Questions tagged [sugarcrm]

Questions concerning customization and development within the customer relationship management software "Sugar" by SugarCRM Inc. In order to receive more useful answers quicker, it's strongly recommended to specify the edition and version of the Sugar instance(s) in question, as there are significant differences between the different releases and derivatives.

SugarCRM is a software company based in Cupertino, California. It produces the web application Sugar, a customer relationship management (CRM) system.

SugarCRM's functionality includes sales-force automation, marketing campaigns, customer support, collaboration, Mobile CRM, Social CRM, and reporting.

The company operates a number of websites, including its commercial website and Sugar Exchange (for third-party extensions), and user forums. As of 2017, SugarCRM reported two million users.

In February 2014, in a blog post that provoked a strong reaction from the development community, SugarCRM announced that they would no longer be releasing new open-source versions of their Community Edition application; from now on this would be a bug-fix-only application.


Useful resources:


SugarCRM Documentation

SugarCRM Community Edition Documentation

Help Forums

SugarCRM Community

1720 questions
0 answers

Logic Hook: Cycling through an array in SugarCRM

We're using SugarCRM to process leads that come in for clients, but would like to cycle through the clients so that the leads are distributed evenly. I suspect it will be just cycling through an array for each new lead that comes in, so I wanted to…
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Add logic hooks to on demand sugar crm professional

Ok so i just purchased a new sugarcrm professional instance on sugarcrm and I would like to add some custom logic to my leads. I would like to add them to an external service (mailchimp) through their api. ive seen that I have to create some custom…
Rodrigo Zurek
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Sugar CRM CE 6.5 Contacts form. How to modify the E-mail field validation

I think recently some global changes have been going on to the e-mail addressing protocols. Now we have a new set of characters allowed in email addresses. For example in Spain we have character 'ñ' and this is now allowed in email address, for…
Jack Casas
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modify save button action in sugarcrm

I have just created a custom module from Person class. My issue is When I click on Create New Link at the right corner, the data entry page appear. After I fill up data and click Save I want to save the data to database and make some fields blank…
1 answer

Sugar scheduler job won't run

Hi I've got a scheduler in my custom/Extension/modules/Schedulers/Ext/ScheduledTasks folder with a file name that's the same as my function name (fetch_account_pricing_info_from_recurly) /* make the scheduler visable in the job creator…
Ben Fischer
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2 answers

Date field do not display dropdown in popup of SugarCRM

Hy Guys! I am facing a problem regarding datetime field display in Popup. If i add a datetime field to Advanced Search of ProspectLists it get displayed as shown below and works perfectly: in the custom modules ProspectLists searchdefs…
Sheikh Rahat Ali
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1 answer

Adding custom jQuery validation in SugarCRM editview

I am trying to add custom jQuery script in either header or footer of Accounts edit view, searched everywhere in Google but can't find an hook that prints scripts in header or footer. My goal is to add custom validation for my custom fields, but as…
Tahir Yasin
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1 answer

How to delete InsideView from sugarcrm?

I tried to delete InsideView from sugarcrm, but I do not know where to find the templete which includes them, It seems that InsideView was created by javascript. could any one tell me how to delete InsideView from sugarcrm?
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SugarCRM quick create leads - link to access it

I changed the quick create Lead layout as required in studio. But I don't know how to access the quick create form. I can access the lead create. But not the quick create one. Can any one help me on where to find the link to access Quick create…
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1 answer

SugarCRM Mass removal of custom fields

I have a few hundred custom fields to delete in an older version of SugarCRM. Is very labor intensive to delete through web interface... Can this be done directly by deleting files in the instalation (vardefs, anything else?) This is similar to…
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2 answers

Hide a field in layout from Studio SugarCRM

I want to hide the status field on the Leads Module in the studio. I've tried using the following code: $dictionary["Lead"]["fields"]["status"] = array( "studio" => "hidden", ); but the field is still visible on the Editview, Detailview, and…
1 answer

SOAP 4 set_relationship not working

After battling for getting more than 20 entries with get_entry_list, i'm now trying to use the SOAP API on SugarCRM 6.5 to set a relationship between two elements, created from a form on the user-land website. The set_relationship method is…
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SugarCRM: how to create an action accessible to public?

I have create a new action (sync) for one of the sugarCRM modules (Contacts). When I'm logged in, the action is accessible via this link (My localhost): http://localhost/sugar/index.php?module=Contacts&action=sync But this action is not visible to…
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2 answers

SugarCRM: How to retrieve complex SQL statements with sugar internal functions?

In order to retrieve a contact, having a cell phone number of 09362724853, I use following code: $newSMS_contact = new Contact; $newSMS_contact->retrieve_by_string_fields(array('phone_mobile'=>'09362724853')); How about retrieving a contact having…
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2 answers

In SugarCRM API, how do I get a user's timezone info?

Using SugarCRM's REST API, I can't seem to find where to get a user's timezone info. Tried get_entry ('Users', 'id'), but it only listed: [u'employee_status', u'last_name', u'picture', u'created_by_name', u'show_on_employee s', u'team_id',…
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