Questions tagged [spring-cloud-gcp]

Ask questions about the Spring Cloud GCP project.

Integrations between Google Cloud Platform APIs and Spring.

The Spring Cloud GCP project makes the Spring Framework a first-class citizen of Google Cloud Platform (GCP).

Spring Cloud GCP lets you leverage the power and simplicity of the Spring Framework to:

  • Publish and subscribe to Google Cloud Pub/Sub topics

  • Configure Spring JDBC with a few properties to use Google Cloud SQL

  • Map objects, relationships, and collections with Spring Data Cloud Spanner and Spring Data Cloud Datastore

  • Write and read from Spring Resources backed up by Google Cloud Storage

  • Exchange messages with Spring Integration using Google Cloud Pub/Sub on the background

  • Trace the execution of your app with Spring Cloud Sleuth and Google Stackdriver Trace

  • Configure your app with Spring Cloud Config, backed up by the Google Runtime Configuration API

  • Consume and produce Google Cloud Storage data via Spring Integration GCS Channel Adapters

  • Use Spring Security via Google Cloud IAP

  • Analyze your images for text, objects, and other content with Google Cloud Vision

80 questions
3 answers

What's the difference between Google Cloud Spanner and Cloud SQL?

I am novice in GCP stack so I am so confused about amount GCP technologies for storing data: Although google cloud spanner is not mentioned in the article above I know that it is exist and iti is used for…
2 answers

Message is received from Google Pub/Sub subscription again and again after acknowledge[Heisenbug]

I would like to notice that the scenarion I will describe happen rare enough and in most cases everything works as expected. I have 1 topic and 1 subscription on Pub/Sub side. My java application listens for subscription, does some processing and…
2 answers

How to subscribe to multiple Google PubSub Projects in Spring GCP?

I want to subscribe to multiple Google Cloud PubSub projects in a Spring Boot application. After reading the related questions in How to wire/configure two pubsub gcp projects in one spring boot application with spring cloud?, How to use Spring…
0 answers

How to listen files from GCS ? is it possible to leverage GcsInboundFileSynchronizer and GcsStreamingMessageSource in multi-node applications?

I am reading spring cloud gcp storage documentation and there written that I can listen for a new files using GcsInboundFileSynchronizer or GcsStreamingMessageSource just configuring spring bean like this: @Bean @InboundChannelAdapter(channel =…
1 answer

How to fetch GCP billing by instance name? (Not by type) and is there any association between resource and billing sku id?

Can I see GCP billing by instance name? (Not by type) I am trying to filter GCP billing by instance name, is it possible? I only succeeded to filter by GCP Compute Engine and instance type (n1-standard) etc... I am trying to programmatically match…
1 answer

How to fetch documents from subcollection in firestore using spring data

How to fetch documents from subcollection using spring FirestoreReactiveRepository? Ask is: how subcollection name or path can be given dynamically to @Document annotation? My firestore collection: (cities is first level collection and apartments is…
2 answers

Unable to connect Spring boot Mysql to GCP cloud

I created SQL instance in GCP cloud account and it is working fine if i run in local. But it is throwing error after deploying Spring app to GCP. Error: org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanCreationException: Error creating bean with name…
1 answer

What is the recomended way to connect spring boot application and google Cloud SQL?

When I read google documentation I see that the recommended way is using cloud sql proxy: To connect securely to Cloud SQL from Google Kubernetes Engine using a public IP address, you must use the Cloud SQL Proxy. From other side when I read…
1 answer

Application accepts duplicated messages from google Pub/Sub even after acknowledge

I experience very strange floating bug() when I test application in GCP environment. I can't find out concrete steps to reproduce but it really happens from time to time. I see that message was successfully acknowledged: 2019-12-06 12:37:47.348 …
2 answers

GCP and Spring logback. Severity is always info

When logging errors to stackdriver, every message is logged as INFO, even when using log.error or log.warn, etc., but the payload is correct. I'd like to be able to filter by severity and get email on error. I'm using Spring Boot and Logback. The…
1 answer

Structured Stackdriver logs - adding MDC to logs

Added MDC to logs to be able track specific error logs in Stackdriver Dashboard and Logging Console. Current implementation is working fine on local machine but on cloud it is not - just don't include my MDC to log entry. The problem is that I…
1 answer

How to connect spring gcp PubSubTemplate to local instance?

i'm using spring boot starter spring-cloud-gcp-starter-pubsub and PubSubTemplate. it works perfectly with actual GCP but now i want to use it for my tests with local Google PubSub emulator. how can i provide my custom url, port and no credentials?…
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Disable Spring Cloud Sleuth when running Integration Tests?

When using and running my integration tests locally I get this error message: org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanCreationException: Error creating bean with name…
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EntityManager Bean creation exception only with ShadowJar, java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Not a parameterized type. With Apache Beam libraries

I am getting the following error on entityManager bean creation, only when I am running a shadowJar. bootJar or bootRun doesn't give any exception; it works fine. I need to create a shadow…
2 answers

How to connect Camel google-pubsub-component to Pubsub emulator?

I have been trying for hours unsuccessfully to get my Spring Boot application's Camel routes (via the Camel component camel-google-pubsub to connect to a local instance of Google Pubsub Emulator. My emulator is running : ❯ gcloud beta emulators…
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