Questions tagged [snmp]

Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) is an Internet-standard protocol for managing devices on IP networks and consists of operations for data retrieval, modification and notification. SNMP generally operates over UDP.

Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) is an Internet-standard protocol for managing devices on IP networks.

SNMP is defined by a series of IETF Requests for Comment (RFCs). There are three versions of the protocol: SNMPv1, SNMPv2, and SNMPv3. RFC 3584 is the "Best Current Practice" for handling coexistence of the three protocol versions, and provides a view of interoperability issues between the versions as well as a list of references to the various RFCs that define the different versions.

Before posting a question about SNMP, ensure that it is on-topic for this site. Examples of of activities that might generate on-topic questions are:

  • writing a program using Net-SNMP's C API
  • writing a shell script to use or parse output from SNMP tools
  • writing a MIB

Other questions, especially those related to running an SNMP server or agent, may be more suited for ServerFault, which is dedicated to questions about server and network infrastructure.

Usually organizations will obtain a Private Enterprise Number (PEN) used to reference their devices that use SNMP similarly to a domain name Pen Application. This is then added to a registry of all PENs each organization making sub IDs called OIDs with Management Information Base (MIB) configuration files to take care of the sub ID definitions. These MIB files should be provided by each organization for any of their devices that use SNMP.

2229 questions
2 answers

How can I properly respond with a null value to an SNMP (2c) GetRequest?

I am developing an SNMP (2c) agent for a sensor product. I'm just learning about SNMP and MIB formats and struggling to represent a particular value that could be unknown. For example, I've defined a temperature OBJECT-TYPE as an Integer32 but…
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Sharpsnmp API difference for SNMPv2 and SNMPv3

I am going to use shrarpsnmp library for develop Manager for SNMPv2 devices. I don understand that kind of API I should use. For example I want call snmp get request to device. Exist two ways to do that: 1) GetRequestMessage request = new…
0 answers

Translation of SNMP traps dosen't work in check_mk

I'm working on processing SNMP traps from CISCO devices by check_mk 1.2.8p20 version. The configuration is in progress and I've have already untranslated traps in Event Console. Here ( is simple instruction…
1 answer

How to obtain the actual SNMPGet-able OID from the MIB file using Net-SNMP?

I noticed that in some cases, the actual OID has an extra .0 or .1 or .2 added to the MIB Name, however, this doesn't happen all the time. Using the very common SysName example. Net-SNMP's SNMPTranslate and MIB browsers will show the OID of…
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1 answer

Timeout in SNMP GET

I tested the following code of a SNMP GET command with Python using pysnmp g = getCmd( SnmpEngine(), CommunityData( 'escom' ), UdpTransportTarget( ( 'localhost', 161 ) ), ContextData(), ObjectType(…
Adrián Juárez
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1 answer

Trailing numbers and dots in an OID not defined in a MIB

I am trying to get deeper into SNMP in order to correctly use its function. I have a task to monitor Wireless Access Point (WAP) status. the APs are controlled by a controller that knows the status of the APs and it is where I use SNMP to pull the…
Difan Zhao
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1 answer

How to walk OIDs in SNMP

I am writing an application to monitor SNMP devices in our network. There are a poop ton of OIDs that I can and cannot ask data for on these devices. How do I determine what I can and what I cannot ask for data from these? First, what are all the…
Rabbit Guy
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1 answer

Which data structure can store OIDs

I like to store SNMP OIDs in a data structure which allows me to search in it. A binary tree or linked list is not correct? The data structure must support one parent node with many child nodes.
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PySNMP returning different values on different machines

A script I developed on my laptop runs fine there, but on a remote server it isn't returning what I'd expect. My server has this output: Python 2.7.5 (default, Jun 17 2014, 18:11:42) [GCC 4.8.2 20140120 (Red Hat 4.8.2-16)] on linux2 Type "help",…
Dan Walker
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1 answer

How to send a SNMP-Packet via UDP

The idea of my socket is receiving and sending SNMP-packets - GetRequest/GetResponse. However, the socket already receive SNMP-packets ... unsigned char buf[8192]; ... for (;;) { // Receive snmp message from snmp manager recv_len =…
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1 answer

perl snmp get_bulk_request function returning data for all indexes while added index in oid , snmpwalk on terminal giving correct index data not all

$UsRx = ''; my %table; # Hash to store the results my $res = $session->get_bulk_request( -varbindlist => [ $UsRx ], -callback => [ \&get_callback, \%table ], …
Anil Singh
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2 answers

snmp v3 traps not working when configuring same user with different authentication type

I am using Linux based snmp (net-snmp) in my Linux device. To receive snmp trap on Linux host machine, I have configured snmptrapd in /etc/snmp/snmptrapd.conf file as below (After stopping snmpd daemon) createUser user MD5 "password123" DES…
0 answers

The SNMP of Weblogic 10.3 bind to localhost

I am monitoring the Weblogic by SNMP in two servers. All the servers are solaris. One of the Weblogic is V12.1.1, another is V10.3.3. The SNMP in V12.1.1 is fine, but not work in V10.3.3. When I use the ip address as the argument of snmpwalk for…
0 answers

snmptrap command examples in linux with rfc2578 mib

Could you guys please give me examples for snmptrap command for linux with IpAddress, TimeTicks, Counter32 , Counter64. I know I have to download rfc2578 mib, could you guys tell me what should i give the file name as because when I execute the…
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1 answer

Check username of print job on network printer

I am using SNMPSharpNet to receive traps from a network printer to check what kind of job it is (i.e. print, copy, scan, etc.). I would like to be able to get the username of the person who sent each print job to the network printer, but this is…
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