Questions tagged [spatial-interpolation]

Estimating new data points based on existing spatial observations

Spatial interpolation is a method of estimating new data points based on existing spatial interpolation. This tag focusses on spatial interpolation (data with a geographic component), although interpolation in a general also applies to e.g. timeseries.

Commonly, spatial interpolation involves using of the surrounding observations to estimate a new data point. This can be done using some kind of weighted mean (inverse distance weighted interpolation), by fitting a mathematical function through the existing points (splines), or a combination of both (kriging with external drift).

More information regarding which packages can be used to perform interpolation can be found on the Spatial Task View on CRAN, but in general the gstat, automap, Fields, and geoR packages are a good start for a wide range of spatial interpolation methods.

100 questions
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r - How to color map/land areas, given points of 2 categories?

I'm going to create a map of the Papuan/Austronesian language distribution similar to this in R. To do so, I collected the geo-references of languages listed in and in the Austronesian Basic Vocabulary Database, as well as their…
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interpolate data to triangular mesh

There are a lot of questions (and answers) available for people interpolating unstructured data to structured output. solutions to which include mesh grid or bivariate splines. However I'm looking for the inverse. How do I interpolate structured…
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Interpolating discrete data Matlab

I have the data set in relation z=f(x,y) where x and y are coordinate points and z are the values with respect to these points.I need to get the z values between the spaces from x and y values. I have tried by doing the interpolation, and still it…
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Plotting Data Points and Interpolating

I want to plot the data on the map and interpolate it but i do not know how to do it in r. This is what i have done so far. library(ggmap) gc <- geocode("Rakiraki,Fiji") Information from URL :…
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Cubic interpolation for specific points using interp2 in Matlab

Given the following example is there a way to achieve bicubic interpolation without generating an entire finely-spaced grid?: years = [5,10,20,25,40]; service = 1:3; wage = [50 99 787.685 779 795 850 803 779 388 …
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derivatives() function in scipy interpolate shows error

Im trying to interpolate between coordinates of roads to obtain geometric features of a road such as radius of curvature of a bend etc. I have used the univariatespline for cubic interpolation from scipy.interpolate module. xtemp being the list of…
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Create stage height raster using least cost path and r

I have a point shapefile of Station IDs and stageheights. I would like to create a raster where each cell has the stage height value (in meters) of the closest in situ station to that cell. I want this raster to match up with another raster. So I…
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Interpolation of 1D array into a 3d in python

I am trying to interpolate a 1d (length 96) vertical profile with depth correlated into a 3d bathymetry (50,599,3). However, I have tried many interpolation methods such as interp1d from scipy and others, no success though. Thus, I come here to ask…
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Python error during interpolation with scipy.interpolate.Rbf. LinAlgError: singular matrix

I have the dataframe dfr from which I am extracting the values I need. x = np.array(dfr.Lon) y = np.array(dfr.Lat) values = np.array(dfr.val) x= array([ 103.9007, 103.8338, 103.8271, 103.7114, 103.9826, 103.8654, 103.9412, 103.828 , …
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interpolated maps in R: how to overlap my data on a map with roads and paths?

Using R, I am trying to obtain an interpolation map in which I am able to see my waypoints and their interpolation (based on their value called N). In the background I wanted to have a black and white map with visible roads and paths. I am sure…
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Cartesian to Spherical coordinate conversion specific case when Φ is zero and θ is indeterminant, Phase unwrapping

Following is the conversion for spherical to cartesian coordinate X = r cosθ sinΦ Y = r sinθ sinΦ Z = rcosΦ we are using the reverse computation to compute spherical coordinate from cartesian coordinate which is defined as r = √(x^2+y^2+z^2 ) θ…
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interpolate missing lat, lon in dataframe with multiple trips per individual

I have the following dataframe (df) and would like to interpolate Lat, Lon coordinates at an equidistant interval (e.g. every 250 m) or time interval (e.g. every 2 min). > head(df) ID Latitude Longitude trip date.time 1 1 10.30447 -109.2323 …
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R: Bad variogram fitting, bad kriging results

I try to do a kriging in the Jakarta Bay. I have a set of measurement points with appropriated coordinates and attributes (pH, salinity,...) In order to do a kriging I first need to find a model for my variogram. When I use the "variogram" function…
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Three-variable interpolation in java similar to matlab interpn() or interp3()

1. Consider six different vectors float[] xRef, yRef, zRef and float[] xTest, yTest, zTest, representing a positions grid. For each set of the Ref and Test vectors a vector dataRef and dataTest exist that hold data for the respective mesh. 2. My…
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Spatial Interpolation of gridded data to county data: MATLAB

I have gridded precipitation information available at 2 degrees monthly. I need to interpolate precipitation data at each month at each grid points into US county scale. The US here I mean mainland US leaving Alaska & Hawaii.
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