Questions tagged [swrl]

SWRL (Semantic Web Rule Language) is a proposed semantic rule language based on combination of OWL-DL with Rule-ML.

SWRL is the Semantic Web Rule Language, formulated as a combination of OWL and RuleML. SWRL extends the definition of OWL axioms with Horn-like rules, thereby allowing additional inference capabilities, basic mathematical functionality and provide a formal meaning in an ontology. It was submitted to the W3C on 21 May 2004.

Rules take the form of logical implication with a rule antecedent(body) and rule consequent(head), each of which is composed of zero or more "atoms". These rules are read as "If the antecedent holds true then perform the actions in the consequent".

Rules can be expressed in a high level abstract syntax to express the Horn-like rules in OWL-Lite or OWL-DL or in the form of XML based syntax. The XML syntax based on RuleML and the OWL XML Presentation Syntax as well as an RDF concrete syntax based on the OWL RDF/XML exchange syntax.

The Official SWRL reference :
SWRL: A Semantic Web Rule Language Combining OWL and RuleML

Tools to write SWRL rules:
2) Any text editor

Additional References:

146 questions
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How to define rule for sum data values in Protege?

If I want to sum the cases of European countries in individual Europe is it possible to make it with SWRL rule in Protege
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Does Marklogic Triple store support SWRL in Ontology?

I would like to understand that if I load an ontology with SWRL rules in it does Marklogic understand it right away or do we need to activate something to be able to get inferred knowledge (SPARQL) according to the rule?
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Is OWL2 + SWRL math built ins decidable?

I know that reasoning doesn't work in general when combining SWRL and OWL2 because the combination is not decidable. However, it is decidable when only certain things/rules are used. So assuming I only want to use the SWRL math built-ins, is…
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OWL2, SWRL: Query if item is in range of another item?

My problem is that if i want to check if an instance is in range, i use the following rule: Rule1: Error(?d), TimeRelatedError(?c), TimeRelatedError_start_at(?c, ?s), error_at(?d, ?b), greaterThan(?b, ?s) -> is_after_TimeRelatedError_start(?d,…
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How to input SWRL-rule with negation in SWRLtab in Protege 5?

Here I have found that it should be possible to write a SWRL-rule like this: Person(?p) ^ (hasCar = 0)(?p) -> CarlessPerson(?p) But when I have tried to input this example in SWRLtab in Protege I got an error: Unexpected character '=' I tried to…
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swrl rule not returning inferred properties

I need help figuring out why my SWRL rules in Protege are not inferring any property. For instance, I have a rule to calculate the door area for a wall as: Door(?d) ^ hasHeight(?d, ?h) ^ hasWidth(?d, ?w) ^ swrlb:multiply(?da, ?h, ?w) ->…
1 answer

Protege Export inferences does not work with rules

I noticed in Protégé 5 that all the inferences obtained by SWRL rules cannot be exported by using the "export inferred axioms as ontology" tool (with all the options enabled). For example, consider the following ontology:…
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Checking property equivalence in OWL ontology through SWRL or SQWRL

I have properties P1, P2 and P3. P1 is equivalent to intersection of P2 and P3. How do I write a rule that takes P1 and finds intersection of P2 and P3 as equivalent property. I know SWRL works only on A-Box Individuals. Any hack here? Or am I…
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Is there any chances to put in a class the results obtained from an SQWRL query?

I need to add, in an empty class, individuals obtained from an sqwrl query. This is possible with an swrl rule but I can't do that with sqwrl. Is there any chances to put in a class the results obtained from an SQWRL query? For example in this image…
Giuseppe Puglisi
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Is there a way to calculate duration using xsd:dateTime in SWRL that pellet can reason with?

I'm trying to find a way to calculate the duration of an interval when given two xsd:dateTime values. Unfortunately, it seems that Pellet seems to only support 5 of the swrl builtins and none of the subtracting rules I've had luck with. i.e.…
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owl swrl rules for fact consistency checking if and only if

Is it possible to use swrl rules for fact consistency checking? if we have: parent(?x,?y) ∧ brother(?y,?z) ⇒ uncle(?x,?z) new facts are generated from this. But instead what I have is a set of facts (some consistent others are not). :p1 parent…
Koenig Lear
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Protege SWRL rule creator says " Unexpected character ''' "; class name has a space in it

In the SWRL Tab in Protege I am trying to write a rule, but I can only do so with classes that don't have spaces in them. For example, I have a class called "equipment" in my ontology, so I can do this with no errors: equipment(?x) I also have a…
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How do I get a Negative Object Property Assertion inferred?

I am working in an ontology, and I have the following swrl rule: User(?u) ^ Project(?p) ^ isRelatedTo(?u, ?p) ^ isMemberOf(?u, ?p) -> verifiedAssociation(?u, ?p) And I would like to know when a Negative Object Property Assertion happens (when…
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Inference engines in Neo4j

I would like to know if there is a way to use inference engines (like Drools) in Neo4j like we can in Protege (using plugins like SWRL and JessTab). I couldn't find much information regarding this on the web. Any leads will be appreciated.
0 answers

Backward Chaining in Protege 5

I was wondering if there is a way to implement backward chaining in Protege(5) using any plugin. The likes of Jesstab and Algernon are not compatible with Protege anymore and I cannot find any other plugin which is. Any leads will be much…
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