Questions tagged [hdp]

Hortonworks Data Platform (HDP) is a distribution of an open-source Apache Hadoop data platform containing a set of projects on top of the HDFS and YARN as core layer of Hadoop.

Hortonworks Data Platform (HDP) is a distribution of an open-source Apache Hadoop data platform containing a set of projects on top of the HDFS and YARN as core layer of Hadoop.

249 questions
2 answers

What is the difference between yarn and yarn install?

I am trying to install an additional plugin on Apache Zeppelin using Helium. The Installation command using by Helium to download this package is below: com.github.eirslett.maven.plugins.frontend.lib.TaskRunnerException: 'yarn install…
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2 answers

ERROR 1066: Unable to open iterator for alias in Pig, Generic solution

A very common, error message in Apache Pig is: ERROR 1066: Unable to open iterator for alias There are several questions where this error is mentioned, but none of them give a generic approach for dealing with it. Hence this question: What to do…
Dennis Jaheruddin
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1 answer

Python program to connect to HBase via thrift server in Http mode

I am trying to write a simple program to connect to HBase server through thrift which is started in Http mode.(cluster is kerberized ) but I always gets 'read zero bytes error message' I have refered below links but those examples work only if the…
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2 answers

Apache Spark 2.3.1 with Hive metastore 3.1.0

We have upgraded HDP cluster to and have discovered: Hive has a new metastore location Spark can't see Hive databases In fact we see: org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.analysis.NoSuchDatabaseException: Database ... not found Could…
Eugene Lopatkin
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0 answers

HDP3.1.4 - Spark2 with Hive Warehouse Connector error using spark-submit and pyspark shell: KeeperErrorCode = ConnectionLoss

Environment: HDP 3.1.4 - configured and tested Hive server 2 - tested and working Hive server 2 LLAP - tested and working Spark configured as per documentation to use Hive Warehouse Connector (HWC) Apache Zeppelin - spark2 interpreter configured…
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2 answers

Simple example for adding relationships between Atlas entities?

What is the correct way to use the REST API to add a relationship between entities in apache atlas? Looking at the docs for the REST API, I find it difficult to tell what some of the fields mean, which are required or not (and what happens if they…
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2 answers

Installing Presto on a VM cluster and connecting it to HDFS on a different Yarn cluster

we have an HDP 2.6.4 spark cluster with 10 linux worker machines. The cluster runs spark applications over HDFS. The HDFS is installed on all the workers. We wish to install presto that will query the HDFS of the cluster, however due to lack of CPU…
Elad Eldor
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1 answer

Permission Denied on port when starting HDP Sandbox Proxy on Docker (Windows 10)

I am getting the following error when trying to start sandbox-proxy ( on docker. Have tried reinstalling, rebooting, checking existing in use ports using netstat -a -n. Nothing helped. Error response from daemon: driver failed…
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1 answer

hadoop cluster with active standby namenode + gap in the edit log

we have ambari cluster , HDP version 2.6.5 cluster include management of two name-node ( one is active and the secondary is standby ) and 65 datanode machines we have problem with the standby name-node that not started and from the namenode logs we…
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0 answers

ambari on HDP cluster + ambari-metrics-collector service not start

we have some issue with ambari-metrics-collector service , ( we have HDP cluster version - 2.6.4 with 8 nodes ) ambari metrics collector service can’t start or start of few second then failed the details about metrics collector version rpm -qa |…
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1 answer

how to increase open files on kafka cluster

We have 10 kafka machines with kafka version - 1.X this kafka cluster version is part of HDP version - 2.6.5 We noticed that under /var/log/kafka/server.log the following message ERROR Error while accepting connection…
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1 answer

Why do I get "Access restricted" when trying to download HDP?

Is Horton Data Platform (HDP) still free to use? How can I download its distributive? I'm trying to download it from here.
1 answer

unable to upload pdf files of size more than 10MB in Hbase via python happybase - HDP 3

We are using HDP 3. We are trying to insert PDF files in one of the columns of a particular column family in Hbase table. Developing environment is python 3.6 and the hbase connector is happybase 1.1.0. We are unable to upload any PDF file greater…
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1 answer

Name Node is going to Safe mode repeatedly

We are using HDP 3.0 in my project which is in 2 node. For every 20-30 days name node is going to safe mode with below errors. For every time I am manually executing below command to leave safe mode. hdfs dfsadmin -safemode leave below are the logs…
1 answer

Hive 3.1 cannot create external table that copy schema from internal/managed table

we try to make an external hive table which its schema is similar from existing internal/managed table and the data for ecternal will be inserted next step. Below the code to create external table with copy schema of managed table CREATE EXTERNAL…
m hanif f
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