health (meteoropathy). The ontology is shown in the picture in this link: So, a wrote a simple SWRL…
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SWRL rules comparing individuals from two (2) classes

I have a simple ontology with different classes, which courses and lessons are classes. I'm trying to run a SWRL rule that associates a property belongsTo to individuals of the lessons. I'm using OWLReady2 and Python with onto: #courses …
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