Questions tagged [silverstripe]

Silverstripe is a free and open source PHP web development framework and Content Management System (CMS) based on the eponymous Silverstripe Framework.

Silverstripe CMS is a free and open source PHP web development framework, primarily developed and maintained by the New Zealand based company of the same name (Silverstripe Ltd.).

Silverstripe CMS is notable for being the first open source web application to become Microsoft Certified and for winning a number of awards for CMS usability.

Silverstripe CMS is built on the Silverstripe Framework (previously called Sapphire), an object-oriented PHP framework designed to let users focus on their data and business logic. The framework enables developers to easily extend the CMS.

Development Resources

The following lists contain development resources for Silverstripe programmers.


Resources sponsored or hosted by Silverstripe Ltd.:

The book "SilverStripe: The Complete Guide to CMS Development" is also available from


The follow requirements are listed on the server requirements documentation page:


  • PHP 5.3.3+ (incl. PHP 7)
  • The following modules: dom, gd2, fileinfo, hash, iconv, mbstring, mysqli (or other database driver), session, simplexml, tokenizer, xml
  • Relevant database module (mysql, pgsql, sqlsrv, etc)
  • 48 MB memory (minimum)
  • php-intl extension (Silverstripe 4 only)


  • MySQL 5.0+ (built in support)
  • PostgreSQL 8.3+ (with a module)
  • SQLite 3+ (with a module)
  • SQL Server 2008 (with a module)

HTTP Server

  • Apache 2.0+ with mod_rewrite and "AllowOverride All" set (preferred)
  • IIS 7+ with URL Rewrite Module
  • Lighttpd and Nginx possible but require knowledge for how to configure them
2238 questions
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Silverstripe detect language and redirect on home

On my clients site using silverstripe 3 I'm trying to establish a homepage redirect based on users language. This is my first time working with this cms so I got the information to change in the mysite\code\pages folder a file called StartPage.php…
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How can I redirect a subdirectory to the root directory in an apache webserver?

My website can be accessed from or, but I want the first form redirect to the second form. In essence, how do i redirect all pages of a site of the first form to a url of the second…
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SilverStripe Sapphire Functional testing on POST request is always returning 404 status

I am working on a SilverStripe project. I am trying to write functional tests for my application following this documentation, I am testing a POST request. But it is…
Wai Yan Hein
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1 answer

SilverStripe PHP overriding $Layout variable

Hey... how can I override $Layout variable. I would like to add some logic so if a user is logged in it shows content X if not content Y. I tried defining Layout function inside Page.php but it does not work. Thx.
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2 answers

silverstripe PHP facebook

I would like to implement a Facebook logic into my PHP SilverStripe site. If a user is logged-in I would like to show some text otherwise I would like to show the FB login button. How should I do this? I tried something:
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Silverstripe error with Subsites module: field called 'CopyToSubsiteID' appears twice

I have installed Silverstripe and Subsites module for multiple domains. Also I've configured such Subsites: Main Site International Latvian Main site have all the content and International and Latvian have Subsite Virtual pages to Main site. Also…
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Write permissions for assets folder

My site is served by the user 'sites' and the files are owned by user 'deploy' The assets folder and contents is set to 775. When I try to upload a new asset via the web /admin interface in silverstripe, I get an error (empty file upload result). If…
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HAML for PHP SilverStripe

Is there any chance to use HAML with SilverStripe framework? I found PHamlP but don't know how to implement it to the framework. Thx for your tips...
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Silverstripe - Fresh installation no install page

I installed Silverstripe via Composer, just as described in the Silverstripe lessons. It worked fine and the page is accessible by localhost. I'm using XAMPP (newest version) with Apache and MySQL running. Plugin php-intl is also enabled. However,…
0 answers

Custom image class rendering method

I wish to change img tag inside some Page template element to another tag. It's necessary to use parallax effect for each image on page (without specific class or created in CMS). Because Images cannot be styled, I decided to replace img tag with…
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1 answer

Mmenu does not open menu unless I refresh the page

I am building a webpage in silverstripe and I am attempting to use Mmenu.js to add a mobile menu. For some reason, if I click the menu opener, the menu will not work until I refresh the page. The url gets updated immediately, but nothing else…
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Silverstripe 3 filter ArrayList

How can we filter an ArrayList in Silverstripe 3? where getVideosfromCategories() returns a merged ArrayList I need something Like: $this->getVideosfromCategories()->filter('ID:LessThan', $id)->sort(array('ID' => 'DESC'))->first() these Filters…
Sepp Hofer
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SilverStripe SQLSelect where clause or where or where in

I am working on a SilverStripe project. In my project, I need to write the manual/ custom query. I am trying to figure out a where to set "or where" "where in" in my query. This is my current code $sqlQuery = new SQLSelect(); …
Wai Yan Hein
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1 answer

SilverStripe 3 UserForms - Emails not sending or being received. How to trouble shoot

I'm using UserForms 4.6 with SilverStripe 3.7.2. Everything works except for the email actually sending and coming into the mail inbox. The form goes to the success page and the form data is saved in the CMS submissions just no email. I've made sure…
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2 answers

stripe testing working fine on localhost but not working on server , its not dedecting testing amount from card

I have been trying to integrate strip payment gateway system. Everything working perfectly fine on localhost. But when i uploaded to the server it does not work.