Questions tagged [splice-machine]

9 questions
1 answer

Splice Machine: TIMESTAMPADD returns value that is 1 hour off 10-15% of the time

Running into a weird bug when executing TIMESTAMPADD queries where the result is not always accurate. Example #1 (incorrect): TIMESTAMPADD(SQL_TSI_SECOND, 1214870399, TIMESTAMP('1970-01-01 00:00:00.000Z')) Returns: 2008-07-01 00:59:59.0 It should…
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2 answers

Use the same operation set row by row on two table subqueries

The problem is as follows. We have two table subqueries (A and B). I need to apply the formula a.Processed / b.Total * 100 row by row and the result to be displayed in a new column “Activity %” I tried the following query: SELECT ( …
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Upsert into Splice Machine

I'm writing a streaming job in Spark to load data into Splice Machine. I've followed the community tutorial using VTI to insert data into Splice, but all the examples perform INSERTs. On the contrary, I should perform UPSERTs of the records. Is…
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How can you connect Splice Machine with a Azure Database

I have a Java application which connects to a database in Azure SQL Server. I have a local machine with a Splice Machine Community Edition. What I want to do is connect my Java Application using the Splice Machine as a bridge to my SQL Server. I've…
1 answer

How to get table size in splice machine?

I am not able to fetch the size of my table in Splice Machine database. This view SYS.SYSTABLESTATISTICS is not returning any value. However i have tables and data in those tables. Select * from SYS.SYSTABLESTATISTICS; I expect the output to be…
1 answer

Splice Machine master installation produces error on HDP 2.6.4

I'm trying to intall Splice Machine Master service 2.7 using Ambari on HDP 2.6.4. All the prerequsites listed in this document are verified and…
0 answers

Splicemachine ERROR 08006 insufficient data

I've just managed to install Splicemachine on Centos and I try to run one of their demos ( But when running the loadsql.sql I have encountered this problem: call…
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2 answers

Installing splice machine on HDP 2.6.5

We tried almost all the guides that we can find online to splice machine as a ambari service. But everytime we run the, it just says there is no server running and unable to connect to port 1527 on localhost. We have a simple HDP sandbox…
Sharath Prakash
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1 answer

Reporting solution/tool to handle 30 billion records for drill down

What would be the best options available to handle 30 billions of records for drill down reporting ? We are using CDH5.8, spark2.2 and planning to use Tableau. Any thoughts how we can design the solution to have prompt data view in reports. Couple…
Arvind Kumar
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