Questions tagged [silentpush]

Use this tag for Silent push notifications to mobile

Background update notifications improve the user experience by giving you a way to wake up your app periodically so that it can refresh its data in the background.


Famous Q&A: What is Silent Push Notification? When does the device receive it?

46 questions
5 answers

Firebase silent apns notification

Is there a way to send a silent APNS using google's firebase? It seems that if the app is in the background it will always show a notification to the user. Thanks?
2 answers

iOS11 swift silent push (background fetch, didReceiveRemoteNotification) is not working anymore

I was hoping that the iOS11 release will fix the silent push issue, which was in the latest betas and GM version of iOS. Currently I'm struggling to understand, why I don't receive any silent push messages, which should actually wake up my app to…
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1 answer

Silent Push Notification not getting processed in iOS 11.2.6

I am trying to implement Silent Push Notification in my app for periodically i.e. once in a day upload data to server. But on iOS 11.2.6 it's consistently failing to call the delegate method -(void) application:(UIApplication *)application…
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Why my app in iOS 13 awake in background by silent push when terminated by user

I don't know if it is a bug or feature by Apple. In the documentation: system does not automatically launch your app if the user has force-quit it. In that situation, the user must relaunch your app or restart the device before the system attempts…
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How does WhatsApp handle silent push notifications on iOS when app was killed by user?

From what I've learned, silent push notifications do not call application:didReceiveRemoteNotification:fetchCompletionHandler: when the user killed the app via multitasking UI. But when looking at WhatsApps behavior, I do not understand how they…
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VoIP, PushKit and app wake up

I'm developing a VoIP app using PushKit and CallKit. I'm aware that similar questions have been asked quite often on different forums but unfortunately have never really been answered. Also most of these posts are from around 2015 so i assume…
Gert Andreas
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How to install app silently on Android devices?

So, I found this answer here by #CommonsWare about allowing an app to install apps silently to the phone like Google Play does. There, it is mentioned that the app should be either signed with the firmware-signing certificate or so, or add the app…
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5 answers

Do silent notifications require asking the user for notification permissions?

I want to send silent notifications to my tvOS application. Does this require asking the user for notification permissions? Or is it enough to just register for remote notifications and enable the matching app capabilities in…
1 answer

SpringBoard[48] : High Priority Push: [Bundle ID] - BAR Disabled

Problem Sending silent notifications for release app version shows next log: SpringBoard[48] : High Priority Push: [Bundle ID] - BAR Disabled Any idea? BAR Disabled?? Looks like when "BAR Disabled" log appears, the method…
0 answers

Silent push in kiosk mode

I have a supervised device with few apps installed on it. I change the device into Kiosk mode to run the Web browser App. Now when the device is in the kiosk mode I push a silent notification to another app on the device using following payload: { …
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ionic silent pushes broken in ios11? blank notifications displayed even though content-available = 1

I seem to have run into a regression in iOS11. I have an app that receives silent push notifications (push notifications with "content-available": 1) every hour in order to refresh itself. It has been working for years now with no problems. However,…
3 answers

How do you get the push token to use without registering for remotes silent notifications?

Reading from WWDC 2015 Session 720 it says: Silent notifications are enabled by default. The user does not need to give permission to your app to use them. You can start using them without asking the user for permission My question is: How do…
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How handle silent pushnotification when application is on InActive mode? In Objective C

Yes there are also similar questions available in stack, So far, I didn't found any proper concurrent answer from those questions. How can i download any data or call web-api, When i receive silent push notifications ? My Code is as below.. -…
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2 answers

Receiving only the last background silent push notification from GCM

I'm developing an Ionic 2 app wich receives push notifications. It must receive silent background notifications, meaning the notifications don't get visible in system notification area. Instead, when the app is open, the notifications are sent to…
0 answers

iOS silent notification cases

For silent push notification I have implemented this method : - (void)application:(UIApplication *)application didReceiveRemoteNotification:(NSDictionary *)userInfo fetchCompletionHandler:(void (^)(UIBackgroundFetchResult result))handler { …
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