Questions tagged [silverstripe]

Silverstripe is a free and open source PHP web development framework and Content Management System (CMS) based on the eponymous Silverstripe Framework.

Silverstripe CMS is a free and open source PHP web development framework, primarily developed and maintained by the New Zealand based company of the same name (Silverstripe Ltd.).

Silverstripe CMS is notable for being the first open source web application to become Microsoft Certified and for winning a number of awards for CMS usability.

Silverstripe CMS is built on the Silverstripe Framework (previously called Sapphire), an object-oriented PHP framework designed to let users focus on their data and business logic. The framework enables developers to easily extend the CMS.

Development Resources

The following lists contain development resources for Silverstripe programmers.


Resources sponsored or hosted by Silverstripe Ltd.:

The book "SilverStripe: The Complete Guide to CMS Development" is also available from


The follow requirements are listed on the server requirements documentation page:


  • PHP 5.3.3+ (incl. PHP 7)
  • The following modules: dom, gd2, fileinfo, hash, iconv, mbstring, mysqli (or other database driver), session, simplexml, tokenizer, xml
  • Relevant database module (mysql, pgsql, sqlsrv, etc)
  • 48 MB memory (minimum)
  • php-intl extension (Silverstripe 4 only)


  • MySQL 5.0+ (built in support)
  • PostgreSQL 8.3+ (with a module)
  • SQLite 3+ (with a module)
  • SQL Server 2008 (with a module)

HTTP Server

  • Apache 2.0+ with mod_rewrite and "AllowOverride All" set (preferred)
  • IIS 7+ with URL Rewrite Module
  • Lighttpd and Nginx possible but require knowledge for how to configure them
2238 questions
1 answer

Setting a title for the sort column with $summary_fields

I want to set a column title for the sort column (in $summary_fields) for a GridField. I can't seem to do something like: static $summary_fields = array('Reorder' => 'Sort'); Although I can use the $summary_fields method to change the order of the…
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1 answer

Set two fields using map

In SilverStripe I want to return two fields when I use map in a DropdownField. I have a data object Teacher with fields firstname and lastname. So in my DropdownField I want to merge these two fields and pass them to map(). My current code looks…
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2 answers

How to use a different protocol with $AbsoluteLink in Silverstripe

In the Silverstripe templating syntax $AbsoluteLink returns the full URL of a page/object, including the protocol and host: I want to be able to call a full URL with a different protocol:…
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2 answers

How to get second to last item in loop

Silverstripe has helpers for getting the first and last items in a loop as well as the position / count of the current item in the loop. Though I can't find how to capture when it's the second to last item... I've tried trivial things (that'd…
  • 392
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3 answers

Silverstripe Multiple Userforms on one page

I am trying to create a single page that will display multiple userforms in a tabbed view. For example basic contact form, request a quote form etc. I thought I could make a new page type and loop through the children to display the forms, but the…
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3 answers

Silverstripe 3.2 re-usable blocks

I have created a new page type that needs something to break up the content. I have created a strapline block that i would like to use in 3 places on the page, however i want to create only 1 version of the strapline block and drive that content by…
Andrew MacNaughton
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2 answers

Silverstripe - setting up a local copy of an existing site

I am new to silverstripe and webhosting and I think I do not understand what the workflow is. The situation is a as follows: There is this website which uses silverstripe. It is already installed and some content was added. However, I…
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3 answers

Update a field after Linking / Unlinking Many-Many records in SilverStripe

I have created a Customer DataObject by extending Member. Customer has a many_many data relation with a Package DataObject. I would like increment/decrement a Credits field in the Customer DataObject when a Package is linked / unlinked through the…
thomas paulson
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1 answer

Silverstripe merge GroupedLists

I'm trying to return a single GroupedList which holds information from both pages and dataobjects. Is there an easy way to merge the two lists together? public function getGroupedContent() { $dataobjects =…
Chris Turner
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1 answer

Why does this code so negatively affect my server's performance?

I have a Silverstripe site that deals with very big data. I made an API that returns a very large dump, and I call that API at the front-end by ajax get. When ajax calling the API, it will take 10 mins for data to return (very long json data and…
Phuong Le
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1 answer

Unset session in SilverStripe

I am building a pretty simple online shop in SilverStripe. I am writing a function to remove an item from the cart (order in my case). My setup: My endpoint is returning JSON to the view for use in ajax. public function remove() { // Get…
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1 answer

Silverstripe Images Has Many

I'm quite new to Silverstripe and have been playing around with the CMS. At the moment I'm stuck... I'm trying to add a $has_many relationship between a DataObject and Images. I'm finding the documentation on doing something like this quite vague? I…
Tiaan Swart
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3 answers

How to display many_many objects in page template in Silverstripe

Our site has an object called "TrailNotice" which has a many_many relationship with the page type "TrailSection". class TrailNotice extends DataObject { private static $many_many = array( 'TrailSections' => 'TrailSection' ); This allows a…
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2 answers

Adding a button to the CMS in SilverStripe

How do I add a button to the backend of the CMS that fires an action? I can display the button where I want using: public function getCMSFields() { $fields = parent::getCMSFields(); $fields->addFieldsToTab("Root.ButtonTest", array( …
Chris Turner
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2 answers

silverstripe - adding styles to 'styles' drop down menu on editor

from the question above, I thought it would be relatively easy but i can not find any documentation on on how to add styles to the 'styles' drop down menu. can anyone push me in the right direction?
Phil Jackson
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