Questions tagged [soap]

Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) is a protocol specification for exchanging structured information in the implementation of Web Services.

The SOAP specification defines the messaging framework which consists of:

  • The SOAP processing model defining the rules for processing a SOAP message
  • The SOAP extensibility model defining the concepts of SOAP features and SOAP modules
  • The SOAP underlying protocol binding framework describing the rules for defining a binding to an underlying protocol that can be used for exchanging SOAP messages between SOAP nodes
  • The SOAP message construct defining the structure of a SOAP message

XML was chosen as the standard message format because of its widespread use by major corporations and open source development efforts.

Frequently Asked Questions

People often ask these questions related to SOAP:

26813 questions
6 answers

What is the difference between Document style and RPC style communication?

Can somebody explain to me the differences between Document and RPC style webservices? Apart from JAX-RPC, the next version is JAX-WS, which supports both Document and RPC styles. I also understand document style webservices are meant for…
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6 answers

Best/Most Comprehensive API for Stocks/Financial Data

What is the most recommended free/public API for accessing financial market stats and stock quotes (preferrably real-time quotes)? I'm not too picky about how it's exposed (SOAP, REST, some proprietary XML setup, etc.), as long as it's got some…
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6 answers

In PHP how can you clear a WSDL cache?

In through php_info() where the WSDL cache is held (/tmp), but I don't necessarily know if it is safe to delete all files starting with WSDL. Yes, I should be able to just delete everything from /tmp, but I don't know what else this could effect if…
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10 answers

What's the best way to use SOAP with Ruby?

A client of mine has asked me to integrate a 3rd party API into their Rails app. The only problem is that the API uses SOAP. Ruby has basically dropped SOAP in favor of REST. They provide a Java adapter that apparently works with the Java-Ruby…
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1 answer

Sending SOAP request using Python Requests

Is it possible to use Python's requests library to send a SOAP request?
Deepankar Bajpeyi
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7 answers

How do I get the XML SOAP request of an WCF Web service request?

I'm calling this web service within code and I would like to see the XML, but I can't find a property that exposes it.
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9 answers

Getting Raw XML From SOAPMessage in Java

I've set up a SOAP WebServiceProvider in JAX-WS, but I'm having trouble figuring out how to get the raw XML from a SOAPMessage (or any Node) object. Here's a sample of the code I've got right now, and where I'm trying to grab the…
Dan Lew
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3 answers

What's the difference between XML-RPC and SOAP?

I've never really understand why a web service implementer would choose one over the other. Is XML-RPC generally found in older systems? Any help in understanding this would be greatly appreciated.
Scott Saad
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5 answers

Can a WSDL indicate the SOAP version (1.1 or 1.2) of the web service?

Is it possible to see if a web service uses SOAP 1.1 or 1.2, based on the information in the WSDL?
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1 answer

I am confused about SOAP namespaces

I am learning about SOAP implementation and have become somewhat confused regarding the appropriate namespace URI for a SOAP 1.2 Envelope. The w3c specification for SOAP refers to the "" namespace. However,…
Jon Trauntvein
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3 answers

Do SOAP Web services support only "POST" http method

I faced this question on one of interviews, so could you please tell whether SOAP Web services support only "POST" http method or there is some way to accept other methods on the server side?
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3 answers

How do I enable --enable-soap in php on linux?

That's much the question. I have PHP 5.2.9 on Apache and I cannot upgrade PHP. Is there a way for me to enable SOAP in PHP 5.2.9? The PHP manual did not help at all when it said, "To enable SOAP support, configure PHP with --enable-soap ." How do I…
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6 answers

SOAP client in .NET - references or examples?

Background: I am creating a webservices site which will provide many types of simple services over SOAP and possibly other protocols too. The goal is to make it easy to do for example conversions, RSS parsing, spam checks and many other types of…
Emil Vikström
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2 answers

What is the difference between SOAP 1.1, SOAP 1.2, HTTP GET & HTTP POST methods for Android?

I am working on a code for SOAP Web services, I would like to know the variations in SOAP 1.1, SOAP 1.2, HTTP GET & HTTP POST methods for Android, and which is the preferred one among them. Please site out a sample of its usage URL or its…
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3 answers

What SOAP libraries exist for Python 3.x?

I searched the web for an existing and supported SOAP library for Python 3. (both client and server) Here the list of libraries I've found: Python 2: Zeep: active and well documented in Python 2.7/3 SOAPy: discontinued Python 2 project ZSI:…
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