Questions tagged [supplementary]

Supplementary code-points are Unicode code-points ≥ 0x10000.

The unicode glossary defines a supplementary code-point:

A Unicode code point between U+10000 and U+10FFFF.

Supplementary code-points are a source of subtle bugs in many programs because many languages define "char" as a 16b UTF-16 code-unit. Supplementary code-points do not fit in a single UTF-16 code-unit, so instead have two be encoded as two surrogates.

23 questions
13 answers

How to make Supplementary View float in UICollectionView as Section Headers do in UITableView plain style

I'm struggling to achieve a "floating section header" effect with UICollectionView. Something that's been easy enough in UITableView (default behavior for UITableViewStylePlain) seems impossible in UICollectionView without lots of hard work. Am I…
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2 answers

How to enter non-BMP unicode (hexadecimal with more than 4 characters) as input to Mathematica

Problem description: Mathematica use "\:nnnn" as the syntax for unicode input. E.g., if we enter "\:6c34", we get "水" ("water" in Chinese). But what if one wants to enter "\:1f618" (face throwing a kiss). When I tried this, I got "ὡ8", not "a…
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1 answer

Java 7, regexes and supplementary unicode characters

The string in question has a supplementary unicode character "\ud84c\udfb4". According to javadoc, regex matching should be done at code point level not character level. However, the split code below treats low surrogate (\udfb4) as non word…
4 answers

SQL Query Where Column = '' returning Emoji characters and

Ok so I have a table with three columns: Id, Key, Value I would like to delete all rows where Value is empty (''). Therefore I wrote the query to select before I delete which was: Select * from [Imaging.ImageTag] where [Value] = '' all pretty…
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4 answers

Do I need supplementary plane?

I think the question is pretty simple, do I need all the rest of the stuff in Unicode after the basic plane? What kind of stuff is included and is that really needed? (and for what purposes?) Thanks.
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2 answers

UICollectionView Floating Headers on Top and Side

How do you implement headers in a UICollectionView? I know you can put in supplementary views, but I don't know how to make them "float" above a section like headers in a UITableView do. Here's my situation: I have a collectionView with the cells…
12 answers

Supplementary development tools for Java

What are your favorite supplementary tools for Java development? Mine are: 1) Total Commander (due to the ability to search inside JARs). 2) JAD + Jadclipse (to understand and debug libraries) And of-course, Google. (can't really live without it)
Shimi Bandiel
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1 answer

supplemental codepoints to unicode string in python

unichr(0x10000) fails with a ValueError when cpython is compiled without --enable-unicode=ucs4. Is there a language builtin or core library function that converts an arbitrary unicode scalar value or code-point to a unicode string that works…
Mike Samuel
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0 answers

How to replace all non-supplementary chars, but leave all supplementary as is?

I have a problem with Java Regex applied on supplementary chars String x = new StringBuilder().appendCodePoint(0x10001).toString(); // x == "" (char['\uD800', '\uDC01']) - ok String y = x.replaceAll("[\\x{10000}-\\x{10010}]", "*"); // y == "*"…
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2 answers

Are supplementary characters allowed in XML names?

According to the specification the characters [#x10000-#xEFFFF] are legal in XML names. However, the W3 validator says that this XML is not well-formed: <>value (the name of the attribute is a Unicode character #x10400).…
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1 answer

Ruby string escape for supplementary plane Unicode characters

I know that I can escape a basic Unicode character in Ruby with the \uNNNN escape sequence. For example, for a smiling face U+263A (☺) I can use the string literal "\u2603". How do I escape Unicode characters greater than U+FFFF that fall outside…
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2 answers

Animating a UICollectionView supplementary view resize

I am using the CSStickyHeaderFlowLayout from and as part of my app I have in the header view/cell a button that sends to the collection view that it needs to grow. in turn the collection view…
2 answers

Java reading in character streams with supplementary unicode characters

I'm having trouble reading in supplementary unicode characters using Java. I have a file that potentially contains characters in the supplementary set (anything greater than \uFFFF). When I setup my InputStreamReader to read the file using UTF-8 I…
1 answer

Update CollectionView supplementaryView header when off screen

I have a view similar to Instagram's main stories feed. I have a horizontal collection view at the top where I have a supplementaryView header cell that looks the same but acts differently to the rest of the cells. I am trying to update the objects…
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0 answers

Map supplementary Unicode characters to BMP (if possible)

I ran into the issue that my XML parser (VTD-XML) doesn't seem to be able to handle Unicode Supplementary characters (please correct if I'm already wrong here). It seems, the parser only uses the lower 16 bit of such characters. I cannot switch to…
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