Questions tagged [spring-cloud-gcp]

Ask questions about the Spring Cloud GCP project.

Integrations between Google Cloud Platform APIs and Spring.

The Spring Cloud GCP project makes the Spring Framework a first-class citizen of Google Cloud Platform (GCP).

Spring Cloud GCP lets you leverage the power and simplicity of the Spring Framework to:

  • Publish and subscribe to Google Cloud Pub/Sub topics

  • Configure Spring JDBC with a few properties to use Google Cloud SQL

  • Map objects, relationships, and collections with Spring Data Cloud Spanner and Spring Data Cloud Datastore

  • Write and read from Spring Resources backed up by Google Cloud Storage

  • Exchange messages with Spring Integration using Google Cloud Pub/Sub on the background

  • Trace the execution of your app with Spring Cloud Sleuth and Google Stackdriver Trace

  • Configure your app with Spring Cloud Config, backed up by the Google Runtime Configuration API

  • Consume and produce Google Cloud Storage data via Spring Integration GCS Channel Adapters

  • Use Spring Security via Google Cloud IAP

  • Analyze your images for text, objects, and other content with Google Cloud Vision

80 questions
1 answer

Retry settings for subscriber in pubsub/spring-cloud-gcp-pubsub

I have a spring service subcribing for messages from a topic in the google cloud pubsub (pulling). I have tried to set those configuration in my profile config. like this to manage retries of messages: spring: cloud: gcp: pubsub: …
1 answer

Google Cloud Memory Store (Redis), can't connect to redis when instance is just started

I have a problem to connect to redis when my instance is just started. I use: runtime: java env: flex runtime_config: jdk: openjdk8 i got following exception: Caused by: redis.clients.jedis.exceptions.JedisConnectionException:…
1 answer

Kubernetes Load balancer server connection refused:Default 80 port is working

After deploying a spring microservice ,Load balancer in Kubernetes is not connecting to the mentioned port in Google Cloud Platform. Is there any firewall settings we need to change to connect to the deployed service…
0 answers

Spring Cloud GCP with Java 1.7 - Unsupported major.minor version issue

I am attempting to subscribe to a GCP topic and I have an environment limitation of using Java 1.7 (we can't update to 1.8 for various reasons just yet). Here are the relevant versions that I am using: Spring Boot Version: 1.5.9.RELEASE Spring Cloud…
2 answers

Google Cloud Datastore: query by list of properties

I'm looking for way how to query in datastore by list of properties. So, i have a simple Entity: @Data @Entity(name = APPLICATION_KIND) public class ApplicationEntity { @Id private String Id; private String appId; private String…
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