Questions tagged [spatial-interpolation]

Estimating new data points based on existing spatial observations

Spatial interpolation is a method of estimating new data points based on existing spatial interpolation. This tag focusses on spatial interpolation (data with a geographic component), although interpolation in a general also applies to e.g. timeseries.

Commonly, spatial interpolation involves using of the surrounding observations to estimate a new data point. This can be done using some kind of weighted mean (inverse distance weighted interpolation), by fitting a mathematical function through the existing points (splines), or a combination of both (kriging with external drift).

More information regarding which packages can be used to perform interpolation can be found on the Spatial Task View on CRAN, but in general the gstat, automap, Fields, and geoR packages are a good start for a wide range of spatial interpolation methods.

100 questions
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Fixed Rank Kriging

I am trying to do cokriging using FRK package. I have three auxiliary variables and one dependent variable. I went through these links enter link description hereand enter link description here but was unable to figure out where am I going wrong. I…
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Problem in IDW interpolation for time series datasets

I am trying to interpolate time series data for a variable at many locations (suppose at 6 points - lat and lon values are available) based on the available data sets (4 points with lat, long and corresponding time series daily values are…
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Topology-aware surface reconstruction from point cloud

in my project I am generating from a stereocamera a point cloud of the filmed scene. I am filming part of an hemispherical surface, so the point cloud I obtain is with some degree of error falling in an hemispherical surface. What I am trying to do…
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Python geospatial interpolation (meteorological data)

My aim is to interpolate meteorological data from neighboring meteorological stations into the point with exact coordinates. In SciPy docs I found information about multidimensional interpolation ( from scipy.interpolate import griddata ). But…
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Why a property is missing in Google Earth Engine when I try to obtain interpolated monthly data?

I have a problem when I use Google Earth Engine and I hope you can help me. I'm getting an error when I try to obtain monthly data for salinity interpolated using Kriging: Property 'salinity_0' is missing. salinity_0 is a band in…
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The problem of interpolation by RBF interpolation in scipy

The picture-1 is a depth(m) datasets, row-0 is slice-1 (29.16, 31.408, 33.656...), row-1 is slice-2 (-7.86, -3.112...). And i used "scipy.interpolation-rbf"(picture-2) to interpolate the slice-1,slice-2...slice-8, however, when i checked one point…
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What is a non rational function and how to choose its degree?

I am trying to approximate a surface from a set of given points in 3D space in sets like [[X1,Y1,Z1],[X2,Y2,Z2],.....] and I found this very nice library called geomdl this approximates the surface quite well. but I am not able to understand its…
1 answer

Polygon boundary interpolation in R

I have a polygon dataframe: With vertice coordinates: 43740.95 40726.46 43741.36 40720.19 43742.67 40729.28 43743.99 40716.16 43745.52 40730.97 43748.72 40714.19 43748.72 40731.14 43748.72 40714.19 43752.23 …
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Gridding irregular scatter data on basemap, trying different resolutions

I am trying to regrid/interpolate within a grid of a certain size, my dataset of irregularly scattered location (lat lon) tied variable values. My data is available as a dataframe with columns marking the value of variable, latitude and longitude,…
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Is there any way to convert broader spatial data into finer spatial data?

I'm working with 2 spatial datasets - one that contains spatial data on a city level and another that contains data at a town level (which is at a finer resolution than the city data). Some of the features Im working with, are only available at a…
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How can I extract (x,y,z) values from an interpolated grid in Python

I am working with scipy.interpolate() and create a map using a methodology similar to the example. So, I need to use the X, Y, Z values from the interpolated surface in another software. How can I export the data that is stored in a grid format as…
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Python Scipy : RBF interpolation gives "wrong" result

This is my data : a b c 732018 2.501 95.094 732018 3.001 91.658 732018 3.501 89.164 732018 3.751 88.471 732018 4.001 88.244 732018 4.251 88.53 732018 4.501 89.8 732018 4.751 90.66 732018 5.001 92.429 732018 5.251 …
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Interpolate NA values for 2d grid in R

I have a dataset with observations and I need to interpolate it over the grid. I used idw function from gstat package. It makes interpolation but leaves some values as NA. I also tried interp funtion from akima, specializing extrap=TRUE, but it…
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how to perform spline interpolation on GPS coordinations?

I have GPS coordinations in a csv file that I predict it using a regression model, just two columns with longitudes and latitudes that represent a race track. Now I want to plot it on Google maps to see how it looks like. When I do that, I noticed…
1 answer

How to interpolate 2D spatial data with kriging in Python?

I have a spatial 2D domain, say [0,1]×[0,1]. In this domain, there are 6 points where some scalar quantity of interest has been observed (e.g., temperature, mechanical stress, fluid density, etc.). How can I predict the quantity of interest at…