Questions tagged [steambot]

SteamBot is an open-source C# library for creating bots for Steam (Valve's gaming platform).

SteamBot was original developed for use on and released on Github for others to extend and use.

It is used to interact with Valve's gaming platform, Steam. It's biggest usage has been to develop automated trading bots for TF2, DOTA2 and the items those games contain. I can also be modified to handle Steam Trading cards and games.

In addition to the source code and bug reporting tool being available on GitHub, the Steambot developers and users utilize /r/Steambot to discuss bugs, enhancements and support new users.

83 questions
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how to get Steam Inventory API or a way to get all steam items list ? how some sites have it?

i have been looking for a way to make a SteamBot, to Trade my Steam Inventory Gifts for Keys or such. the problem lies at the Steam Inventory .... since as far as i learned , it don't have an official API yet , so i can't just do it like dota 2 and…
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How to get steam items names?

I am trying to find the name of the item on steam. This is what i get currently from json array [appid] => 730 [contextid] => 2 [assetid] => 4981322842 [classid] => 311848115 [instanceid] => 188530139 How can I "convert" this to the item name or…
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item_type in steam community market

This question is similar to the question here. But I do not want to use the link wikia page in it because it is not updated. I would like to create such a page that I can update on a regular basis automatically getting data from steam servers. There…
1 answer

Steam trade-offer-manager get items info shorten

I'm trying to build a new project. It's going to be a tradebot for a website, now to store my received items into my database i whould like some info send with each item (being the name , asseid , tradeid,...). The following code…
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GEt Steam or CSGO backpack/inventory using steam API

Is this possible to get Steam(753) or CsGo(730) full backpack/inventory using steam API? I found an API where I get the full backpack/inventory of Dota2(570) TF2(440) Here is the API : URL :…
Sayan Mukherjee
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How do I Multithread to readline in c# without pausing or interrupting the program?

I have a program going in a loop, and would wish to allow for real time human interaction without breaking or pausing the program. I would like to be able to have it use the input as a command for the program running already. Basically, if I…
1 answer

Synchronize device time for TOTP function

Do you know how I can synchronize my server's time so that TOTP generates right codes at the right time for my steam bot? Currently using node-steam-totp. Thanks.
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2 answers

Undefined result in console

I am getting "deposited over undefined" result for current_game with this synthax when running node.js: if(offer.items_to_receive == undefined) return; mysqlConnection.query('SELECT `value` FROM `info` WHERE `name`=\'maxitems\'',…
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1 answer

Steamkit2 Message to specific user

Once someone adds the bot in friendlist, the bot is accepting the request and send a message to the new "friend", I want it to send a message to my steamID as well, but for some reason it isn't working it does accept and send message to the new…
2 answers

How to build a .sln file using mdtool on OS X

I'm trying to compile a .sln file within /SteamBot-master/SteamBot.sln. After research I found out that I can only use mdtool within the mdtool directory within Xamarin Studio. So what I enter into the Terminal is the…
Johannes Christ
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0 answers

SteamBot get Item Quality

I am trying to list items with SteamBot using there genericInventory class and I can list out all the items and the names of the items but not the quality or float of the item. TradeManager tm = new TradeManager(Bot.ApiKey, Bot.SteamWeb); Trade t =…
Jogh Noe
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How to run nuget on Mac osx

I'm trying to open a Windows compiled c# solution in monodevelop on my Mac os x mountain lion, and the solution has nuget packages in it. When I try to compile I get the following…
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Getting an item's AssetID using the name or Instance ID?

I'm using Node-Steam and I want to get an item's AssetID with the item's name or Instance ID. For example, I would want my bot to return a list of AssetID's of the keys in my inventory when I used the "Mann Co. Supply Crate Key".
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1 answer

How can I force the bot to both wait for a specific event and continue to poll for events at the same time?

I am using the SteamBot application. I have a command that is supposed to act when a specific event occurs. In this particular case, I, as the administrator, issue the command and the bot waits for a trade request and then continue on with my…
1 answer

How steamkit work?

Currently, i want to implement a trading system for steam games (with python). So, i searched github, but sadly, there are only Yeah, they works good. But they are C# --…
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